Get your memory checked, skoob.
Why do you think black cops are unqualified?
He doesn't. You are implying he does because the officers are black, ergo, criticism of them is saying they are both unqualified and unqualified because they are black.
I am not unsympathetic to her plight and intentions.
However, in the civillian, private sector, this type of conspiring to, and cheating would be just cause for dismissal without severance. Same with academics. Expelled. It's actually one thing that can pierce a professor's tenure.
The major problem the everyman police officer is facing is that of trustworthiness of the police. Sure we say, there are bad apples, not to paint them all as corrupt liars who cheat the system. Even if a well-intentioned cop plants drugs on a KNOWN notorious drug dealer to get him off the street, that is unacceptable. There should be no tolerance for dishonesty or cheating in policing. And that goes especially for leadership.
The very fact that she felt these black officers
needed the advantage of knowing the questions and answers
suggests that this was a tough test and she herself had doubts of their abilities. Because she picked only black officers, she in fact demonstrated prejudice on the basis of their race.
Oh, and btw, they were only "qualified" to write the test. They "qualified" for their promotion by cheating on a test. So technically, since the test wqas based on a fraud, the tesst is therefore moot. Ergo, if the test was a qualifier for their promotion, they are by definition "unqualified".
Are they otherwise capable, if not exemplary candidates for promotion? Unfortunately, their
accomplishment will forever be prejudiced by their cheating. As may any court proceedings they may be called to testify, or otherwise involved in. Like documenting drugs legitimately found on a drug dealer. Or gun found on a murderer.
Is this where you want the police force to go? Is this where 98% of the rank and file want things to go? I will tell yoou with authority that they do not. It kills them to have to cover and lie for the thin blue line.