Poilievre Not That Credible Either


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Scandals, scandals, scandals, for starters. A decade of these is enough thank you.
Carbon taxes piled onto an unaffordability crisis.
Out of control immigration compounding a housing crisis
Printing money burying future generations in debt
Failed Dental care plan
...and on and on.

It's time for change. And change is coming.
You should just accept that and give up holding back the wind.

just wait as we get closer and the Pee Pee the devil piss stain is exposed more and more......
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Scandals, scandals, scandals, for starters. A decade of these is enough thank you.
Carbon taxes piled onto an unaffordability crisis.
Out of control immigration compounding a housing crisis
Printing money burying future generations in debt
Failed Dental care plan
...and on and on.

It's time for change. And change is coming.
You should just accept that and give up holding back the wind.
What countries dealt with those issues better, skoob?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Scandals, scandals, scandals, for starters. A decade of these is enough thank you.
Carbon taxes piled onto an unaffordability crisis.
Out of control immigration compounding a housing crisis
Printing money burying future generations in debt
Failed Dental care plan
...and on and on.

It's time for change. And change is coming.
You should just accept that and give up holding back the wind.
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!!

Once again those so called scandals are nothing in comparison to crimes by a POTUS that are ongoing!!
Vacationing at the Aga Khan's island was a "Scandal"..... wow!!
Rest of the BS was only a scandal to the righties!!
Carbon taxes have no impact on the affordability of Canadians. Of course the righties are spreading that falsehood!!
The Housing Market was an issue since the previous Government's tenure. They refused to act on it. At least the present Government are working to address it. Of course the only one bitching about this investment in Provinces and Municipalities is Pee Pee!!
Money does not grow on trees. You have to print those notes. Did previous Governments not print the money........ROTFLMAO!!
What "failed" Dental Plan when it is not yet fully implemented. Why are millions of uninsured Canadians subscribing to it? Why should Pee Pee get it from The Government but not the rest of The Canadians?:rolleyes:
Why are the TSX Stocks still overall booming when the righties were once upon a time predicting it's crash to the extent not seen before?
But scandals were acceptable under Harper:

A Conservative collection of Harper government scandals
Some of the scandals and controversies that Stephen Harper has weathered since his Conservative government took office in 2006.

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022

just wait as we get closer and the Pee Pee the devil piss stain is exposed more and more......
lol why don't you post the more recent nanos poll?

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Step by step the pee pee will be flushed down the toilet



Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!!

Once again those so called scandals are nothing in comparison to crimes by a POTUS that are ongoing!!
Vacationing at the Aga Khan's island was a "Scandal"..... wow!!
Rest of the BS was only a scandal to the righties!!
Carbon taxes have no impact on the affordability of Canadians. Of course the righties are spreading that falsehood!!
The Housing Market was an issue since the previous Government's tenure. They refused to act on it. At least the present Government are working to address it. Of course the only one bitching about this investment in Provinces and Municipalities is Pee Pee!!
Money does not grow on trees. You have to print those notes. Did previous Governments not print the money........ROTFLMAO!!
What "failed" Dental Plan when it is not yet fully implemented. Why are millions of uninsured Canadians subscribing to it? Why should Pee Pee get it from The Government but not the rest of The Canadians?:rolleyes:
Why are the TSX Stocks still overall booming when the righties were once upon a time predicting it's crash to the extent not seen before?
But scandals were acceptable under Harper:

A Conservative collection of Harper government scandals
Some of the scandals and controversies that Stephen Harper has weathered since his Conservative government took office in 2006.

Wow you just can't help yourself with your TDS by having to drop Trump into a Poillievre thread and then going back a decade to Harper (again).
You and Frankfooter should really seek mental health assistance...perhaps get a deal on a 2-for-1 promotion.
While you're at it, try finding a dentist who buys into the "free dental care" plan...good luck with that.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
So a lot of folks don't like Justin Trudeau. PeePee isn't that credible either.

I live in Pee Pee’s riding and have for many years. I cannot think of one single thing he has done in and for the riding…nothing….ever. That is saying something.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
The fact that you address him like that shows your bias...Next.
I have a bias - opinion - because I have watched him do nothing for the riding for 20+ years and, instead, practice an unproductive opportunistic, muck-raking politics. He completely confuses the latter with real work. I form opinions based on what I have observed. What do you do? Yes, I have voted Cons in the past but I will never vote for the guy. Can’t vote for Trudeau either but would consider voting Liberal if they got a new leader.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I have a bias - opinion - because I have watched him do nothing for the riding for 20+ years and, instead, practice an unproductive opportunistic, muck-raking politics. He completely confuses the latter with real work. I have voted Cons in the past but I will never vote for the guy. Can’t vote for Trudeau either.
Federal MPs can't really do much for local constituents. They focus on federal issues and not their immediate ridings. So not sure what you expect them to do for you when it comes to local issues? That's more the job of municipal and/or provincial governments.

What issues in your riding were you looking to improve or solve?

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Scandals, scandals, scandals, for starters. A decade of these is enough thank you.
Carbon taxes piled onto an unaffordability crisis.
Out of control immigration compounding a housing crisis
Printing money burying future generations in debt
Failed Dental care plan
...and on and on.

It's time for change. And change is coming.
You should just accept that and give up holding back the wind.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
By not retracting and admitting wrong it is you that loses credibility...Well what little you had left anyways.

Mr. Poilievre ahead by 18 points and cruising
Why should I retract a link posted with someone else giving the information? I am only the messenger, not the creator. However if you would like to refer to me as God, go ahead.
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