Is this the warmest winter in Toronto ever?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Sure seems like it. And the forecast for the next few days is warm except for saturday which is still pretty mild. Plus 10 for tuesday.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Even up near Ottawa, next two weeks serious above 0. I hope the bugs don't come out, don't want to have to put the mesh on the pipes leading in and out of the house.

The snow guy must be really happy though.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Sure seems like it. And the forecast for the next few days is warm except for saturday which is still pretty mild. Plus 10 for tuesday.
Ask Phil's grandfather. He's the authority. Phil says there is no climate change because his gramps hasn't noticed any changes.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Definitely the mildest winter and the least snowfall for T.O. ever.


Jan 4, 2005
Next year will be the warmest winter and the year after that and so on
Definitely. If you look at the temperature graph over the last few decades, it's been a steady and increasingly accelerating upward rise. Coincidentally, the amount of carbon dioxide being released has also been increasing during the same time frame. Once the Earth's temperature rises, it creates a snowball effect. The polar ice caps melt, and less sunglight is being reflected back, making the Earth even hotter. Carbon dioxide that was trapped in the oceans begins to be released, as warm water cannot hold onto it as efficiently. That's why there is a "tipping point" where beyond a certain temperature increase, it becomes exponentially difficult to lower the Earth's temperature back.

The warming of the planet will lead to more erratic and extreme weather, as well as the disturbance of animals habitats and interrupt their normal behavior. For example, the melting ice caps have caused some polar bears to die swimming for hours, trying to find solid ice to rest on. There will be flooding, a significant decline in food production, and many other problems which will threaten world stability. The world is already on the verge of World War 3, but imagine how much more dangerous things are when countries are starving, and economies around the world start to collapse.

That is why it's critical to take action before it's too late. However, oil companies have purposely tried to obfuscate the situation. They first claimed that global warming was a hoax, and that the Earth's temperature was not rising as a result of carbon dioxide emissions. When the data and evidence was so overwhelming, they then tried to say that global warming was real, and man made, but that there would be no effect on the planet. This is reminiscent of how cigarette companies tried to hide evidence and deceive the public about the link between smoking and cancer, in order to protect their profits.

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Jan 4, 2005
Believe it or not there are still ppl (Even on this board) who denies that global warming is fake.:rolleyes:
Yes, just like there are people who believe the Earth is flat. Unfortunately, the politicians are bought by the oil companies. Everyone will suffer because of this, and future generations will pay a heavy price for their greed and corruption.
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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The warmer the climate, the more energy in the atmosphere and the more severe the weather. I should be more concerned .. but ... I really hate winter ! :unsure:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I only had to shovel my driveway twice
In related news, there have been fewer heart attacks this winter. (Just made that up, but it doesn't sound unreasonable. A friend of mine had one a few years ago shovelling.)


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Hotter the better.
Next year there will be no El Nino or will be a milder El Nino and everyone will be bitching how cold it is.
Enjoy it while you can.
Yes I am 1 of the proud climate change deniers. Planet has gone through this before and that's been proven by the same climate fear mongers that tell you we are all going to roast to death if we don't stop using fossil fuels. I say burn them(fossil fuels) if you got them.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
We should all be happy we're having a relatively warm winter. The benefits of such being less $ spent on heating, less risk of serious flu virus and less wear and tear on your vehicle.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
What causes The El Nino to be strongest ever?
Trade winds.

I also didn't say this is the strongest ever. It's among the top 5. Latest figures have it at 5th, just behind '65, but that could be upgraded when new numbers come in. The three strongest since 1950 were '82, '97 and '14.

If you look at the Oceanic Nino Index, there doesn't appear to be a trend over time.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
In related news, there have been fewer heart attacks this winter. (Just made that up, but it doesn't sound unreasonable. A friend of mine had one a few years ago shovelling.)
I work in healthcare maintaining databases. There was a study a few years ago about shovelling and heart attack/cardiac arrest. The results were quite impressive. Shovelling is very hard and demanding. Be careful and go buy these electric shovels or full blower if you are above 40 and do not train regularly.

Where you're wrong is associating cold with snow. It pretty much never snows when it's very cold (minus 10 or lower). It snows more when the temp is between 0 to minus 10. Which is relatively warm.

That said indeed this year, even where I live in Quebec, it's very often above 0 since December so we got a lot of rain instead of snow indeed.
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