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Blue Jays 2024

Toronto Passions

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I don’t know everything about the overall blunders and fuck ups of Ross Atkins, but the thing that comes to mind that really bothered me along with the handling of extending Teoscar Hernandez, was his handling of Edwin Encarnacion… and letting him walk at 33 years old after his big 2016 homerun against the Orioles in the wildcard. And he let him walk in favour of signing Kendrick Morales. That bothered me and I just remembered how much. Never mind the botched handling of extending Hernandez.

Simply, Ross Atkins is not a general manager. He’s a number crunching player development geek with absolutely no understanding of team chemistry and momentum. I’m sick and tired of watching this guy with his head up his own ass obsessing about left-handed right handed left-handed right handed hitters….. and just focus on plain old protection in the order, and team chemistry. Little League logic. This number cruncher thinks signing a bunch of randoms to one year deals is going to get these guys gelling like a team and performing. It takes players time to adjust. Time to build chemistry. Baseball is such a game of momentum…. And Ross Atkins has destroyed that more than once.

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Jul 3, 2020
@mitchell76: Not trying to win a championship is not the same as trying to lose. Trying to win NOW often means sacrificing the future for the present. Trying to lose means sacrificing the present, for future benefits.

The third option is to aspire to be in the middle of the pack. Teams which use this strategy usually have a record at or close to .500, year after year. The only things which go up are costs and prices.
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Toronto Passions

Trusted Since 2001!
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Would’ve been cool if we extended Encarnacion, and kind of let Teoscar Hernandez replace Bautista as Bautista got a little older…. Imagine that scenario. Would’ve been sweet. Geez for someone that was in charge of Latin player development with Cleveland… Ross has really screwed up Latin talent in Toronto and extending them. Completely screwing with chemistry. In particular Dominican Blue Jay chemistry which in my opinion is extremely important. It’s also important to the history of this franchise. That Dominican flavour is so beautiful with the Blue Jays.

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Jul 3, 2020
@Toronto Passions: Team chemistry is most important in basketball. ALL of the great hardwood teams had a core group of stars who had played together for years, some veteran role players who served a specific purpose, and the odd new face who filled the role of a departed player.

I used to have the WGN Chicago superstation as part of my cable bundle in the mid 1990's, and I was able to see many of the games from the Chicago Bulls' second threepeat. One of my favorite Bulls from that period was Jud Buechler. Jud holds the NBA record for most 'googles' - that's a game played with no points, assists, rebounds, steals or blocks. Jud played the same nine or ten minutes of every game: The last three of the first and third quarters, and 3-4 minutes at the beginning of the second and fourth, while Scottie Pippen had a blow. Jud's jobs were to hinder the opponent's shooting guard, to make passes to teammates, and to slow the game down as much as possible, so that the nine or ten minutes of game time that Pippen didn't play was equivalent to 25 minutes of actual rest, when the break between quarters was factored in. Jud would take fouls just to stop the game clock. A fresh Scottie would check back in when his opposite number was starting to get tired. Someone from the end of the bench would play the last nine minutes, whenever it was garbage time.

Buechler's 1995-96 - 1997-98 stats:


The only one which stands out is the blue highlights, (championship rings).
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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Jays had bases loaded, no one out, and wind up getting no runs!! Still 4-0 Tigers after 2 1/2 innings!!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Now 5-0 for Tigers after 3 innings!! Pathetic!!

Now 5-2 Tigers. Biggio just hit a 2 run homer!!

Toronto Passions

Trusted Since 2001!
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
FFFUUUck! Tigers have tied , 11-11

Law of averages, Garcia was due to have a bad game.

Toronto Passions

Trusted Since 2001!
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Bottom of 9th, here comes Romano, he will blow it, Tigers win!
It’s almost laughable when people defend Romano. He’s not a nail shut closer and he’s never been a nail shut closer. His numbers are masked by a number of good outings versus bad ones. 1993 Mitch Williams comes to mind where he was 3 and 7 with 43 saves. Often making things more interesting than they need to be. I think they could shop Romano and retool for next year his numbers on paper are so bullshit we would get a good return.

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