I personally wouldn't let anyone decide who I would book next. I take my time and money too seriously to let someone else decide how I should spend it. A voting system could really just become a popularity contest and people would vote for girls that they might not have even seem themselves. I guess I'm just more picky with who i want to see.
It has nothing to do with this being a board that is “less about fun” or men here being “less adventurous” and everything to do with being sensible with time, money and honesty/integrity, which the internet rarely has any of.
Not only that but it could be a potential shit show with actual real life drama ensuing.
And lastly - what if the lady doesn’t want to see this person. There are a few board members I would not see. How is screening done if the guy doesn’t feel comfortable with it? There is just too much involved now in this industry to just make appointments this way. Fun to think about but impractical IRL in my opinion. That is just my opinion though and I’m coming from a place of participation on this board where many other escorts don’t so it may not affect them the same way as it would affect me.
Although in this regard, as posted in the very vanilla sense of it, this has happened and does happen on this board as far as “I can’t decide, help” and the poster offers up a couple of ladies he wants to see and posters give their two sense. However I think that is completely different the premises of the thread title and it is true to the title, I agree with you.
Honestly, in person I'm more likely to stare just at them like I think they're an idiot, instigating an argument with a man I don't know in person sounds like a good way to get yourself assaulted
You do realize that any guy on this board can book you and still assault you, right?
I’m just saying because I have seen guys do it. Not the assault part but book a girl who they fight with, and then cause all types of issues on and offline. I know if a guy, on a basically dead board now, who lives in the US who literally travelled the the east coast of Canada to book a girl to prove this exact point. She was clear online she would never see a guy like him. Said things like, “I’m glad I live in the east coast so I don’t have to worry about you booking with me”. Made it clear she would refuse him if he reached out. He got an SP reference, a burner phone, etc and booked her. The appointment went fine, she was safe but she felt very violated after he revealed he saw her since she was clear she didn’t want to see him. And she had no idea which client he was. He waited for a few months but had proof with details of her incall that you could only know if you were inside.
You are not fighting anonymously on this board like the guys are and therefore not being safe from real life harm like they can.
Worst I have had here is a guy tried to get me audited by the CRA. He was a low level employee there. I think he did like customer phone support in a different language for people who needed it. Like mandarin or Arabic or something like that. It didn’t work, but he tried. For a while he was hell bent on it because we had a fight about taxation and escorts.
So just a friendly warning - don’t think posting online protects you. If someone wants to get you - they will.
Some also may not screen as well for you over what you do for yourself under Vera. I don’t know about that part or how all that works as a hybrid indy.