blah...blah...calling people trolls when you've lost another argument tripping over your own hypocrisy. Same old desperation and tactics.There is no point trying to discuss anything with you because you go instantly into troll mode, like now.
blah...blah...calling people trolls when you've lost another argument tripping over your own hypocrisy. Same old desperation and tactics.There is no point trying to discuss anything with you because you go instantly into troll mode, like now.
Depends on what they think the breaks are going to be.The NDP are kinda boned. If they push an election, it seems likely that the Conservatives will win a majority and the NDP would be even worse off and TrueDooh as well as the rank and file of the NDP know this.
I don't see how Singh would get PR out of it.A weakened Trudeau would have. Give him a choice, PR or go to the polls again when it's not convenient for the libs,
the NDP has nothing to lose in that case but they'll lose again and again under FPTP once the libs recover or choose
a more competent leader.
It'll never happen as it would require the party ruling to essentially make it near impossible to do so again with a majority.I don't see how Singh would get PR out of it.
It would take ages to come up with a PR system people would get behind, and if you just say "PR" and accept whatever nonsense the Libs threw together in a month or two, it would probably be awful and also badly received by the public.
If you give enough time for a real system to be worked out, the fixed date for the election shows up and all your leverage is gone.
interesting, because the last poll I saw had them at 23%. Basically right beside the Liberals.Singh is done. His own supporters hate his guts.
I guess he's lucky he has members who are actually good in their ridings. I can't see how they picked this idiot to be their leader. But then again Trudeau and Ford were also picked to be leaders.interesting, because the last poll I saw had them at 23%. Basically right beside the Liberals.
interesting, because the last poll I saw had them at 23%. Basically right beside the LiberalsSingh is done. His own supporters hate his guts.
Look at some provincial and federal electoral maps. But also where are Singh and Layton from? Or for that matter O’Toole and Lewis?I guess he's lucky he has members who are actually good in their ridings. I can't see how they picked this idiot to be their leader. But then again Trudeau and Ford were also picked to be leaders.
"The NDP are kinda boned."The NDP are kinda boned. If they push an election, it seems likely that the Conservatives will win a majority and the NDP would be even worse off and TrueDooh as well as the rank and file of the NDP know this.
Doesn't mean they won't pull the plug, but even James T Kirk would understand that this unlike the Kobayashi Maru, it's at this point a no win situation.
At the most, seeing the Liberals take a beating might be good for them 4 years from now, OTOH if they get a new leader, it might make the liberals stronger.
Fuck it, put Charles in charge.
I wasn't very clear, but the danger is, if they pull an election with the current polling numbers and they hold, they could take the blame for bringing in a Cons majority from some of those on the left, in particular those who think having Pierre Poulet with a majority would be worse than being sent to hell, or going to a Justin Beiber concert. They would probably think, better to wait and hope for the numbers to reverse, anything to avoid giving a majority to "those people"Depends on what they think the breaks are going to be.
Right now they are polling to win about 26 seats... which is pretty much no change.
But if they think Trudeau is dropping hard and they can frame it as "he brought it on himself" for not following through and because people are mad at him they just agree with that narrative, the NDP could pick up a lot of disgruntled libs and get on the high end of their current polling, maybe even more. Say 40s to even 60s.
In a miracle world where things just completely collapse for the Libs, maybe they roll in with 2011 numbers (unlikely if the BQ doesn't collapse and there seems to be no sign they would).
So if they know they aren't gonna be the government either way and they don't feel like they got much for this deal this time, why not go for a better position in opposition. Hell, if the Libs implode completely, the NDP could end up official opposition again.
All that said, if people resent the early election, and if PP actually campaigning instead of taking pot shots from outside results in people worrying or freaking out about what Con rule would look like, maybe people go flooding back to the Libs in an anti-Con vote and the NDP (having a much weaker regional base) drops further.
I think Singh had to do something. Trudeau is weak right now and if the NDP doesn't push for some stuff they want then what are they even in the agreement for?
I think the risk of it backfiring massively for the NDP is rather low, they are more likely to end up with about as many seats as they have now than drop massively. The upside of more seats or even official opposition probably looks good - and "we got the Libs to give us shit we need" is a good reason to not pull the trigger and try to ride things into a better situation next year as "coalition is smart and we got things done".
So why not make this move and see what you can get out of it?
But by the same token, he has an “out”. I’ve listened to Canadians , and have decided we can longer support a government that ( rhyme off some things) its own citizens.I wasn't very clear, but the danger is, if they pull an election with the current polling numbers and they hold, they could take the blame for bringing in a Cons majority from some of those on the left, in particular those who think having Pierre Poulet with a majority would be worse than being sent to hell, or going to a Justin Beiber concert. They would probably think, better to wait and hope for the numbers to reverse, anything to avoid giving a majority to "those people"
It's because Singh is even more morally corrupt than JT. It was very obvious when he first became the NDP leader."The NDP are kinda boned."
That's what happens when you make a partnership deal with a corrupt moron.
it is impossible for Singh to ever claim any moral superiority vs. Justin Trudeau
if he tries, the obvious question is why did you prop up a corrupt govt ?
instead he can only claim that a corrupt Justin Trudeau broke his agreement with Dead meat Singh.
the obvious question is why did you do a deal with a corrupt Justin Trudeau ?
why did you believe a promise from any corrupt person has any value ?
why did you did you prop up a corrupt govt for an empty promise ?
there is no way to detach himself from Justin Trudeau's corruption
Singh painted himself into a corner
I think that's the trade off and the risk, absolutely.I wasn't very clear, but the danger is, if they pull an election with the current polling numbers and they hold, they could take the blame for bringing in a Cons majority from some of those on the left, in particular those who think having Pierre Poulet with a majority would be worse than being sent to hell, or going to a Justin Beiber concert. They would probably think, better to wait and hope for the numbers to reverse, anything to avoid giving a majority to "those people"
Well, yeah, I suppose the seats they have are pretty solid short of a massive shift.I think that's the trade off and the risk, absolutely.
I just think that even if they get blamed for the election, they won't lose that many seats.
It looks to me like they think the downside risk is lose 5-10 seats, upside is gain 10-20 and maybe even catch lightning in a bottle, and the most likely "bad" result is them sticking around the number of seats they have now.
I do think that if Trudeau looks like he is giving them what they want, the NDP will wait it out for the year so any Con majority can be blamed fully on Justin.
To NDP supporters he's one of the more successful.It's because Singh is even more morally corrupt than JT. It was very obvious when he first became the NDP leader.
He supported unlawful use of the Emergency Act to get the dental care.To NDP supporters he's one of the more successful.
He's managed to use the minority status to pressure the libs to do dental and $10/day day care.
Those are big wins for the NDP.
Now he's still making use of the power of his position.
That's way more than PeePee has ever accomplished in his entire political career.
So did 80% of the country.He supported unlawful use of the Emergency Act to get the dental care.
80% of the country didn't support it.So did 80% of the country.
The use of the Emergency Act wasn't and still isn't clearly illegal, it was a debatable use but not clearly wrong.
Lightning in a bottle and FPtP.I think that's the trade off and the risk, absolutely.
I just think that even if they get blamed for the election, they won't lose that many seats.
It looks to me like they think the downside risk is lose 5-10 seats, upside is gain 10-20 and maybe even catch lightning in a bottle, and the most likely "bad" result is them sticking around the number of seats they have now.
I do think that if Trudeau looks like he is giving them what they want, the NDP will wait it out for the year so any Con majority can be blamed fully on Justin.
The first poll I found says 66%. I have seen polls that put support of the anti vaxxers at less than 20%.80% of the country didn't support it.
For someone that howls about the ICJ so much, and very very very um…unclear wording.So did 80% of the country.
The use of the Emergency Act wasn't and still isn't clearly illegal, it was a debatable use but not clearly wrong.