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Stacy Clarke...should be fired...


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
That's nice...but she cheated and should be fired.
Playing the race card after the fact is a desperate tactic to distract from what she did willingly.

We hold police officers to a higher standard.

Should the USA hold President's to a higher standard?

Or do they have absolute immunity?

Or are they only (unfairly) charged and tried for the crimes they are accused of because holding them to the same crimnal and civil standards of every American citizen is a de facto political witch hunt?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
He doesn't. You are implying he does because the officers are black, ergo, criticism of them is saying they are both unqualified and unqualified because they are black.

I am not unsympathetic to her plight and intentions.

However, in the civillian, private sector, this type of conspiring to, and cheating would be just cause for dismissal without severance. Same with academics. Expelled. It's actually one thing that can pierce a professor's tenure.

The major problem the everyman police officer is facing is that of trustworthiness of the police. Sure we say, there are bad apples, not to paint them all as corrupt liars who cheat the system. Even if a well-intentioned cop plants drugs on a KNOWN notorious drug dealer to get him off the street, that is unacceptable. There should be no tolerance for dishonesty or cheating in policing. And that goes especially for leadership.

The very fact that she felt these black officers needed the advantage of knowing the questions and answers suggests that this was a tough test and she herself had doubts of their abilities. Because she picked only black officers, she in fact demonstrated prejudice on the basis of their race.

Oh, and btw, they were only "qualified" to write the test. They "qualified" for their promotion by cheating on a test. So technically, since the test wqas based on a fraud, the tesst is therefore moot. Ergo, if the test was a qualifier for their promotion, they are by definition "unqualified".

Are they otherwise capable, if not exemplary candidates for promotion? Unfortunately, their accomplishment will forever be prejudiced by their cheating. As may any court proceedings they may be called to testify, or otherwise involved in. Like documenting drugs legitimately found on a drug dealer. Or gun found on a murderer.

Is this where you want the police force to go? Is this where 98% of the rank and file want things to go? I will tell yoou with authority that they do not. It kills them to have to cover and lie for the thin blue line.
This is skoob's first post on police affairs and the question of why this issue is the most important to him is relevant.
Why did he ignore DoFo hiring a family friend, his attempt get the police to buy a van, his use of the OPP plane or systematic issues to do with the application of the law? There are lots of issues to discuss so why is this minor disciplinary action towards the first ever black superintentent at the OPP at the top of his list?

Why does a poster with history of anti woke posts pick this subject for a thread?

This was a black superintendent who was working against systematic racism at the OPP. She had been instrumental in starting a campaign to give all applicants the hiring questions but it was cancelled above.

This is a pretty minor issue, an OPP internal hearing followed by a demotion. Its not criminal and not any sign of real corruption, just systematic issues that appear to be very hard to fix.

“I’m suggesting the process is unfair,” Clarke said.

Clarke's lawyer has suggested that some other officers did get a leg up from largely white senior staff, as rumours of others sharing questions were widespread.

Former Mayor John Tory also raised concerns about the low promotion rates for Black officers during a Toronto Police Service board meeting in 2021.

“There may be ways in which we have structured the process of exam and interview that disadvantage some groups,” Tory said at the time.

The tribunal has heard the TPS Board did approve a new process that would supply questions to everyone, but the process was cancelled by the TPS. It’s not clear exactly why; the TPS has said it will not answer questions about why until Clarke’s hearing is over.

“The situation that Stacy Clarke is charged with is an open secret in the community… The questions were shared only among white candidates,” said Kingsley Gilliam of the Black Action Defense Committee outside the hearing. “At the end of the day, the same thing comes down. What they did, is selectively implement what they want and what they don’t want, and the hiring system – they didn’t change it,”
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Yes you did, you complained that Clarke should be fired for giving black cops help, then you stated you think they are unqualified.
Now you're squirming.
Just because you make up your own reality doesn't mean it's actual reality. just because you make up what other people say doesn't mean that's what they said or mean.

You just make shit up and twist things around.

Same old tactics from you and an indication that you really have no argument when you have to change reality to suit your narrative.

You are arguing for the sake of arguing without even reading.

That's why no one really takes you seriously on any topic. No point in arguing with chronic gaslighters.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Am actually just messing around with him man. I know he did not explicitly say it but would Skoob ever post this thread otherwise. Especially give he doesnt really care about crimes. 😅
Ah so you're just trolling. Got it. I'll keep that in mind when you attack me on other topics.

Here's a newsflash for you: despite your leftist nature, anyone can post a thread about any topic. You don't control that. If the topic makes you uncomfortable, don't continue to respond and attack the poster. Don't call then names. Don't bully them. Don't try and discredit them purely by "gut feel" and bias.

Believe it or not, everyone you disagree with is not a racist.

I'm not sure you even live in Toronto, but this story is being highlighted by every media outlet here. Why are you not demonizing them?

Sometimes, officers are corrupt. Sometimes they're black. Everything is not always a race issue. Get over it and focus on the issue without looking for an excuse to let things slide just because of the colour of someone's skin. That's essentially racist.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Should the USA hold President's to a higher standard?

Or do they have absolute immunity?

Or are they only (unfairly) charged and tried for the crimes they are accused of because holding them to the same crimnal and civil standards of every American citizen is a de facto political witch hunt?
Presidents should be held to a higher standard when in office. After that, they are held to the same standard as everyone else.
Anyone running for election should be allowed to run without an obvious campaign to keep them from running by keeping them in court. That should scare anyone who believes in democracy.

It's a slippery slope that can sometimes work for or against you.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
This is skoob's first post on police affairs and the question of why this issue is the most important to him is relevant.
Why did he ignore DoFo hiring a family friend, his attempt get the police to buy a van, his use of the OPP plane or systematic issues to do with the application of the law? There are lots of issues to discuss so why is this minor disciplinary action towards the first ever black superintentent at the OPP at the top of his list?

Why does a poster with history of anti woke posts pick this subject for a thread?

This was a black superintendent who was working against systematic racism at the OPP. She had been instrumental in starting a campaign to give all applicants the hiring questions but it was cancelled above.

This is a pretty minor issue, an OPP internal hearing followed by a demotion. Its not criminal and not any sign of real corruption, just systematic issues that appear to be very hard to fix.

“I’m suggesting the process is unfair,” Clarke said.
Clarke's lawyer has suggested that some other officers did get a leg up from largely white senior staff, as rumours of others sharing questions were widespread.
Former Mayor John Tory also raised concerns about the low promotion rates for Black officers during a Toronto Police Service board meeting in 2021.
“There may be ways in which we have structured the process of exam and interview that disadvantage some groups,” Tory said at the time.
The tribunal has heard the TPS Board did approve a new process that would supply questions to everyone, but the process was cancelled by the TPS. It’s not clear exactly why; the TPS has said it will not answer questions about why until Clarke’s hearing is over.
“The situation that Stacy Clarke is charged with is an open secret in the community… The questions were shared only among white candidates,” said Kingsley Gilliam of the Black Action Defense Committee outside the hearing. “At the end of the day, the same thing comes down. What they did, is selectively implement what they want and what they don’t want, and the hiring system – they didn’t change it,”
Minor issue? So minor that every media outlet made it a top story?

She cheated. She put the public at risk. She should be fired.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just because you make up your own reality doesn't mean it's actual reality. just because you make up what other people say doesn't mean that's what they said or mean.

You just make shit up and twist things around.

Same old tactics from you and an indication that you really have no argument when you have to change reality to suit your narrative.

You are arguing for the sake of arguing without even reading.

That's why no one really takes you seriously on any topic. No point in arguing with chronic gaslighters.
I didn't make this up, skoob.
This was you telling us why you think the black cops Clarke helped shouldn't be promoted.
Are you not concerned about police being dishonest and risking public safety by promoting unqualified people into higher positions?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Unfortunately, my good friend Frank has succumbed to the very prejudice he accuses others of. In another thread about some redneck kook in Peterborough, he just assumed because of who posted the news clip, that it was actually an anti-Palestinian "trope' in disguise.

Same here. Just because you are generally a kook, he and @Kautilya accuse you of racism. I think you are a kook too but I will read your posts for what each one is, and consider your argument for the argument you present.

Not saying that this prejudicial behaviour is not a normal human trait. After all, I despise @nottyboi, @oil&gas and @Addict2sex and take nothing they say seriously nor as any sort of truth. They are propagandists with an agenda. Even if not official. Even if they have been sucked into the world of disinformatzia.

But I try to understand where they are coming from to get a better picture of what is going on in the minds of opposing sides.
Back-handed compliment? Ok I'll take it.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
So people should be fired for cheating the police hiring system, skoob?
ah yes, the predictable deflection distraction tactic right on queue with the inevitable fall-on-face-slide-across-the-floor outcome...

On the evidence, the Commissioner found that Premier Ford did not breach any of the sections of the Act, as alleged.

All done distracting now?

You need mental help my friend. Your obsession is concerning.
Your tactics are failing you.

Getting back on topic and to answer your question...she cheated and should be fired. Don't you agree?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ah yes, the predictable deflection distraction tactic right on queue with the inevitable fall-on-face-slide-across-the-floor outcome...

On the evidence, the Commissioner found that Premier Ford did not breach any of the sections of the Act, as alleged.

All done distracting now?

You need mental help my friend. Your obsession is concerning.
Your tactics are failing you.

Getting back on topic and to answer your question...she cheated and should be fired. Don't you agree?
Did Clarke breach any sections of the act, skoob?
Why is this case offensive to you but DoFo hiring a family friend as chief of the OPP totally fine?

What makes those two examples so black and white to you?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Did Clarke breach any sections of the act, skoob?
Why is this case offensive to you but DoFo hiring a family friend as chief of the OPP totally fine?

What makes those two examples so black and white to you?
Oh I see...your comparison to DoFo failed and now you're pivoting again. Predictable tactic from you when you shit yourself in public.

She was found guilty by the TPS discipline tribunal and she admitted her misconduct. Fairly simple to come to the conclusion that when a high ranking officer breaks the trust of the public and puts them at risk that they should be fired.

ps She should be fired.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oh I see...your comparison to DoFo failed and now you're pivoting again. Predictable tactic from you when you shit yourself in public.

She was found guilty by the TPS discipline tribunal and she admitted her misconduct. Fairly simple to come to the conclusion that when I high ranking officer breaks the trust of the public and puts them at risk that they should be fired.

ps She should be fired.
She should be fired for acting on a policy change that was being planned but was put on hold?
The only reason you think so is because of her skin colour, skoob.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
She should be fired for acting on a policy change that was being planned but was put on hold?
The only reason you think so is because of her skin colour, skoob.
Was the "policy change" that was put on hold the one where you feed answers to candidates of preference? She cheated. She was caught.

Why do leftists always live up to my expectations and play the race card when they have no argument?

She should be fired due to her misconduct. Her skin colour doesn't matter except to those who want to use that as an excuse to give her a pass and distract from her poor decisions and breach of public trust.

ps she should be fired.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I didnt call you a racist. I said I doubt your sincerity behind this post.
You said you were "just messing around with me" when Schlong called you out for incorrect accusations.
So you went on the attack for the sake of it and even went so far as distracting with other threads. Implying that I was racist in my views as a natural reaction to someone who has a different opinion than you.
This is in line with the typical leftist attack tactics of calling someone a racist, or white supremist, etc etc when they have no other argument or don't agree with someone's else opinion.
Your integrity is zero.
Your behaviour is predicatable.
Shame on you.

Next time you want to excuse someone's conduct just based on the colour of their skin you should check your own morals first before criticizing others.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
But these are things I never said. I explicitly clarified that I am not buying what you selling multiple times including in my response to SC, because of your support for a guy accused of rape which is objectively a more serious crime and because of your previously stated vehement disagreements with EDI initiatives. And I still don't buy what you have to say. You wanted to bash EDI initiatives. You should just say that openly. Why beat about the bush?
You are distracting to a completely unrelated topic in a different thread in an effort to minimize the seriousness of this officer's misconduct.
You admitted to Schlong that "you were just messing with me"...your words and admission not mine.

In other words, you attempted to discredit my opinion and started trolling, switching topics, and changing the narrative of this topic to suit your narrative.

You have repeatedly implied that I'm racist despite me not playing any race cards and simply using the confirmed facts of the story that was put forward by many mainstream media sources.

You have zero integrity based on your own actions here.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
She should be fired for acting on a policy change that was being planned but was put on hold?
The only reason you think so is because of her skin colour, skoob.

Aside from the only evidence of racism is your and @Kautilya reading skoobs mind and imputing that he wants her fired only because she is black. I'd muse aloud there is a possibility that the only reason she is NOT being fired is because she is a black woman and guys like you and K in the public would cry racism. Believe me or not, but plenty of cops get dismissed or their rank reduced for insubordination alone.

You seem to be missing the ONE big thing.... SHE PLED GUILTY TO ALL SEVEN OF THE CHARGES !!!!!! This is not some small little issue of fixing a buddy's traffic ticket, or letting off a fellow copper flashing a tin Iternational Driver's License". All of which are firing offenses.

"Supt. Stacy Clarke, who pleaded guilty last year to seven Police Services Act charges including breach of confidence, discreditable conduct and insubordination."

Prosecutor Scott Hutchison called Clarke's conduct "profoundly serious," and asked McElary-Downer to imagine what would have happened if no one had discovered what was going on.

"We would have six new sergeants who had been led to believe that the way you advance in the Toronto police service is to cheat," he said.

Whether she, or anybody, should be fired because of those charges is up to the Tribunal.

The defence has proposed Clarke be demoted to the rank of inspector for a year to 18 months, before being automatically reinstated to the rank of superintendent.

However, the prosecution has called for Clarke to be demoted two ranks to staff sergeant, with the opportunity to reapply to become a superintendent after two years.

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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Yeah some form of demotion is reasonable in my opniion. I however dont agree with firing. I mean there plenty of cops who get away with assaulting civilians, shooting unarmed black men and heck in the case of Umar Zameer, falsely testifying in court and they all stay on in the force. This one comparatively is a minor issue and not as big of an issue as you and skoob are making it out to be.
Yes, the TPS is fucked because the rules are not applied equally. That my friend is a leadership issue that has steadily declined and affects the morale and trust of the police and the citizens.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
I never did any of that. But go ahead you can have the last word as this is now a boring thread and I am not going to derail it further.
One simply has to read your posts to prove your denial is laughable.
But here are a few parting words...

You can scour this board for any of my posts and you will never find anything racist that I have posted. Ever.
However, what you will find is my disdain for public unions. That is no secret.

If someone in a non-unionized environment did what she did, she would be fired.

ps She should be fired.
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