The York Police were very polite and gentle with David much to my chagrin.Squeezer, York Police DID NOT have to take Menzies into custody if THEY could not be satisfied by the arresting officer that there was probable cause for an arrest. Haven't these dopes ever heard of an investigation? First - probable cause - then - arrest. Not the other was around! A 10 minute review of the video on their own cameras, or Rebel's camera, and/or a 5 minute interview with Freeland and Menzies would have settled that issue. York Police SHOULD HAVE taken the RCMP arresting officer into custody, as in the absence of probable cause, he committed an assault on Menzies, amongst other offences.
Your choice to be a bootlicker to police who intentionally exceed their authority and who violate your rights is within your prerogative, but it should not be required of free citizens.
Your definition of rudeness is a curious one. How much deference do you think a politician deserves who won't explain why Iranian murderers are not labelled a terrorist group, in the context of an event remembering one of their crimes?
You want to call it a bootlicker, I prefer to call it common sense. I've never been met with hostility when approached by an officer and the said officer sees I'm nonconfrontational. It's gotten me out of many traffic violations. A little kidding around, get a laugh and drive away with a simple warning. This was mainly in my younger days, today I drive a little bit more respectably and I don't wear a silly hat and jump into people's faces out of nowhere.