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The new Putin Russian dum-dum thread


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Let me ask you this Frank. If followers of The Prophet Allah truly support and love their Palestinian brothers, sisters and children... why do they close their borders into Egypt and Lebanon? They have locked in their starving people facing zionist genocide! Why don't the obscenely rich arab countries agree to fund and accept Gazan refugees like CIVILIZED societies have accepted Ukrainian refugees?

Easy answer, schlong.

Because Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey have been hosting 5 million stateless Palestinian refugees for half a century, despite numberous UN resolutions calling for Israel to honour their Right of Return and allow them back into what should be Palestine. Those refugees just want to return, they don't want to flee to the US and they don't want to become Syrian citizens. They want back to Palestine.

Now you think they should take on another 2-5 million more refugees at the same time the US and Israel are trying to destroy the UNRWA, which is the only organization that takes care of Palestinian refugees inside and outside of Israel?

And in light of the above noted history of intra-Islamic terrorism, how dare you blame the jews for some false flag operations that you have NO evidence of except your visceral hatred of jews and zionists and anyone who empathizes with them?
Up until yesterday I didn't really care or think about ISIS. But then Mandrill posted and I checked the xitter and the threads were all mossad/isis. The only direct evidence is an interview of the guy the Russians caught, who says he's a Turkmanistan who was studying in Turkey and some telegram channel that posted prayers somehow convinced him to take a promise of $5k USD to fly to Russia, follow the telegram instructions on where to pick up guns and then attack a theatre and then flee to Ukraine. All through telegram. I don't see that as clear proof that it was any party.

A telegram message is the only evidence it was ISIS at this point. That's not much.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
1917 happened like that. Unpopular war. Unpopular leader. Guys in Moscow and St P with access to military weapons and all of a sudden the Czar and his family are being thrown down some mineshaft in Siberia.
So if the war drags on for another 1 or 2 years Putin and his gang
may meet the same fate of the Czar and family. This is Ukraine's
only hope to win the proxy war for its sugar daddies.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So if the war drags on for another 1 or 2 years Putin and his gang
may meet the same fate of the Czar and family. This is Ukraine's
only hope to win the proxy war for its sugar daddies.
No. Ukraine can win that war on the battlefield.

This is the 3rd ignorant post that I've read since coming on TERB.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No. Israel can win that war on the battlefield.

This is the 3rd ignorant post that I've read since coming on TERB.
You can't defeat an ideology any more than you can kill your way to ending resistance to the occupation and theft of Palestine.

Russia has arrested 4 Tajikistans over the terrorist attack.
Hopefully they get enough info from them to find out who is behind the attack.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Did someone in another Israel thread argue that terrorist groups can be "defeated" and therefore Israel's narrative that they are "eliminating Hamas" was entirely achievable? To that person, this latest attack on Russia is a lesson, that terror groups can never be eliminated or defeated. They are ideologies and they persist. Infact, the more you attack them, the more entrenched they get. This is going to be the case with Hamas as well.
Ideologies wax and wane. There are a number of ideologies that no longer really exist. Hamas controls the education system, the job market and all other aspects of Gaza life and indoctrinates the population in its own radical ideology. Remove Hamas and you have a chance to alter the beliefs of the people. Maybe that succeeds, maybe it doesn't. But it's better than the current situation.

And Gazans themselves often believe that too. I frequently post Elkhatib, who says that Hamas must be removed by force to allow Gaza to develop and progress.

Will there be Muslims who believe that Israel must be obliterated because Allah wants that? Sure. Will they be as organized, well equipped and motivated as at present. Probably not.
They do not, because that is Israel's tactic and strategy. To create a pressure cooker situation and push the Palestinians out. They would then occupy the land, build settlements, walls, checkpoints and call it security measures. Effectively, they will take as much land as possible from the Palestinians with as little Palestinians as possible. The Arab states see this, and they know this is what Israel wants to do. So they close their borders to a) Prevent Israel from doing that and b) Not absolve Israel from being responsible for the humanitarian crisis they created.

This has nothing to do with intra-Muslim conflicts.
That's totally wrong. Hamas created civil war in Jordan and were forced out. Hezbollah has largely taken over Lebanon. THAT'S why Egypt doesn't allow the Gazans into Egypt and fences them off. Why don't you actually learn a little about the topic?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

This attack on Russia reminds me of the 2008 attacks in India by Lashkar-e-Taiba. They sent 20 year old kids. Paid them 100,000 Pakistani Rupees. That is 500 CAD in today's money. They attacked 5 or 6 locations, killed 150 to 200 people over 3 days. I remember back in '08 when they interrogated the poor bastard and broadcast it on live TV. They put him under Sodium Pentathol, and I didn't know if I should be angry at the kid or feel sorry for him. Dirt poor families, no education, nothing. They just exploit these weak men and make them do terrible things.
Seriously, dude. You can find dumb people to say anything. There are colourful videos of Magats, Brexiteers and every other kind of street level dum-dum in the world. This proves fuck-all except your own bias and bigotry.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Somebody beyond evil.
There is only one being beyond evil. Justin Beiber. Even more evil than Frank Stallone.
Or that is what the Germans would have you believe [but they are right in this case]
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
A telegram message is the only evidence it was ISIS at this point. That's not much.
Here's how some terrorism experts see it. ISIS started with a splinter Taliban group, it's primarily base is Eastern Afghanistan and bordering areas of Pakistan. Most Isis K supporters follow a different offshoot of Islam from most of the rest of the Taliban, and have the position that the Taliban don't follow Sharia Law well enough. One of the principal beefs is that the Taliban is to chummy with Russia! This is a major problem with Isis K, who still have a boner for the Russians from when they invaded Afghanistan. People in the intelligence community have been looking at these guys for some time, and they say Isis K without any state support (at least that we know about so far). Their people hate the US, Russia China and even Iran (they've set off bombs there). Only the most conspiracy minded right wingnut would try to pin it on the Ukrainians or the Palestinians. It just isn't the Ukrainians style or a target directly effecting their survival. The Palestinians even more-so. Though it could be their "style" they got no bone to pick with Russia in general. I don't watch television at all and I've been busy today, but get the impression some of the attackers are still at large?
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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2023
Looks like someone took a beating, Russians don't fuck around. Seems these were pigs from Tajikistan.



Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Hard to argue they didn't deserve a lifetime of arse-kicking. No tears from me.
However, those tactics will not allow them to get good info to unravel how it happened.
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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2023
ISIS on Moscow: Our Motive was to Kill "Christians"

ISIS posts jubilant selfie of Moscow terror gunmen boasting of its 'bloody attack' on 'large crowd of Christians' - as ultra-brutal offshoot of Islamist group claims its most bloody success yet

Members of a brutal-offshoot of ISIS who claimed responsibility for the deadly Moscow massacre that left more than 140 people dead posted a selfie in front of the terror group's flag in the wake of the attack.

The selfie, released by ISIS' official news agency Amaq, shows the 'four perpetrators' in dark baseball caps and face masks pointing upwards, a gesture that has long-been associated with the terror group.

The gesture refers to the tawhid, which is 'the belief in the oneness of God', according to foreign policy experts. The identities of the people seen in the selfie has not yet been confirmed, but ISIS claims they are among those who carried out the attack.

The attack was the 'most violent' perpetrated against Russia 'in years', ISIS claimed, adding that attack on the Crocus City Hall in the western outskirts of Moscow on Friday night was part of the 'raging war between the Islamic State and countries fighting Islam.'

Though Amaq did not specify which branch of ISIS carried out the attack, US intelligence officials strongly believe that members of Islamic State in Khorasan Province, or ISIS-K, that carried out the attack.

ISIS-K, set up in late 2014 in eastern Afghanistan in the wake of US-led airstrikes against ISIS strongholds across Iraq, is known for its extreme brutality.

Leader looks like a Neanderthal

The group has been led by Shahab al-Muhajir, an engineer by training and education, since 2020.

His name means 'Shahab the Migrant', referring to the fact that he is the first non-Afghan and non-Pakistani person to run ISIS-K

He reportedly spend time as a subcontractor of a security firm in Afghanistan, and was known to have spent some time on the US' Bagram Airfield, formerly the largest US military base in Afghanistan.

al-Muhajir is one of three ISIS-K members on the list of people sanctioned under an anti-terror directive first set out by George Bush in the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001, and renewed every year since by successive presidents.

The others are Sultan Aziz Azam, a spokesperson for the group, and Maulawi Rajab, a senior leader who 'plans ISIS-K’s attacks and operations and commands ISIS-K groups conducting attacks in Kabul', according the US State Department, which only sanctioned the terrorists in November 2021.

Meanwhile, the UK only sanctioned the three men in 2023. OFSI, the UK's sanctions body, said cited al-Muhajir responsibility 'for multiple terrorist attacks resulting in hundreds of deaths in 2021' as the reason for his punishment.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
ISIS on Moscow: Our Motive was to Kill "Christians"

ISIS posts jubilant selfie of Moscow terror gunmen boasting of its 'bloody attack' on 'large crowd of Christians' - as ultra-brutal offshoot of Islamist group claims its most bloody success yet

Members of a brutal-offshoot of ISIS who claimed responsibility for the deadly Moscow massacre that left more than 140 people dead posted a selfie in front of the terror group's flag in the wake of the attack.

The selfie, released by ISIS' official news agency Amaq, shows the 'four perpetrators' in dark baseball caps and face masks pointing upwards, a gesture that has long-been associated with the terror group.

The gesture refers to the tawhid, which is 'the belief in the oneness of God', according to foreign policy experts. The identities of the people seen in the selfie has not yet been confirmed, but ISIS claims they are among those who carried out the attack.

The attack was the 'most violent' perpetrated against Russia 'in years', ISIS claimed, adding that attack on the Crocus City Hall in the western outskirts of Moscow on Friday night was part of the 'raging war between the Islamic State and countries fighting Islam.'

Though Amaq did not specify which branch of ISIS carried out the attack, US intelligence officials strongly believe that members of Islamic State in Khorasan Province, or ISIS-K, that carried out the attack.

ISIS-K, set up in late 2014 in eastern Afghanistan in the wake of US-led airstrikes against ISIS strongholds across Iraq, is known for its extreme brutality.

Leader looks like a Neanderthal

The group has been led by Shahab al-Muhajir, an engineer by training and education, since 2020.

His name means 'Shahab the Migrant', referring to the fact that he is the first non-Afghan and non-Pakistani person to run ISIS-K

He reportedly spend time as a subcontractor of a security firm in Afghanistan, and was known to have spent some time on the US' Bagram Airfield, formerly the largest US military base in Afghanistan.

al-Muhajir is one of three ISIS-K members on the list of people sanctioned under an anti-terror directive first set out by George Bush in the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001, and renewed every year since by successive presidents.

The others are Sultan Aziz Azam, a spokesperson for the group, and Maulawi Rajab, a senior leader who 'plans ISIS-K’s attacks and operations and commands ISIS-K groups conducting attacks in Kabul', according the US State Department, which only sanctioned the terrorists in November 2021.

Meanwhile, the UK only sanctioned the three men in 2023. OFSI, the UK's sanctions body, said cited al-Muhajir responsibility 'for multiple terrorist attacks resulting in hundreds of deaths in 2021' as the reason for his punishment.

Is the only source that says it was ISIS from telegram?
That's so easy to spoof and impossible to verify.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Hard to argue they didn't deserve a lifetime of arse-kicking. No tears from me.
However, those tactics will not allow them to get good info to unravel how it happened.
They attempted to escape death after shooting. Torture
works better on mercenaries hired to kill than on religious
fanatics killing for glory which they are not.
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