If you think you're being clever by distracting again, you're not.
BTW Ironic you refer to the work of a known leftwing nutjob from Greece who's economy collapsed because of socialism but he's living in luxury while complaining that Bezos is a devil. You Communists are all alike in your hypocrisy.
I'll just leave this here to extinguish your distraction:
We’re in his airy open-plan living room where his wife intermittently appears offering water, coffee and snacks and shooing away a large, enthusiastically affectionate labrador. “He’s totally in love with Yanis,” she says. Stratou and Varoufakis are a striking couple, as glamorous as their house, a cool, luminous space featuring poured concrete and big glass windows overlooking a perfect rectangle of blue pool.
“I have no issues with luxury,” he says at one point, which is just as well because the entire scene would give the
Daily Mail a conniption, especially since Aegina seems to be Greece’s equivalent of Martha’s Vineyard, home to a highly networked artistic and political elite.