I do find it entertaining when you post old charts
it is a spectra, not a chart you scientific know nothing
and the infrared absorbance spectra of these gases / water vapour are the same today as there were 100 + years when first discovered
that have nothing to do with the climate change discussion
of course the absorption spectra is important to the climate change discussion / hoax
the greenhouse gas theory relies on the
fundamentals of absorption
FYI - the
fundamental laws of nature are the basis for scientific discovery
only a blithering, scientific know nothing, liar such as your self would try and pass himself off as knowledgeable by stating "you get the
basics wrong daily, '
in science it is the
fundamentals which are important
you cant even lie properly
as if you've made Nobel worthy discovery.
the Nobel prizes for the
fundamental physics underpinning infrared absorption were handed out a hundred years ago
There is no scientist worth shit that would back your theory,
it is not a theory, you uneducated fool
absorbance has been proven experimentally and there are several physical laws describing absorbance which have held true for millions of experimental tests
you are the cliff clavin of terb, a self declared expert in everything.
you are the self proven bullshit artist who can never be trusted to speak the truth
nice work enstien
if you want a consensus, try polling those who trust you to be truthful
i bet your mom even had you pegged for being a dishonest bullshit artist
I understand that there thousands and thousands of scientists who have studied the climate for half a century now and understand the incredibly basic connection between increasing greenhouse gases and global temperature
you understand nothing
you parrot propaganda without every thinking
our climate system is extremely complex.
the IPCC describes it as
The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system
, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. Rather the focus must be upon the prediction of the probability distribution of the system's future possible states by the generation of ensembles of model solutions.
which does not at all align with your bullshit
the incredibly basic connection between increasing greenhouse gases and global temperature[
try learning what
non-linear means
try learning what
chaotic means
The subject of radiative forcings has been well researched and documented by the IPCC.
so you say, however
The IPCC has chosen to try and predict the probability distribution of the system's future possible states by the generation of ensembles of
model solutions and failed miserably
50 years of failed catastrophic predictions and
'low confidence' in observed changes / predictions of extreme weather events is the proof
Your chart just shows your ignorance and refusal to read the reports, otherwise you'd know your claims have been discussed and dismissed by real scientists.
now you mock what you clearly do not understand
you are a laughing stock
the funniest part is you are too stunned to understand what your behaviour has done to your credibility
you can never be trusted to speak the truth