Allegra Escorts Collective

Universal Basic Income


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Front end boomers(and the ones just slightly older ever more so) won the monopoly game. Back end boomers had most of the 9 million boomers on their back.
Back end boomers may have enjoyed sheltered childhoods, but slim pickings in the job market in the 1980s.

the monopoly game has not ended

How many new millionaires are made every day?

1,700 New Millionaires

Fact #4: There Are 1,700 New Millionaires Every Day.Nov 24, 2023
ones potential to create wealth is only limited by personal decisions made in life


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
the monopoly game has not ended

ones potential to create wealth is only limited by personal decisions made in life
What you don’t get is that not everyone wants to be bill gates.

Some just want to be teacher, nurse, mecanics,… You know regular jobs that let them raise 2 kids, bring them to soccer games, celebrate their birthdays…

But these people can’t afford it anymore in many cities. So they leave. They go to smaller remote cities.

Then we complain that our big city are plagued by violence and homeless and bad services…

In life every level of society needs equality.
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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
really ??

so shut up and wait for the inheritance trillions , assuming the loony left govts do not tax inheritance by then

and baby boomers have no right to worry about the decay of our society, despite seeing how todays barking mad youth acts

I agree with you that things will hopefully get better once the boomers dies ;)


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
What you don’t get is that not everyone wants to be bill gates.

Some just want to be teacher, nurse, mecanics,… You know regular jobs that let them raise 2 kids, bring them to soccer games, celebrate their birthdays…

But these people can’t afford it anymore in many cities. So they leave. They go to smaller remote cities.

Then we complain that our big city are plagued by violence and homeless and bad services…

In life every level of society needs equality.
Yeah, while there are outliers that can thrive in any enviroment, Statscan provides the information regarding the incomes and the decline in wage equality which for men in particular is large.
There are many reasons for why this occured.
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Active member
Apr 27, 2024
yeah, the old people who paid into the CPP all of their careers should hand that money over to the ungrateful youngsters that they clothed, fed, sheltered and protected for 20 years

here i fixed your web address for you
CPP is not UBI but OAS & GIS is. They also accumulated CPP with a SIGNIFICANTLY lower tax burden, MUCH cheaper housing/income, better tuition, food costs, significantly lower fuel costs, lower rent/income ratio, lower hospital waiting times, a better health care system, less traffic. You name it, everything.
Seniors scarf down almost 2/3 more government benefits compared to those under 45. They also take almost 40% of social spending while being around 15% of the population. They continue to significantly use the health care system, tieing up significant hospital resources while the younger generations are forced to wait hours or days in emergency rooms.
Seniors are the demographic with the lowest poverty rate and the highest wealth while contributing less & less to the tax base.

Here, I fixed it for you.



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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
CPP is not UBI but OAS & GIS is. They also accumulated CPP with a SIGNIFICANTLY lower tax burden, MUCH cheaper housing/income, better tuition, food costs, significantly lower fuel costs, lower rent/income ratio, lower hospital waiting times, a better health care system, less traffic. You name it, everything.
Seniors scarf down almost 2/3 more government benefits compared to those under 45. They also take almost 40% of social spending while being around 15% of the population. They continue to significantly use the health care system, tieing up significant hospital resources while the younger generations are forced to wait hours or days in emergency rooms.
Seniors are the demographic with the lowest poverty rate and the highest wealth while contributing less & less to the tax base.

Here, I fixed it for you.

View attachment 322312

i have never actually observed anyone attack seniors before

seniors have worked their whole life according to the rules as presented to them
pay your taxes all your days and you get OAS , GIS if needed . ..........those are rules
they paid close to half of what they earned in taxes and will likely pay well over another $500,000 in taxes after retiring if they live to 90

the CPP is geared to payout based on what you pay in, so no They did not accumulated CPP with a SIGNIFICANTLY lower tax burden,
if taxes go higher , then they have an increased tax burden on the benefit. that is not advantageous

Seniors scarf down almost 2/3 more government benefits compared to those under 45.
That is what happens when you have an aging population
The boomers are a big cohort, so your fractions (if accurate) will likely increase

They continue to significantly use the health care system, tieing up significant hospital resources while the younger generations are forced to wait hours or days in emergency rooms.
you do understand that as bodies age they require more medical attention
again, as promised to the seniors, pay your taxes and you will have medical care.

if you are frustrated with health care delivery, blame govt, not seniors

what do you recommend ?
ship the seniors to the nearest ice flow ?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
What you don’t get is that not everyone wants to be bill gates.

Some just want to be teacher, nurse, mecanics,… You know regular jobs that let them raise 2 kids, bring them to soccer games, celebrate their birthdays…

But these people can’t afford it anymore in many cities. So they leave. They go to smaller remote cities.

Then we complain that our big city are plagued by violence and homeless and bad services…

In life every level of society needs equality.
What you don’t get is equality is unachievable due to human nature
just look at human history
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
If a UBI is enough to live a basic living on I know many people including myself who would have dropped out upon turning 18, hell why even bother finishing high school [I did most of my leaning at university libraries on my own anyway]
A room, a computer connection, food, a bus pass, pizza once in a while, a collection of D&D books. You don't need much to live well. Hell it's even easier today, your ability to get the vag has utterly nothing to do with being a good earner or having potential as least not when you are youngish.

Every generation, more will drop out, and others seeing that there is no reason to shuck and jive anymore will join them. When my father moved to Newfieland and saw what was going on, also with my mother's relations his reaction was he was a sucker. He still kept at it, because that is how he was raised, but not everyone will an people these days are not raised that way.

It will make that old British trope back in the day of areas where every generation of a household never having a job look like the heights of industry.

A 3 year test where people who are enrolled know that the gravy train will stop and they better be ready for it will give very different results from a situation where the plan is permanent.

It won't happen right away, I mean those with good jobs won't just quit, but there will be smart people who would rather fart around on the computer and jerk off over themselves than grind. Having to go from 0 hours to 40+ hours plus training and student loans for an income half of which will get taxed away [and I've looked at the numbers, there isn't enough money for the rich to pay for it, that is pure lies] is not the same value proposition as pushing harder to double your income while working roughly the same hours.

I don't know how people don't see this. Are they that sheltered, or perhaps they are just not paying attention and lack in empathy.

And this idea that freed from work people will create wondrous works of art and music and culture. Female dog please.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

i have never actually observed anyone attack seniors before

seniors have worked their whole life according to the rules as presented to them
pay your taxes all your days and you get OAS , GIS if needed . ..........those are rules
they paid close to half of what they earned in taxes and will likely pay well over another $500,000 in taxes after retiring if they live to 90

the CPP is geared to payout based on what you pay in, so no They did not accumulated CPP with a SIGNIFICANTLY lower tax burden,
if taxes go higher , then they have an increased tax burden on the benefit. that is not advantageous

That is what happens when you have an aging population
The boomers are a big cohort, so your fractions (if accurate) will likely increase

you do understand that as bodies age they require more medical attention
again, as promised to the seniors, pay your taxes and you will have medical care.

if you are frustrated with health care delivery, blame govt, not seniors

what do you recommend ?
ship the seniors to the nearest ice flow ?
So now you want lots of socialism?
But only for you?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
A 3 year test where people who are enrolled know that the gravy train will stop and they better be ready for it will give very different results from a situation where the plan is permanent.
yeah, an understanding that the gravy train will stop would be a reasonable expectation.

Ontario government facing class action suit for abruptly cancelling basic income program
Around 4,000 former program participants seeking damages of up to $200M
CBC News · Posted: Mar 19, 2024 6:36 PM EDT | Last Updated: March 20


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It helps if you do not have to walk up hills backwards.
millionaires are still made every day and have been made every day for the last couple of hundred years
those folks faced uphill battles

wealth has continually grown throughout human history
the pursuit of profit has created medicines, innovations and tech advances you take for granted,
while also providing you the opportunity to feed, cloth and shelter yourself & your family

ones potential to create wealth is only limited by personal decisions made in life
including the decision to bask in self pity or the decision to go hustle in order to make your & your families lot in life better
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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
To some extent im sure it is close to possible. never perfect equality but that's fine.
North Korea did pretty good in that regard. Not perfect but a lot of people there seem to be pretty equal.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
millionaires are still made every day and have been made every day for the last couple of hundred years
Every boomer with a house is in T.O. is a millionaire now while their kids will never be able to afford one.
And you want those kids to pay for your socialist pension too.
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