It's because to this day foreigners have never funded truckers to protests illegal mandates and lock downs. No one tried to force the government to resign either. Sorry Mr. Mendicino but Putin didn't organize or fund the convoy like you said on CBC news.
The lockdowns were not illegal. Provincial Governments on the advice from Healthcanada did a number of things under the legal authority of
Emergency Acts. Though police often refused to lay charges. On people going to public beaches, on people going to their cottages and more. If Ford had the stones to piss off the GTA he could have called in the army to block the 401/400 and more. Despite many Drs without the infrastructure to handle breakouts begging him to….Have we all forgotten when JT told people to stay home over Easter…then went to his cottage?
Amazing how short people’s memories are ( and a fair degree of hypocrisy)
And there is plenty of data to suggest they served the greater good. And it’s what the majority of Canadians wanted. Coincidentally those that as a result were safe and comfy in their PJs from Covid…..and collecting paychecks in their PJs from home. Nor really at great risk from Covid even when/if they came down with it. ( plenty of data proves that too). I’m willing to bet had Ford and JT jacked taxes through the roof to temporarily help those thrown overboard. Lockdowns would have ended a lot sooner. Might have ended sooner had vaccines not have been such a colossal screw up too.
While those they sacrificed lost everything, ( many their lives keeping society functioning…like truckers, peons at gas stations, grocery stores, warehouses, manufacturing plants and mores ), many more lost businesses and homes, lost jobs, and significant amounts of savings keeping the wolves at bay.
Maybe a time tested adage is in order. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Was there? . lol please.
Maybe a small quote from the Jordan Peterson case law. Measures must balance an individual’s rights when their rights are infringed on.
Is that the case?
lol please.
What have the selfish privelaged sorry arses done for them since?
and as it stands today..shit on them.