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Mr. Trudeau Not doing So Well In Latest Poll


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

I think it was worth it. We saved Lametti’s documents from being destroyed, and added an important black mark to his disgraceful career — even as he leaves politics, he’s reminded that he’s a law-breaker, ordered to promise the court that he’ll stop breaking the law. Talk about your David versus Goliath battle. We were alone against one of the most powerful men in the country. We sued David Lametti, the former justice minister. He resigned in disgrace from Parliament a few weeks ago, after the Federal Court ruled that his invocation of the Emergencies Act was unconstitutional. But on his way out the door, he tried to delete his government Twitter account — and all the government records it contained. That’s important, because those records (including the private Direct Messages) are important evidence in the upcoming lawsuits by people who had their bank accounts illegally seized by Lametti. We caught him with his hand in the cookie jar. But no-one did anything. So we sued. We had three emergency hearings in the last two weeks. And this morning, the Chief Justice of the Federal Court himself, Paul Crampton, issued the ruling. You can see it for yourself here: Justice Crampton didn’t give us everything we wanted — we wanted an iron-clad court order to preserve the Twitter account. But he did give us two things instead: 1) Lametti is ordered to swear an “undertaking” — that is, a lawyer’s professional promise — not to delete his Twitter records again; and 2) The Twitter account will be transferred to Library and Archives Canada, the agency in charge of preserving public records. It’s not bulletproof. It doesn’t properly condemn Lametti for breaking the law once already. And it puts too much stock in Lametti’s “pinky-swear” promise. But it appears that we actually managed to stop him from destroying evidence. I haven’t received the legal bill for this battle yet. Our lawyers, Chad Williamson and Scott Nicol, went full-tilt — condensing a year’s worth of work into two weeks. Lametti had five lawyers — all of whom were paid by taxpayers. It’s outrageous. But a win is a win. If you think this battle was worth fighting, please help us pay Chad and Scott’s legal fees. I haven’t received their bill yet, but there’s no way it’s going to be less than $20,000. I think it was worth it. We saved Lametti’s documents from being destroyed, and added an important black mark to his disgraceful career — even as he leaves politics, he’s reminded that he’s a law-breaker, ordered to promise the court that he’ll stop breaking the law. I disagree with a lot of it, but I can’t deny that the court ordered Lametti to file a written promise with the court to stop deleting government property, and to hand it over to the proper authorities. In my books, that’s a win. No-one else lifted a finger to stop this. If you can help chip in to cover the cost of our lawyers, please do so
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Trudeau says he thinks about quitting every day

I dream about Justin Trudeau quitting almost as often
then I wake up & reality kicks in

his resignation would transfer the office to the sycophant Crysta Freeland & continuation of his failed policy's
so limited upside

His narcotism and ego prevent him from resigning
An ego which will be shattered via the next election

this version of the once proud liberal party of Canada needs to be booted to the curb by the electorate
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
As an American, I haven't heard Poilievre speak too much. He seems to me to be a smart, articulate politician. One might not agree with his views, but it's quite silly to try to paint caricatures of your politicians.

I would say Trudeau/Poilievre are infinitely better than Biden/Trump. Having politicians advocating their ideas and objectives is far better than the usual personal attacks.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Probably quit before losing if the polls don't improve. On the other hand, inflation is heading down and the economy seems all right.

But you all just don't like our first blame Prime Minister rapist

But remember, believe all women, unless it's your guy.

Also remember Matt Damon had to apologize for saying this
"“We're going to have to figure – you know, there's a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?” "

So by the rules of wokeness. By groping a woman, Justin Beiber is the moral equivalent of a child molester and rapist.

Then you add his being a fan of Chinese basic dictatorship because they can get shit done on the environment which 1: is about as creepy as Trump and his dictator for a day comments, never mind that the idea of China doing good stuff for the environment is about as accurate as well anything Trump says, which is not at all.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
As an American, I haven't heard Poilievre speak too much. He seems to me to be a smart, articulate politician. One might not agree with his views, but it's quite silly to try to paint caricatures of your politicians.

I would say Trudeau/Poilievre are infinitely better than Biden/Trump. Having politicians advocating their ideas and objectives is far better than the usual personal attacks.
Going back to around 2000 we used to say Canada followed the U.S. by about a generation in most trends. That’s holds true today. Politically it’s a safe bet that where us US presently, we will be in another 15 years or so.

Sadly imo, too many can’t see the forest for the trees. And the only material difference is that you guys are armed to the teeth. Fast forward 10-15 years there if things don’t change right fast.

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