Don't fret about The Skoob.Skooby poo is going to be very upset though if there are problems getting ebike riders for uber eats and people behind the counters at Timmies.
He needs his cheap food and doesn't care if its on the back of others.
Don't deprive him of his chance to rip international students off for cheap food.
He's got Nut Gibbering Nonsense moonlighting from his day jobs as a Bay St. Fancifying Financier /Paramedic Paranormal Pantomime/Astronut Lost In Space and Time as get this:
Uber's, Door Dash's and Crap-to-Go's $8/hr gig-employee of the millennium at his go-to crappy food delivery servant.
A win win.
"Hey NYG, it's The Skoob! Go getz me sum Mcdonald's soggy fries and a spilled Coke-soaked Big Mac, pronto!"
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