LOL. I saw Biden. He seemed on the ball. He isn't constantly making mistakes like Trump, which don't seem to get the same traction around here. Biden is old. We all know that. But Trump isn't exactly a spring chicken. And, when push comes to shove, I think Biden is a significantly safer choice than Trump for soooo many reasons. First and foremost, protecting American democracy. As for not remembering world leaders, hate to burst your bubble, but Trump doesn't even know them at. Plus, who among us hasn't said the wrong name at some point or the other. Are we all senile now?
The bottom line is Hur is a GOP hack who couldn't hurt Biden with evidence or a court hearing, so he had to do a partisan attack. And that is how it should be viewed. It was a GOP hack stepping well over the line, and Garland SHOULD have stomped it at the curb. I guess the biggest question is, why are all special councils republicans? I would love to see how the right would react if a Democrat investigated Trump and said anything along the same lines.