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Poilievre backs banning trans women from women's sports, change rooms and bathrooms

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Right back at you bigot that. That doesn’t grasp perfectly natural healthy things you’re clearly obsessed with vs your culture and oh so much or why it’s a fucking horrible idea, never mind not having an IQ anywhere close to 200. Because you can’t even think your way through that shit ( the Trumps and ME TOs, jerking off to web cams never mind… or simply SPs )

I think we have answers
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Right back at you bigot that. That doesn’t grasp perfectly natural healthy things you’re clearly obsessed with vs your culture and oh so much or why it’s a fucking horrible idea, never mind not having an IQ anywhere close to 200. Because you can’t even think your way through that shit ( the Trumps and ME TOs, jerking off to web cams never mind… or simply SPs )

I think we have answers
So you think its totally normal that a rapist talks about how hot his daughter is and that he'd like to screw her?
Birds and bees to you?
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
So you think its totally normal that a rapist talks about how hot his daughter is and that he'd like to screw her?
Birds and bees to you?
Just sick depraved wee little men, with wee little woodies, and sore red asses, who don’t grasp the birds and bees. Who think they are smart, but arent.

One of whom, despite absurd claims of high IQs, says stupid shit like the above, or like knowing about life here in the 60, 70s 80s despite…….and can’t even think his way out of a wet paper bag, and about Trump the bigot he acts so much like, or me too.

we know why he can’t handle that or the above because he’s used to daughters and women that hide every inch, and obey his every command. To him they arent humans but property.

And can’t wait to see their panties instead of paying for OF to jerk off too. Never mind the SPs here and their fucking horrible bad days. Or agencies that ban some guys for the way the act/talk here.

Clearly, neither of them have the confidence or security to talk to daughters or SPs and/or women in, or about the real world.

Thank what ever god we pray to, neither has procreated.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Only a creepy sexual predator would say that about their daughter. :sick:

You should not be calling transwomen who just want to use a bathroom to pee, sexual predators. 🐸

That survey has absolutely nothing to do with what is being discussed. As I said Rich, this is one of the 100s of other examples of your unintelligent posts. The original allegation was that psychologists act with an agenda, to push their personal biases on the patient. However your study right here says:

Result: The response rate was 28.7%. Sixty percent of the doctors responded that information manipulation to avoid harm to patients is necessary (awareness), that they have actually manipulated information (actual state), and that information manipulation is ethically acceptable.

Conclusion: While the present survey was conducted among doctors in Japan, previous studies have reported similar findings in the United States and Europe. Based on our analysis, we hypothesize that a relationship of trust between patients and medical personnel is crucial and that information manipulation is not needed when such a relationship has been established.

What does that mean? It means, that some doctors, in order to not upset the patients, try to play things down, instead of being blunt. The study concludes that if there is trust between doctor and patient, there is no need for it. It has absolutely nothing to do with doctors actually manipulating the patient to earn money, or to push their political views on them.

This is what happens, when you are so dull and unintelligent, that you googled up a title and posted it here. 🤦‍♂️ 😂
Of course you will dismiss it...who told you it has to be a high number? It just shows you there are manipulative ones that exist and money to be had....
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Just sick depraved wee little men, with wee little woodies, and sore red asses, who don’t grasp the birds and bees. Who think they are smart, but arent.

One of whom, despite absurd claims of high IQs, says stupid shit like the above, or like knowing about life here in the 60, 70s 80s despite…….and can’t even think his way out of a wet paper bag, and about Trump the bigot he acts so much like, or me too.

we know why he can’t handle that or the above because he’s used to daughters and women that hide every inch, and obey his every command. To him they arent humans but property.

And can’t wait to see their panties instead of paying for OF to jerk off too. Never mind the SPs here and their fucking horrible bad days. Or agencies that ban some guys for the way the act/talk here.

Clearly, neither of them have the confidence or security to talk to daughters or SPs and/or women in, or about the real world.

Thank what ever god we pray to, neither has procreated.
Sure, keep telling us why you think a rapist should talk about sex to his children every day.
This is entertaining, in a sick kind of way.

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
More incoherent rambling. 😂

Saying your daughter has a "smoking hot body", or saying your daughter has a "great body" or that you would be dating her if you weren't her father, is neither calling them beautiful, nor "birds and bees", nor talking about sex with your kids. Its gross and incestuous. 🐸

Reading through this thread, it is clear why all the righties are obsessing over "swinging dicks". It is called projecting. Very Freudian.

Of course I will dismiss something that has absolutely no connection to what is being discussed. As I explained, that article you posted, is not about doctors manipulating patients for money, it is about doctors trying to put their diagnosis "mildly", aka playing things down, so the patient does not panic. You took something completely unrelated and misinterpreted something to push a narrative. I caught you and corrected you. You either did this purposefully, but it is likely you did this because you have repeatedly made unintelligent dumb comments. Maybe, this is just one of them.
Just showing you what doctors can do to a patient....either you don't get it or you won't get it....that doesn't surprise me one bit.....

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
More backpedaling and deflecting

let’s now also examine
“You should not be calling transwomen who just want to use a bathroom to pee, sexual predators. 🐸

Didn’t say that. Is English your second language? There’s a world of difference between a trans person needing to pee, and predators exploiting an obvious weakness to don a wig and skirt…and jerk off in the next stall, get a woody like you obsessing over teen girls and doing worse…nor obviously could you think about SPs and more..’s not all that from away from your statement in the other thread about why we don’t let people carry guns in public. The vast majority may never kill innocents. All it takes is a few though…do you think your way through your own stances and logic?

have to wonder if your absurd claim of 200 is actually below the average of 100.

You are also obviously sick and depraved to say the things you have about children/teens . Because only a sick degenerate and depraved person would, no matter what..

Nor do you grasp saying “hot body” is away of triggering you/guys here ( and you most certainly are)….and it’s a perfectly natural healthy thing to talk to children about sex…and realities. Again, can’t say that’s right in one thread…..and then…

one last thing.
Your faulty logic with Rich. So you’re saying Jordan Peterson or more doesn’t exist?
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
See? As I said you were projecting and now you managed to google up a gif, true to your preferences. I am sure you want that, nay, scratch that, you NEED that, UP YOUR ALLEY?! 😂

There is no incentive to manipulate a patient, who is already a paying patient. So that right there makes no sense. Also, given your lack of knowledge of psychotherapy sessions, that conversation is not as realistic as this one below:

MAGA Cult Leader: "Do not tell people, you love to suck dick even if you dream about it all day"
Skoob: Okay. But I love dick....
MAGA Cult Leader: "LISTEN. Speak against LGBTQ people, especially against transwomen. Infact obsess over them even though women dont have a problem with it. That way no one will suspect you"
Skoob: Will do!
MAGA Cult Leader: "Infact, obsess over their dicks. This should be easy for you because you already love dick, so it should be easy to project. Infact when someone supports trans rights, start with the accusation that they are gay or like transwomen, because that keeps attention away from your own needs!!"
Maga Cult Leader: "Lastly, dont forget, be shit scared of everything!!!!. It is how we succeed and it is how we roll!!"
I haven't heard of 8 year olds intuitively knowing what "sucking dick" is or what "LGBTQ" means, without being indoctrinated and coached by someone older.

You must have an interesting household.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Washrooms are categorized based on gender identity, not sex. Transwomen are women. If it feels terrible to live in a country that protects trans rights to use washrooms consistent with their gender identity, you could always pack your bags, and either move to that cave you mentioned earlier, or take your ass out to Saudi Arabia or something. 🐸

What is vile, disgusting, perverted and sick are rightie men, who are oh so disgusted with transwomen, but secretively crave them, while sexualizing their own young daughters. :sick:
until a sick degenerate bigot finds out the daughter he has vile, abhorrent, depraved sick and degenerate thoughts and words about. No normal person has those thoughts Kautilya, never mind voices them.

Was assaulted at 13, has tried to kill herself 3 times, groomed and trafficked, and it took years of professional help to get her back on the tracks. As well as a fresh life far away. And if you doubt that, there are SPs here who know.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
More incoherent rambling and word salad. I am repeating your words back to you. This is about what YOU said about YOUR daughter. And it has absolutely no connection, to transwomen using a bathroom of their choice. Infact, when transwomen are prevented from using a washroom consistent with their gender identity, they are at very high risk of being sexually assaulted by cis men. I posted a link for that too.

It is science. At 8 years old, a kid is able to identify what their gender is.

Most children between ages 18 and 24 months can recognize and label gender groups. They may identify others as girls, women or feminine. Or they may label others as boys, men or masculine. Most also label their own gender by the time they reach age 3.
can’t dig yourself out now degenerate, vile and sick deplorable. And you’re right, it’s not about my daughter. She’s doing great.

it’s about everyone else’s.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Nice try. Let us keep the focus on how you said your daughter has a "smoking hot body". Gross. What does that say about you? :sick: 😂 🐸
um not quite.

You are are a sick and depraved bigot Kautilya. Would you like me to list your many comments. Let’s start out tame. You’ve not only tried to mock someone with a mild albeit known disability, you’ve also mocked a father and daughter. That same daughter has gone through stuff you do imagine, have thoughts about where few do. You’re stupid enough to voice them to, and are obsessed with it.

Compared to her, you are a stinking rotten pile of human flesh and feces. Worse, nor do you grasp the prices she’s paid, nor do you grasp just how vile, deplorable and degenerate that alone is.

You can’t read English and grasp the difference between predators and trans. Never mind you can’t even fathom reality be it Trump, me too, SPs and men like you jerking off to webcams but instead…..just two feet away…. I can continue..with your own admitted fetish…

the English language does not contain enough words for perverted, sick repugnant degenerates like you.

Nor do you grasp it’s not about my daughter. But millions of others. That should never, ever, not 1 fall victim to vile deplorable degenerates like you.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Gender affirming surgery, does not change genetics aka biological sex. It changes physical anatomy to be more consistent with the person's gender identity.

I've mocked a guy who said his daughter has a "smoking hot body". Gross. You can try, but you cannot wiggle out of your own gross statements. 😂 :sick: 🐸
can’t dig your self out Orangeman. <<< just the tamer aspect of how repugnant you are.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
More incoherent rambling and word salad. I am repeating your words back to you. This is about what YOU said about YOUR daughter. And it has absolutely no connection, to transwomen using a bathroom of their choice. Infact, when transwomen are prevented from using a washroom consistent with their gender identity, they are at very high risk of being sexually assaulted by cis men. I posted a link for that too.

It is science. At 8 years old, a kid is able to identify what their gender is.

Most children between ages 18 and 24 months can recognize and label gender groups. They may identify others as girls, women or feminine. Or they may label others as boys, men or masculine. Most also label their own gender by the time they reach age 3.
Identifying gender has nothing to do with making decisions about changing their gender. But when leftist indoctrination is conducted within institutions they are in effect brainwashed because their brains are not fully developed at that age. Which is why the Liberal cultists start them young.
It's not always about money. It's about indoctrination into an ideology that coincides with political leanings.

8 year olds would be 3rd graders.
Leave the kids alone.

Put more effort into educating adults on good parenting rather than skipping over parents and letting teachers & shrinks parent kids.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Gender affirming surgery, does not change genetics aka biological sex. It changes physical anatomy to be more consistent with the person's gender identity.

I've mocked a guy who said his daughter has a "smoking hot body". Gross. You can try, but you cannot wiggle out of your own gross statements, by going on unhinged rants about things that have nothing to do with anything. Let us stay focused on your gross and repugnant statements. 😂 :sick: 🐸
Someone here once noted...
If you put 1000 straight men and women on an island, in time that population would most likely grow as they reproduce.

If you put 1000 gay and lesbian people on an island, there would be no one left by the next generation. Unless of course a gay man and lesbian decide to procreate against their instincts.

This to say, while we should be accepting of people's sexual orientation, in terms of nature, we probably wouldn't exist if
I dont have to dig myself out of anything. I am not the guilty party. You are the guilty party for having grossly sexualized his own daughter and is now trying to wiggle his way out of it. You'd do yourself a favour by not drawing too much of attention to yourself. Just crawl back the way you came. 😂

At 8 years they do not perform gender affirming surgeries. They first start with psychotherapy. And then after puberty, if it is determined that it is appropriate, they start them on hormonal therapy. Surgeries are done after 18.

Getting kids the help they need is essential. Stop advocating for child abuse and neglect because your rightie brain is outraged.
Where have I ever said they start surgeries at 8 years old? Are you now making things up because you are losing an argument?
They would start hormonal treatments at 14 years. Still kids.

Manipulating kids starting at 8 years old is abuse.
Letting parents raise their kids is not abuse and not your business.

You may want to learn the difference before you complete selling your soul to a failed ideology.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
I dont have to dig myself out of anything. I am not the guilty party. You are the guilty party for having grossly sexualized his own daughter and is now trying to wiggle his way out of it. You'd do yourself a favour by not drawing too much of attention to yourself. Just crawl back the way you came. 😂

At 8 years they do not perform gender affirming surgeries. They first start with psychotherapy. And then after puberty, if it is determined that it is appropriate, they start them on hormonal therapy. Surgeries are done after 18.

Getting kids the help they need is essential. Stop advocating for child abuse and neglect because your rightie brain is outraged.
in your repugnant despicable degenerate world saying “hot body” or is sexy, or DDG, or beuatiful is a sin all of sudden. I wonder if your IQ is even above 75 now.

Nor do you grasp where or why that might have been said Einstein…..”you’re “ talking about and sexualizing sisters, daughters, of someone……Orangeman.

never mind so much more, or soooooooooooooi many more, just in this thread genius. Never mind…mocking a girl that’s been to hell and back…never mind not grasping why it’s fucking horrible idea, never mind…where would you like me to stop?
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Gender affirming surgery, does not change genetics aka biological sex. It changes physical anatomy to be more consistent with the person's gender identity.
I don't even know where to begin.

Is you physical anatomy not determined by biology? That in itself explains gender and sex are related.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
No normal father, ever refers to his daughter as having a "hot body", or a "smoking hot body", "DDG" etc., This is not the same as saying you have a beautiful daughter. The former is sexualized language which you used. And I have not mocked any girl here, so not sure what you are rambling on about. The only one I mocked is you, for having referred to your daughter as having a smoking hot body. Which is gross as fuck.

As I said, do yourself a favour, and crawl back the way you came.

Gender identity is the innermost concept of self - about who you are - man, woman or something else. Physical sex characteristics determined by genetics may or may not be aligned with this concept of self. Gender affirming surgeries help alter physical anatomy to align the two.

Gender identity and physical sex are therefore independent characteristics and the only relationship between them is the alignment/misalignment a person feels between the two.

Irrelevant. LGBTQ+ people are a minority.

You were claiming that they perform surgeries on pre-pubescent minors. I was the one who corrected you and had to educate you that they do not perform surgeries on 8 year olds or even minors. I am the one owning the argument, so nice try, trying to claim wins you never had.

They would start hormonal treatment after puberty. That is the standard of care, established by medical experts, and the fact that they are kids, is completely okay, because as I educated you, kids are able to identify gender at 3 years of age.

Getting kids the help they need is not abuse. It is the right thing to do. Parents who prevent kids from getting the help that they need, are abusing their kids and have to have their kids taken away from them. Stop advocating for child abuse and neglect.
Do you have children or daughters depraved sick repugnant Orangeman. Or is like you blowing smoke out of your ass about knowing what life was here or tobogganing before you moved here or were born?

You think fathers don’t call their sons studs or ABC. How much you want to bet if I go to the lounge I can find all kinds of quotes.

It’s only you that’s trying sexualize it. Hint hint. And we all know why. No matter what you say you can’t dig yourself out. Way too late
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Gender identity is the innermost concept of self - about who you are - man, women or something else. Physical sex characteristics determined by genetics may or may not be aligned with this concept of self. Gender affirming surgeries help alter physical anatomy to align the two.

Gender identity and physical sex are therefore independent characteristics and the only relationship between them is the alignment/misalignment a person feels between the two. In that way you could say they are related - but, that is very different from saying gender = sex, which is the argument you are trying to make, while using the wrong words and failing to accurately understand what either is about.
You're trying to talk around admitting you are wrong.

You can't say two things are independent then say yes they are related.

I've never said gender = sex. I clearly said they are related.
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