hey three village idiots.
Who can’t read for shit and educations were a colossal waste of money. What does the word “reform” mean.
Nor grasp simpleton simple things like.
If you hold wages flat for “12” years for a whole lot more people……. Plus a whole lot more…….like 600 pages more.of cuts and privatization like raising revenue via Casinos, road tolls and the LCBO…
Instead of using an axe like HARRIS you don’t have to lay anyone off.
..of robbing Peter ( other ministries and small towns) to pay Paul ( healthcare in the gta) but leaving
core ones alone as much as possible plus 600 pages more.
You don’t have to axe education like HARRIS
Do you
village idiots even even grasp what the word
CORE means…
never mind endorsement, weak loonie, deficit ( plus billions more) or pressure means.
Let me know when you
simpletons run your lemonade stands after your little leaguer tryouts next summer.
what a bunch of
village idiots, who aren’t capable of running lemonade stands, but think they are educated and smart. But also, clearly. Very clearly.
The only ones that matter. That’s public service unions and ps union reps for you.
They think they are the center of the universe.
In fact people like Sammy S, clearly doesn’t even give two shits about the have nots in education. Like EAs and ECEs, or PSWs who have paid huge prices thanks to you.
At Sammy S. Who not only has zero clue about chief election officers. Why don’t you answer this Einstein.
Why did Smoky (head of OPSEU ) publicly say TEACHERS have sold their soul to the devil. Let’s see if you have the wee stones and a few brain cells to find your way out of a corner made of wet paper bag to answer. Or do you three handicapped village idiots on team lefty little leaguer want to deny
this historical fact too.
Unions 'sold their souls' to Liberals due to fear of PCs: OPSEU
Some labour leaders so feared a Progressive Conservative victory in the June 12 election they "sold their souls" to back the Liberals, the president of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union said Thursday.
Let’s see if any of you village idiots will answer just one thing. Instead of pretending you’re smart like the Beaver and endorsing each other, playing a broken record over and over and over and over.
Whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff whiff
And fall flat on your faces. Aren’t you village idiots special simpletons.
/STILL waiting for an actual single answer