Ashley Madison

Tone deaf Liberals: Toronto Protest today


Aug 23, 2001
The outrage and emotion is already there after a decade of Liberal incompetence whether Poilievre was running for office or not.
People are tired of being forced to follow the Liberal ideology and have had enough.
Come April 1st, when the carbon tax will increase again, the outrage will be even more.

Poilievre can get elected on that single item alone as he will get rid of that extortion tax as he has said many times. Did you miss that? If there a simpler way you would like him to say it?
We should do away with ALL the oppressive taxes - HST, income tax, all of them!!

PeePee will magically make this country better and hand out largesse to everyone without any taxes at all!!


Aug 23, 2001
I'd say at this point on the international stage he is pretty much a joke and not taken seriously. Domestically he is out of touch publicly with his unpopularity and has some serious trust issues with corruotion at this point.

It seems his intention is to hope for a Trump win so he can fearmonger that into another minority win.
Given that you're the guy who supports RFK Jr, that's a very convincing statement.


Jun 29, 2019
Of course righties would have you believe that he is Satan lol.
he is not Satan

he is an idiot

it's time to have a leader who can put 2 sentences together while eating an apple

as compare to a leader who doesn't know where his water comes from :ROFLMAO:


Jun 29, 2019
We should do away with ALL the oppressive taxes - HST, income tax, all of them!!

PeePee will magically make this country better and hand out largesse to everyone without any taxes at all!!
if you listened to him and invested in crypto you would have tripled your money


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
How many times have we heard this sort of thing about a world leader who has been at the helm for a long time? Yup. Only every single time. In any country. In truth Trudeau is just another average prime minister. Of course righties would have you believe that he is Satan lol.
Satan? No. He isn't smart enough for that. But at this point I think amoral may apply. He is great at pronouncements and photo ops. But real follow through(immigration alone) with proper planning I don't think he gives a shit about. Nor the after effects on people.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Well he is doing something. Recently he moved to curb student intake. So that accusation is straight up false.

Rightie 'solutions' are motivated by racism and are impractical. They are designed to appeal to emotion, not reason. For example we recently saw a couple of threads on Canada turning Indian or speaking Punjabi. The guy who started the thread was not very smart. Usually a smarter rightie would sugar coated it by using the "housing crisis" or "the economy" etc. Not that they actually care. Which is also something we have seen many times here on this board.

Actual solutions, however, are usually compromises. You talk about after effects on people? Solutions to immigration should take effects on immigrants into consideration, not just Canadians. Infact, it should be the first priority to consider what those effects may be on immigrants as immigrants take huge risks to immigrate. Trudeau I believe does that. There is a move in the right direction to reunite families, parents and grandparents etc, while keeping those numbers reasonable. However, he got the student stuff wrong, and he has moved to correct it. He also got the temp worker permit thing wrong, but IRCC has currently adjusted issuing Permanent Residencies that heavily favour temp workers who already live and work here. Which is again the right move.

PP on the other hand, has nothing of substance to say. His typical "This prime minister...blah blah blah". It is basically an exercise in finger pointing. Nothing of actual substance. So let me know when he details what he is going to do and most importantly HOW he is going to do what he says he wants to do, and then we can may be talk. 🤷‍♂️
My issue wasn't about curbing after the fact. It was about ensuring the proper support systems were in place BEFORE bringing people in. Just look at the refugees living on our streets as a prime example of putting the cart before the horse. Having ESL available to assist with assimilation. Housing and supports within local expats to assist with transitions. He did none of that. And this dates back to the first announcements of increasing refugee numbers his first years in office.

We had a really good system in place, that could have been slowly but steadily expanded. He abandoned it for airport photo ops. Like I said. No real work.

And the job of the opposition IS TO FINGERPOINT. To be the Devil's Advocate. And no, he doesn't have to give concrete solutions yet. Trudeau is delaying a much needed election due to dire numbers. So PP can and will continue to point out the corruption and stupid decisions. That's all he can do. Until the NDP stops propping them up, or 2025.

And I think the ArriveCan App is another straw of corruption that he will block an investigation of. That company needs its financial and communication records torn apart.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
A lot of rhetoric and fear mongering from Nostradamus’s with little to no back up.

Did Harper try to change abortion or women’s right laws?

Did immigration, go down or up when he was in power. It was around 190,000/year when he came in and 225,000 or 250,000 ish when he left

Did the immigration investor program which was buying a ticket in for rich people like Disney fast lanes . Start or stop

How did Maxim Bernard make out? With that whopping 5% of the vote.

Whatever happened to common sense?

Never mind so many other common fears and predictions of Conservatives. About debt, economics, inflation etc.

Not unlike wildly off base rhetoric about Mulroney.

Even the op-ed left wing cbc is a little more balanced and unbiased
Stephen Harper's legacy: Good, bad and a dose of ugly

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Firstly, refugees and immigrants are two different categories. Refugees are not the biggest concern, beyond needing housing for them. However, of the 1M people who came in, in 2022, only 90K were refugees. So they are a minority. The majority of refugees are also settled, have housing, services etc., Only a minority are homeless. So you are basically taking a minority of a minority, and blowing it out of proportion.

As for ArriveCan, it was a badly managed process, yes. That does need to be looked into.

Finger pointing is fine. But when you are running for office, you need to say what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Rhetoric alone isn't useful.
Very few parties EVER release their platforms, or get nitty gritty until close to. And even then, nor are they always costed. Kinda like this empty promise

It’s still 18 months and two budgets away ( assuming Singh doesn’t flush them) If you followed politics you’d know that. And you would know some of the things PP has mentioned.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Firstly, refugees and immigrants are two different categories. Refugees are not the biggest concern, beyond needing housing for them. However, of the 1M people who came in, in 2022, only 90K were refugees. So they are a minority. The majority of refugees are also settled, have housing, services etc., Only a minority are homeless. So you are basically taking a minority of a minority, and blowing it out of proportion.

As for ArriveCan, it was a badly managed process, yes. That does need to be looked into.

Finger pointing is fine. But when you are running for office, you need to say what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. Rhetoric alone isn't useful.
No they aren't. The majority are living in hotels or on the streets. Niagara alone has thousands.

And you don't state your platform almost 2 years out. What planet are you on?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Latest from Angus Reid. Smack me over the head I didn’t know Canada is full of uneducated red neck truckers and nazis.

Are Liberals tone deaf? And the left out of touch and have lost the plot denying and deflecting from oh so mich. I don’t know. Let’s ask plain Jane Canadians

March 7, 2024 – Political watchers might observe that it has been a winter of both attempted accomplishment and discontent for the Liberal federal government. The ongoing confidence-and-supply agreement with the New Democrats was seemingly strengthened by the announcement of a national pharmacare program – a key component of continuing NDP support for the minority government – in February. That said, recent revelationsof a security breach at the Winnipeg National Microbiology Laboratory, and a Conservative by-election victory in Durham have certainly dampened any internal celebrations at Liberal headquarters.

For their part, Canadians have taken it all in and produced largely the same vote intention they offered three months ago. The opposition Conservatives hold a comfortable advantage as the choice for two-in-five would-be voters (40%), close to doubling both the Liberals (23%) and New Democrats (21%).

The story at the federal level is static, if comfortable for the opposition. Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre does, however, appear to be bumping against a ceiling when it comes to his favourability. Currently 38 per cent of Canadians say they view him favourably, a number unchanged since last September. This, as women continue to offer him little favour (28%) compared to men (50%).

Poilievre maintains another significant advantage over his rivals, as he is comfortably the most likely leader to be viewed as suited to the job of prime minister.

On this measure, Poilievre nearly doubles Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (31% to 17%) and does double NDP leader Jagmeet Singh (15%). That said, perhaps showing the lack of enthusiasm within the Canadian public, 28 per cent of Canadians say they do not think any of the aforementioned leaders is suited to lead the country, and another one-in-10 say they’re not sure who would be best.


Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
No they aren't lol. There were 79,500 asylum seekers in 2022. Maybe slightly more in 2023. So not even 90K that I quoted before. In July 2023, there were 200 asylum seekers sleeping on the streets of Toronto, without housing or access to shelters. 200 out of possibly 80,000+ asylum seekers. Is it a problem? Yes. Is it a problem to the extent you are saying? No. That is hyperbole designed to attack Trudeau as if there are millions of people sleeping on the streets of Canada. This is not the case.

And if you don't state your platform, how do you know PP is the right candidate? He simply hasn't even told you what he is going to do. Ask to him to lay out what he is going to do and how he is going to accomplish things and how it is going to be different from Trudeau's approach. I have an inkling, it will be more or less the status quo.
US is a lot closer.
How much have the Dems/Reps revealed.
and I guess like a lot of the left, you know better than sooooooooooooo many red necks.

Who. Today. Don’t give a flying fuck. OBVIOUSLY given such brutal polling numbers for almost 8 months now. That alone should tell anyone a lot

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
The US is a shit show. They are not a particularly strong democracy. They are a very flawed democracy with a sham of a justice system. They shouldn't be an example for Canada. If anything, the US should be a warning and a lesson on how not to conduct politics and governance.
that is accurate and fair. None the less…….

Could it be, that parties with armies of strategists and data miners are still figuring what voters want to hear, what votes can be bought, swung, etc?

Either way, for the better part of a year now. A large majority of Canadians have made it clear. They don’t give a fuck. They want the cons and liberals gone. And the only place that doesn’t is one tiny island of red on the electoral map

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
So that leaves the Bloc, NDP and Greens?
Well, considering you have proven to know so little about many many things.

Look a few post up. PP has been the clear choice since Sept. in fact only gone downhill for the liberals since… badly…For over a month now the NDP and Liberals are virtually tied. Tone deaf lefty that you are.

Look to history and the crap shoot FPtP can be

Look to history, and what occurred the last a coalition was threatened

Nor have the normally silent and apathetic pissed off voters chimed in yet. Aka what happens when voter turn out surges. Funny how you oh so politically aware…woke and enlightened lefties….always forget them as you do centrist and others/other things.

Look at a tiny island of red in a sea of denial with their lights and hearing off. Plus a whole lot more. Oh yes, a whole lot that might be said.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Why are you laughing Frankie Footer in mouth. The far right Nazis are taking over according to you and others. Make up your mind FFs. Are they a threat or not.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
No they aren't lol. There were 79,500 asylum seekers in 2022. Maybe slightly more in 2023. So not even 90K that I quoted before. In July 2023, there were 200 asylum seekers sleeping on the streets of Toronto, without housing or access to shelters. 200 out of possibly 80,000+ asylum seekers. Is it a problem? Yes. Is it a problem to the extent you are saying? No. That is hyperbole designed to attack Trudeau as if there are millions of people sleeping on the streets of Canada. This is not the case.

And if you don't state your platform, how do you know PP is the right candidate? He simply hasn't even told you what he is going to do. Ask to him to lay out what he is going to do and how he is going to accomplish things and how it is going to be different from Trudeau's approach. I have an inkling, it will be more or less the status quo.

Oh and btw:

A few points:

Immigration is not the only thing putting a strain on the housing market. High interest rates, increasing building costs and red tape at the municipal level that can slow down or halt home construction are all part of the picture.

Hulchanski said it's also important to distinguish between households and homes because "the 40 million people in Canada don't live in 40 million houses."

Canadian households, he said, have an average of about 2.45 people. In Germany it's just 2.14 people per household, while in Ireland it's 2.73 people per household.

By that measure, he said, 500,000 immigrants would need about 204,000 homes in Canada, 233,000 homes in Germany and just 183,000 in Ireland.

Hulchanski said that focusing on immigration as a cause, and promising to reduce it in order to bring housing costs down, is "just another way of avoiding the real discussion, that we need systemic change."
Stop lying


They have stop gapped things at higher cost without a real plan to solve things. And only did it after being publicly shamed for it.

Go walk through Union station in the morning as they roust the homeless out. I see it every day. Most are clearly foreign men.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That is what I said. 200 refugees are sleeping on the streets. The rest are in shelters. As long as they have a roof over their heads its good enough. And if you look at the number of people being moved to temporary housing, it is less than 100. So basically a few 100 people out of 80,000+. Those are not big numbers by any stretch. Sure it needs to be tackled. But it isn't anything earth shattering.
A roof IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Seriously? Do you realize the damage to our world reputation, beyond the fact we OWE THOSE PEOPLE for promises he made and failed to deliver on? That's my point. The Canadian Government, as a direct result of Trudeau, failed these people. Its that simple.

That you so flippantly dismiss each person still living on the street, as well as the bad shelter conditions, says a lot about you.
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