
Brampton is fucked

The Mechanic

Active member
Jan 5, 2007
Those people are born and raised in Canada. Or they have become citizens of Canada. So where exactly do you propose to deport them? What is your understanding of their legal status?
And I bet you most of these yahoos are international students and not Canadian citizens, so therefore deport.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Upon further review, these blokes appear to be paid actors/feds. Just like the Black Lives Matter (Black Supremacy) crowd
The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville was paid actors and feds?
Or did I misunderstand who you were accusing of what now?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Statues should remain. If you want to put a plaque next to them explaining what was happening in their time then so be it. That way people in this time can learn the history. You can't erase it.
People don't learn history from statues.
Statues are about memorializing and honouring things.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
sorry what exactly has ever been beautiful about that city?
Why are you sorry?
It was a nice quiet city, no stress driving through it, pretty clean for a city that has some industrial areas in it, what wasn't to like about it?


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Why are you sorry?
It was a nice quiet city, no stress driving through it, pretty clean for a city that has some industrial areas in it, what wasn't to like about it?
That`s pretty much my memory of it. I went to take a look at the new Z-1 Kawasaki at Kelly`s on Kennedy road, I believe. That was 1973, never been back. :) Oh,...I was born in Brampton too, in 1957.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
The problem in Peel region is twofold. One the police traffic enforcement is basically nonexistent, I’m talking about small stuff failing to signal, not coming to a complete stop, the police only want go after speeders and high end speeders I’m not talking 20 over I’m talking well over that. If they start having a crackdown on all the basic stuff it might be a start to better roads less accidents. Also second is the influx of criminal participants from Vancouver migrating to Toronto and Montréal. The police should have stronger powers that they can deport immediately upon conviction. Okay lock him up for two weeks get their affairs in order, on a plane and that’s it done also sees any profits of crime. Maybe we should adapt the punishment to what their use to, a public lynching may be a good caning might be in order. I know when I was a kid and I done something wrong I was introduced to the wooden spoon or the belt, after one or two sessions you know the difference between what right and wrong. Oh well time will tell.
I don't want our officers wasting their time ticketing the small stuff sorry. There are far more tasks that take priority. Peel are hiring less and less officers every year while at the same time the region's population is increasing rapidly. In 2022 and 2023 Peel's annual population increases were in the 3% per annum range. According to the census from 2016-2021 it was only about 1% per year increase on average.
Furthermore, according to a friend of mine who's been on the force for 21+ years, there are more officers on paid leave now than ever before. They have now instituted a policy of no engaging in chases of motorcycles. They typically don't issue tickets to motorists who are doing up to 20 km over the speed limit, unless its a priority zone (school, hospital, retirement home)


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
People don't learn history from statues.
Statues are about memorializing and honouring things.
They then become a piece of history. Statues are a reminder of the past. Whereas nobodys like you and I are simply dust in the wind, forgotten about by all 50 years from now.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002
But to say, it is the way it is because immigrants import their problems like mindless robots instead of saying they lack the knowledge, and the enforcement of existing laws, is stereotyping.
The onus is on the immigrant to gain the knowledge, and to obey the existing laws. The immigrant must adapt to the host country, not the other way around.
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May 21, 2002
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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
That`s pretty much my memory of it. I went to take a look at the new Z-1 Kawasaki at Kelly`s on Kennedy road, I believe. That was 1973, never been back. :) Oh,...I was born in Brampton too, in 1957.
That's funny because I was describing it from '94 and onward when I first went to it because of a friend and then my gf later on in the late 90s. Wild how I described it for that time and you said it was the same in '73.
I guess that saying "all good things come to an end" is applicable. Sad times.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
They then become a piece of history. Statues are a reminder of the past. Whereas nobodys like you and I are simply dust in the wind, forgotten about by all 50 years from now.
Which is why a country and population chooses which statues to construct and which to keep.
The idea that they are sacrosanct forever is nonsense, as you yourself are pointing out there.

People will change their minds, over time, about who should be honoured and who should be memorialized and how and why.
Some will disagree with those.

So, for instance, many cities have decided that honouring people who rebelled against the government in order to preserve slavery shouldn't be honoured.
There are lots of people who disagree. They very much think that the fight to preserve slavery should be honoured.

But the idea that if the statue goes down the history is erased is silly.
Do you honestly think that if the statue was preserved with something to contextualize it as "this is a lesson we must remember - this man was evil and did bad things we must reject" that the people who objected to the statue coming down would be fine with that?
Of course not.
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wiskey bravo

Active member
Jul 14, 2017
I have to admit I have done some dangerous things while driving because of some road rage and I admit I had a bad problem. I would drive in part in the oncoming lane to ensure someone didn’t cut me off at a merge. I was a mean driver. Never letting anyone “get the better of me”. Especially big Denali style trucks and the jackass that drive them. I have an old car. I never buy new so I use to be willing to damage my car to prove a point. So fucking stupid.

I remember one time was driving north once and a guy ran a stop sign to get in front of me on the single lane road. I honked and he decided to then drive 10 km/h. So I went to go illegally go around on a double yellow. He then sped up so I couldn’t pass and it was a game of chicken basically on if I could speed up enough to get around before the on coming car came. So stupid and reckless I know. I was younger. Much younger but now, I just call a girlfriend on Bluetooth, sit back and chat. I pay enough attention to the road to drive safe but not enough that people piss me off. I drive slower and calmer. If someone cuts me off, I just vent to my girl on the phone. This is for long drives. A GF of mine does delivery so we keep each other company while I drive and she works.

Touring really helped me calm down too. Just having to drive more and longer, I have more patience.

I’m embarrassed by some of my road rage behaviour of the past. I’m beyond lucky no one ever got hurt with my dangerous driving.

It is becoming a hugh problem. I’m just glad I’m better now.
Thanks for sharing that. I have to admit as well I have done my stupid stuff too and I'm glad those days were short lived. I never went to that extreme that I see now but I was dumb enough to engage. How maturity and age changes us eh?

I always enjoy reading your posts. You bring good feedback to the table. It's clear how smart you are.

So i don't have a distraction set into place when i feel the onset of road rage approaching but something tells me I should call and see you as my distraction and work off the frustration in other ways:)
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Besides people read about history on wikipedia these days. Suddenly these righties are history aficionados wanting to preserve history by way of statues, that they normally just drive past. 😂
Right wingers are generally educated in history unlike the left wing lunatics who ignore it and eventually repeat past mistakes. Socialism comes to mind 🤪
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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
Which is why a country and population chooses which statues to construct and which to keep.
The idea that they are sacrosanct forever is nonsense, as you yourself are pointing out there.

People will change their minds, over time, about who should be honoured and who should be memorialized and how and why.
Some will disagree with those.

So, for instance, many cities have decided that honouring people who rebelled against the government in order to preserve slavery shouldn't be honoured.
There are lots of people who disagree. They very much think that the fight to preserve slavery should be honoured.

But the idea that if the statue goes down the history is erased is silly.
Do you honestly think that if the statue was preserved with something to contextualize it as "this is a lesson we must remember - this man was evil and did bad things we must reject" that the people who objected to the statue coming down would be fine with that?
Of course not.
Uh oh you werent one of the nuts that wanted to take down the statue of John A. MacDonald?


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2017
If righties were educated in history, they'd advocate for removal of statues celebrating slavery. On top of this, why a Canadian rightie would be against slavery statue removal in the US makes no sense - even historically. 🐸
You sir are obsessed with the US. I bet you didnt know that the Democrats
If righties were educated in history, they'd advocate for removal of statues celebrating slavery. On top of this, why a Canadian rightie would be against slavery statue removal in the US makes no sense - even historically. 🐸
A lot of lefties still support slavery unfortunately. Opening borders to allow illegal immigrants into the country to work for peanuts is just one example.
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Astute Observer
Aug 8, 2005
On the highway of life
The kid who smashed the windshield is still out there.



Well-known member
May 29, 2016
If righties were educated in history, they'd advocate for removal of statues celebrating slavery. On top of this, why a Canadian rightie would be against slavery statue removal in the US makes no sense - even historically. 🐸
Serious question, are there any questionable statues in India?
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