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Trudeau's Not Leaving And He's Rigged It So No One Can Force Him Out


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
"Liberal leader not leaving as PM even as he destroys his party and his country.

As the chatter about the need for Justin Trudeau to retire (for the sake of the country) rises to heights heretofore unknown in any political debate in history, many Canadians question why either the Liberal MPs, or the Liberal Party itself, cannot do something.

Primarily, it must be acknowledged that it is far better to be in power, with all its perks, than in opposition, so why call an election before you absolutely have to?

Keep the jets and staff and multitudinous other perks until the very last moment. Wring it dry.

And, even though by every indicator of prosperity and freedom, Canada is performing about as successfully as an aged weightlifter running in the Boston Marathon, it is still a member of the G7, which is meeting in Canada next year. You know that our picture-loving PM would not give up the opportunity for international press for anything, even self-respect.

So he will not leave on his own accord.

And no one would believe for a second that even a handful of MPs would dare demand that the PM resign — they have their pensions to protect — and for most it’s the best job they will ever have.

So what about that once successful institution known as the Liberal Party — which was the most successful political party in the world, success measured by electoral victories, years in power, and by implementing liberal policies which furthered liberty and economic success and government that not only cared, but worked?

It is dead.

Killed by none other than Justin Trudeau.

The Liberal Party was a body that supported the leader, but tempered any excess.

Leaders came and went, but the Party was the constant, and provided the creative tension when all else (like the caucus) failed.

But that is no longer.

It was gelded first by successors to Chretien, who changed the Constitution of the Party to remove the need for a vote on leadership within a year of an election — a little-understood clause that kept Leaders from assuming unbridled power.

Then Justin Trudeau kicked all the sage Liberal Senators out of caucus, and then ignored every wise and seasoned Liberal Party member – “I’ve got this now, and don’t need your advice,” was the mantra emanating time and time again from the PMO.

Even at the height of his power, as he was leading his country to victory, Winston Churchill deferred on occasion to his cabinet when it took a hard stand against his wishes — that is called Parliamentary Democracy.

Justin Trudeau is no Winston Churchill, and we are learning daily that his cabinet ministers are not of the stature of Churchill’s Wartime Cabinet. How about our economic mess? Our immigration mess? Our failed climate policies?

The list of failures is long.

No Cabinet of any stature would tolerate such idiotic decisions.

So Justin Trudeau is in charge, and has fixed things so no one dare, or can, challenge him.

At least Canadians have something left — God Save The King."

Stephen LeDrew is a lawyer, former president of the Liberal Party of Canada and host of the YouTube show the LeDrew Three-Minute Interview .
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
"Liberal leader not leaving as PM even as he destroys his party and his country.

As the chatter about the need for Justin Trudeau to retire (for the sake of the country) rises to heights heretofore unknown in any political debate in history, many Canadians question why either the Liberal MPs, or the Liberal Party itself, cannot do something.

Primarily, it must be acknowledged that it is far better to be in power, with all its perks, than in opposition, so why call an election before you absolutely have to?

Keep the jets and staff and multitudinous other perks until the very last moment. Wring it dry.

And, even though by every indicator of prosperity and freedom, Canada is performing about as successfully as an aged weightlifter running in the Boston Marathon, it is still a member of the G7, which is meeting in Canada next year. You know that our picture-loving PM would not give up the opportunity for international press for anything, even self-respect.

So he will not leave on his own accord.

And no one would believe for a second that even a handful of MPs would dare demand that the PM resign — they have their pensions to protect — and for most it’s the best job they will ever have.

So what about that once successful institution known as the Liberal Party — which was the most successful political party in the world, success measured by electoral victories, years in power, and by implementing liberal policies which furthered liberty and economic success and government that not only cared, but worked?

It is dead.

Killed by none other than Justin Trudeau.

The Liberal Party was a body that supported the leader, but tempered any excess.

Leaders came and went, but the Party was the constant, and provided the creative tension when all else (like the caucus) failed.

But that is no longer.

It was gelded first by successors to Chretien, who changed the Constitution of the Party to remove the need for a vote on leadership within a year of an election — a little-understood clause that kept Leaders from assuming unbridled power.

Then Justin Trudeau kicked all the sage Liberal Senators out of caucus, and then ignored every wise and seasoned Liberal Party member – “I’ve got this now, and don’t need your advice,” was the mantra emanating time and time again from the PMO.

Even at the height of his power, as he was leading his country to victory, Winston Churchill deferred on occasion to his cabinet when it took a hard stand against his wishes — that is called Parliamentary Democracy.

Justin Trudeau is no Winston Churchill, and we are learning daily that his cabinet ministers are not of the stature of Churchill’s Wartime Cabinet. How about our economic mess? Our immigration mess? Our failed climate policies?

The list of failures is long.

No Cabinet of any stature would tolerate such idiotic decisions.

So Justin Trudeau is in charge, and has fixed things so no one dare, or can, challenge him.

At least Canadians have something left — God Save The King."

Stephen LeDrew is a lawyer, former president of the Liberal Party of Canada and host of the YouTube show the LeDrew Three-Minute Interview .
He hasn't rigged anything and this is misleading. The Liberals do not have a mechanism within the party to remove a leader. If he chooses to step down it's on him but who would replace him and do better? Who in the party would change the Liberals' fortunes before the next election?
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
He hasn't rigged anything and this is misleading. The Liberals do not have a mechanism within the party to remove a leader. If he chooses to step down it's on him but who would replace him and do better? Who in the party would change the Liberals' fortunes before the next election?
Usual spin by gameboy!! When Harpo was having his popularity tanking, did he resign or just get spanked at the elections by Trudeau?
Trudeau does not have to step down, as he was voted to have a mandate until 2025.
He managed to get the NDP to support this minority Govt. That is all that really matters.
Le Drew is the Dershowitz of Canada. Dershowitz was highly critical of Trump, but is sucking up to him now, although we know that he is fully aware of Trump's sleazy dealings.
Same Le Drew who was fired for this:

'Immature and unfair': Stephen LeDrew speaks out against bosses who fired him

Yes, the same discredited Tucker Carlson show that was terminated for his fake news that costed the Fox News Network $1.6 Billion.
Now Le Drew gets on a Far Right anti-Trudeau Toronto Sun to post some bullshit, that gameboy only buys!!

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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
He hasn't rigged anything and this is misleading. The Liberals do not have a mechanism within the party to remove a leader. If he chooses to step down it's on him but who would replace him and do better? Who in the party would change the Liberals' fortunes before the next election?
How about Mark Carney. Quite frankly there would be plenty of better options other than keeping with TrueDooh or Freeland. Turn things around completely? Probably too late for that, but one never knows, do better than Truedooh, probably. Short of some economic miracle [which the sitting PM regardless of party would get the credit for even if it had nothing to do with him] or some fortunate war breaking or other disaster breaking out and Truedooh not fucking it up royally.

But yeah the article seems to imply if true that there isn't much demand to turf him anyways. I am sure if they really wanted to ditch him they could, backbenchers could just go indy for example, there goes your working majority. Not that this would happen, it would only take a threat. If it did happen, Justin would look the fool, he would most likely resign if the party whip [do we still have those] took him aside and told him whats what. Look what happened to the Conservitives when Reform broke off, 2 seats. They just need to want it enough. There are always levers if they don't want him around. However Justin has shown himself over and over to be made of Teflon. Short of him being seen at a Justin Beiber concert, his own peeps won't turn on him.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
The liberals are gone next election anyway. Justin will retire, write a book no one will read and seen one social media dating a few celebrity women and fall into historical non existence


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
How about Mark Carney. Quite frankly there would be plenty of better options other than keeping with TrueDooh or Freeland. Turn things around completely? Probably too late for that, but one never knows, do better than Truedooh, probably. Short of some economic miracle [which the sitting PM regardless of party would get the credit for even if it had nothing to do with him] or some fortunate war breaking or other disaster breaking out and Truedooh not fucking it up royally.

But yeah the article seems to imply if true that there isn't much demand to turf him anyways. I am sure if they really wanted to ditch him they could, backbenchers could just go indy for example, there goes your working majority. Not that this would happen, it would only take a threat. If it did happen, Justin would look the fool, he would most likely resign if the party whip [do we still have those] took him aside and told him whats what. Look what happened to the Conservitives when Reform broke off, 2 seats. They just need to want it enough. There are always levers if they don't want him around. However Justin has shown himself over and over to be made of Teflon. Short of him being seen at a Justin Beiber concert, his own peeps won't turn on him.
I don't think Carney has the name recognition with the majority of the electorate to improve the Liberal's chances at this point. I believe that their best and only chance is for Pee Pee to do or say something that opens the eyes of the folks in the mushy middle and unites the Liberals and NDP voters to rush to the poles to keep the piss stain out. Alex Jones backing up PEE PEE and PEE PEE not denouncing Jones is a decent first step but we need more of this kind of crap to come out. Pee Pee is a nasty little fella in need of being served an apple with a big worm in it and yes, he is the real devil not Beiber!!!!
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Their government pension matter more to them than the state of the country.
Why do you think the next election was moved by 1 day?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Pee Pee ..., he is the real devil not Beiber!!!!
I facepalmed when he backs schmucks with trucks but come on, worst than the first evil? The fellow who brought us all pain and disease and human suffering, and Frank Stallone?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Mark Carney is infinitely smarter and infinitely more capable than the moron Justin
however be sure you are aware Mark Carney. is also a climate alarmist
I am fine with that. Carney is the same brand of alarmist as Larry Fink
the Greta Thunberg of the finance world is. Fink turns out to be as
pragmatic as he is a mega climate hypocrite when it comes to making
money. Likewise Carney will be good for Canada's fossil fuel industries.
It is fine to vote in another climate hypocrite PM so long as he is not a moron.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Mark Carney is infinitely smarter and infinitely more capable than the moron Justin
however be sure you are aware Mark Carney. is also a climate alarmist
The squirrels that live in my tree are smarter Justin.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
But Trudeau "rigging" his nomination, elections, and now "system" must be a picture storybook that is similar to how the 2020 Elections Down South was "rigged"!! 😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I am fine with that. Carney is the same brand of alarmist as Larry Fink
the Greta Thunberg of the finance world is. Fink turns out to be as
pragmatic as he is a mega climate hypocrite when it comes to making
money. Likewise Carney will be good for Canada's fossil fuel industries.
It is fine to vote in another climate hypocrite PM so long as he is not a moron.
Larry Fink can't tax you for creating atmospheric plant food
Carney as PM can

Likewise Carney will be good for Canada's fossil fuel industries.
dont be so sure about that

Mark Carney would be a step up from Mr. Dress Up
however he would be foolish to step in as a replacement PM at this point.

1. I am pretty sure the PM has to be an elected member of parliament ( any parliament experts please correct me if I am wrong)
2. He will be inheriting a god awful mess , he would have to explain or try to avoid during an election campaign
3. He will be inheriting a scandal plagued caucus filled with sycophants and fools. the same fools who chose a moron to be their leader
a caucus which will be a liability to him rather than an asset
he would likely spend more time fighting the fires of political liberal scandals than moving a positive agenda forward
4. he will be inheriting an uphill battle in the polls
5. he will find out how badly screwed up the countries finances are all. he is a finance guy and will know the real picture is going to be much worse than the condescending Freeland is letting on
6. he will be inheriting Freeland (oh to be a fly on the wall as a blithering idiot journalist tries to explain our debt ridden govt finances to a former central banker)
7. he will just be rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic and get an ulcer for his trouble
8. Politics is a tough game, you usually only get one kick at the can, win and you might get multiple terms, lose and out the door you go.
The odds of him winning are pretty slim right now would slim given the liberal mess

If he has any sense he will wait and watch the liberal party get decimated , let the voters punt Champaign, the lunatic Steven Guilbeault, Freeland and the rest of the sycophants so he does not have to deal with them
then step in , rebuild the liberal party with people of integrity & intelligence. make it the rational centralist party that has historically been appealing to Canadians

let Pierre Poilievre be the bad guy who has to cut the spending for four years
he will get to attack Pierre Poilievre rather than get attacked for Justin's mess.
Attacking others may not be his style. Assign that job to the brightest liberal left from the decimation

ask the loonies here on the board how much fun it has been defending the morons actions ?
Last edited:

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
I don't think Carney has the name recognition with the majority of the electorate to improve the Liberal's chances at this point. I believe that their best and only chance is for Pee Pee to do or say something that opens the eyes of the folks in the mushy middle and unites the Liberals and NDP voters to rush to the poles to keep the piss stain out. Alex Jones backing up PEE PEE and PEE PEE not denouncing Jones is a decent first step but we need more of this kind of crap to come out. Pee Pee is a nasty little fella in need of being served an apple with a big worm in it and yes, he is the real devil not Beiber!!!!
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
It was gelded first by successors to Chretien, who changed the Constitution of the Party to remove the need for a vote on leadership within a year of an election — a little-understood clause that kept Leaders from assuming unbridled power.
Last time I looked, the current system is that the party can only call for a leadership vote if the leader loses a general election.
It came up last time people were talking about trying to force Trudeau out.
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