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The Rebel News Thread


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Squeezer, York Police DID NOT have to take Menzies into custody if THEY could not be satisfied by the arresting officer that there was probable cause for an arrest. Haven't these dopes ever heard of an investigation? First - probable cause - then - arrest. Not the other was around! A 10 minute review of the video on their own cameras, or Rebel's camera, and/or a 5 minute interview with Freeland and Menzies would have settled that issue. York Police SHOULD HAVE taken the RCMP arresting officer into custody, as in the absence of probable cause, he committed an assault on Menzies, amongst other offences.

Your choice to be a bootlicker to police who intentionally exceed their authority and who violate your rights is within your prerogative, but it should not be required of free citizens.

Your definition of rudeness is a curious one. How much deference do you think a politician deserves who won't explain why Iranian murderers are not labelled a terrorist group, in the context of an event remembering one of their crimes?
The York Police were very polite and gentle with David much to my chagrin. :mad: They de-escalated the situation and then released the POS. The RCMP officers working security detail for Freeland outrank the York officers and I believe they must carry through as they did. Ezra is threatening a lawsuit and is probably fuming at York Division for releasing the POS so quickly.

You want to call it a bootlicker, I prefer to call it common sense. I've never been met with hostility when approached by an officer and the said officer sees I'm nonconfrontational. It's gotten me out of many traffic violations. A little kidding around, get a laugh and drive away with a simple warning. This was mainly in my younger days, today I drive a little bit more respectably and I don't wear a silly hat and jump into people's faces out of nowhere.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Maybe watch the video.
Freedom of the press. Is that an odd concept for you? Journalists do it as part of their job...quite common. Thousands of examples of journalists asking questions to people leaving courtrooms, etc.

You just don't like your Liberal masters being questioned. What are you afraid of?
it’s ok Skoob, that the charge of assault ( not breaking the peace) were quickly dropped seems not to be registering. Nor does all the press slamming it, nor the Liberals themselves distancing themselves, nor the RCMP officer being “under review”..Sometimes common sense just doesn’t fly.


Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
The York Police were very polite and gentle with David much to my chagrin. :mad: They de-escalated the situation and then released the POS. The RCMP officers working security detail for Freeland outrank the York officers and I believe they must carry through as they did. Ezra is threatening a lawsuit and is probably fuming at York Division for releasing the POS so quickly.

You want to call it a bootlicker, I prefer to call it common sense. I've never been met with hostility when approached by an officer and the said officer sees I'm nonconfrontational. It's gotten me out of many traffic violations. A little kidding around, get a laugh and drive away with a simple warning. This was mainly in my younger days, today I drive a little bit more respectably and I don't wear a silly hat and jump into people's faces out of nowhere.
Squeezer, you're using words that you don't know the meaning of. "De-escalation" does not encompass arresting an unarmed reporter who had committed no violent act and putting him in handcuffs and shoving him into the back of a cruiser. Nor is it de-escalation to drive a suspect around for a few minutes, then drop him at some random public school parking lot. De-escalation would have looked more like questioning and review of the available evidence before effecting an arrest. That's not what happened here. The proper descriptions of these actions are: a) knee jerk hot-headed "white knight" authoritarianism, followed by b) an "oh shit" reaction by YR cops when a higher up ordered that Menzies had to be let loose because there were no grounds to hold him. This is policing that should be condemned, and not repeated. Not condoned, as you would do.

p.s. The RCMP do not "outrank" other police officers. They just have different jurisdictions. They have no superior jurisdiction when it coming to arresting people for assault (which is what they proposed to do).

p.p.s. As to Rebel's/Menzie's lawsuit, it will CERTAINLY result in a significant payout to Rebel/Menzies, and that means a significant payout by all taxpayers. Taxpayers deserve better (and less expensive) policing than this! That's why police are supposed to de-escalate!
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Actually Dutch the term some might use to describe the officer is fire starter. The kind of actions that can get people hurt, suspended or fired. And you are quite correct that it’s anything but de-escalating, it’s escalating.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Squeezer, you're using words that you don't know the meaning of. "De-escalation" does not encompass arresting an unarmed reporter who had committed no violent act and putting him in handcuffs and shoving him into the back of a cruiser. Nor is it de-escalation to drive a suspect around for a few minutes, then drop him at some random public school parking lot. De-escalation would have looked more like questioning and review of the available evidence before effecting an arrest. That's not what happened here. The proper descriptions of these actions are: a) knee jerk hot-headed "white knight" authoritarianism, followed by b) an "oh shit" reaction by YR cops when a higher up ordered that Menzies had to be let loose because there were no grounds to hold him. This is policing that should be condemned, and not repeated. Not condoned, as you would do.

p.s. The RCMP do not "outrank" other police officers. They just have different jurisdictions. They have no superior jurisdiction when it coming to arresting people for assault (which is what they proposed to do).

p.p.s. As to Rebel's/Menzie's lawsuit, it will CERTAINLY result in a significant payout to Rebel/Menzies, and that means a significant payout by all taxpayers. Taxpayers deserve better (and less expensive) policing than this! That's why police are supposed de-escalate!
Squeezer prefers to give up his rights & freedoms if it means his Marxist-narrative gets to live another day.


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Look, I think anyone with a clear mind can see this RCMP dude massively overreacted. There was no justification. Menzies should be allowed to ask his idiotic questions, and Freeland can continue walking and ignoring him. Rebel plays these games were the reporter asks unhinged questions HOPING that something will happen, they answer, they shout back, they get their staff to run interference or what not. Then they play it up as if all the other media are ignoring these important issues, or that the "bought and paid for" media looks the other way while Rebel is bringing the truth to the masses....Rebel is trash. They do not report news, they try to make it. They try to get other media to cover what they think is important, and if the MSM ignores them, they can blame it on Trudeau or what not. They are a bunch of idiots. On many levels, they operate like a grift. They are constantly begging viewers to donate to various funds and conservative causes.... I don't want to risk libel charges, but I'd like to see the accounting for these funds, and see how much of it actually goes to the cause they say they support...

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Look, I think anyone with a clear mind can see this RCMP dude massively overreacted. There was no justification. Menzies should be allowed to ask his idiotic questions, and Freeland can continue walking and ignoring him. Rebel plays these games were the reporter asks unhinged questions HOPING that something will happen, they answer, they shout back, they get their staff to run interference or what not. Then they play it up as if all the other media are ignoring these important issues, or that the "bought and paid for" media looks the other way while Rebel is bringing the truth to the masses....Rebel is trash. They do not report news, they try to make it. They try to get other media to cover what they think is important, and if the MSM ignores them, they can blame it on Trudeau or what not. They are a bunch of idiots. On many levels, they operate like a grift. They are constantly begging viewers to donate to various funds and conservative causes.... I don't want to risk libel charges, but I'd like to see the accounting for these funds, and see how much of it actually goes to the cause they say they support...
Right now, the world is on the precipice of a multi-national conflict, the greater part of which is being instigated and financed by Iran. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard is the primary vehicle for their agitation, and is responsible for terrorist acts around the world. Canada refuses to define this group as a terrorist organization.

Trudeau attended an event on Jan 12 to memorialize the downing by Iran of flight PS752, killing all aboard including 57 Canadians, yet no response from his government to demands to designate the IRG as terrorists. Freeland was on her way to another PS752 memorial event. How on earth is it "unhinged" for a reporter to ask for an answer to this question outside of such an event, and in the context of Iran's current behaviour in relation to Israel?

As to your comments about Canada's mainstream media outlets, it appears that you understand conflict of interest no better than Trudeau (despite all the education he's received via ethics rulings).
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Look, I think anyone with a clear mind can see this RCMP dude massively overreacted. There was no justification. Menzies should be allowed to ask his idiotic questions, and Freeland can continue walking and ignoring him. Rebel plays these games were the reporter asks unhinged questions HOPING that something will happen, they answer, they shout back, they get their staff to run interference or what not. Then they play it up as if all the other media are ignoring these important issues, or that the "bought and paid for" media looks the other way while Rebel is bringing the truth to the masses....Rebel is trash. They do not report news, they try to make it. They try to get other media to cover what they think is important, and if the MSM ignores them, they can blame it on Trudeau or what not. They are a bunch of idiots. On many levels, they operate like a grift. They are constantly begging viewers to donate to various funds and conservative causes.... I don't want to risk libel charges, but I'd like to see the accounting for these funds, and see how much of it actually goes to the cause they say they support...
Lol as I was reading this I thought you were referring to CNN!
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Right now, the world is on the precipice of a multi-national conflict, the greater part of which is being instigated and financed by Iran. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard is the primary vehicle for their agitation, and is responsible for terrorist acts around the world. Canada refuses to define this group as a terrorist organization.

Trudeau attended an event on Jan 12 to memorialize the downing by Iran of flight PS752, killing all aboard including 57 Canadians, yet no response from his government to demands to designate the IRG as terrorists. Freeland was on her way to another PS752 memorial event. How on earth is it "unhinged" for a reporter to ask for an answer to this question outside of such an event, and in the context of Iran's current behaviour in relation to Israel?

As to your comments about Canada's mainstream media outlets, it appears that you understand conflict of interest no better than Trudeau (despite the education he's received via ethics rulings).
Now where did Iran get all this money recently that's being funneled to terrorist groups and who approved that? Hmmmmm.....

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
If anything I think that bald headed dickwad cop should be charged with assault.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Squeezer, you're using words that you don't know the meaning of. "De-escalation" does not encompass arresting an unarmed reporter who had committed no violent act and putting him in handcuffs and shoving him into the back of a cruiser. Nor is it de-escalation to drive a suspect around for a few minutes, then drop him at some random public school parking lot. De-escalation would have looked more like questioning and review of the available evidence before effecting an arrest. That's not what happened here. The proper descriptions of these actions are: a) knee jerk hot-headed "white knight" authoritarianism, followed by b) an "oh shit" reaction by YR cops when a higher up ordered that Menzies had to be let loose because there were no grounds to hold him. This is policing that should be condemned, and not repeated. Not condoned, as you would do.

p.s. The RCMP do not "outrank" other police officers. They just have different jurisdictions. They have no superior jurisdiction when it coming to arresting people for assault (which is what they proposed to do).

p.p.s. As to Rebel's/Menzie's lawsuit, it will CERTAINLY result in a significant payout to Rebel/Menzies, and that means a significant payout by all taxpayers. Taxpayers deserve better (and less expensive) policing than this! That's why police are supposed to de-escalate!
De-escalation is when officers calm the situation down. Please have a look and note how calm the POS with the hat was after York officers calmed him down. They did their job and once all was clear released the POS.

as for Rebel Fake Wannabe News,

they are a website with folks who believe they are journalists. They attract the radical flag-wearing misfits and Yahoos but hey, they are good at ranting and milking their audience.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Right now, the world is on the precipice of a multi-national conflict, the greater part of which is being instigated and financed by Iran. Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard is the primary vehicle for their agitation, and is responsible for terrorist acts around the world. Canada refuses to define this group as a terrorist organization.

Trudeau attended an event on Jan 12 to memorialize the downing by Iran of flight PS752, killing all aboard including 57 Canadians, yet no response from his government to demands to designate the IRG as terrorists. Freeland was on her way to another PS752 memorial event. How on earth is it "unhinged" for a reporter to ask for an answer to this question outside of such an event, and in the context of Iran's current behaviour in relation to Israel?

As to your comments about Canada's mainstream media outlets, it appears that you understand conflict of interest no better than Trudeau (despite all the education he's received via ethics rulings).
Look, I understand what was going on. But the reality is our laws have stipulations that saw an army cannot be designated a terror organization. And unfortunately the IRG is part of an army. So, while most mainstream media outlets have reported this, Menzies asks the question for the specific purpose of getting a reaction. Even if he's ignored, he can spin it about Freeland being out of touch or what not. What happened is even better and Ezra Levant's wet dream.

As for your belief that the media is in the bag for Trudeau or the Liberals, please provide proof. The CBC has broken several stories that are damaging to the Liberal government (and the PC government before that). The National Post and Sun papers regularly slam him. I've never heard a legit journalist say they were forced to put on the kid gloves when reporting on Trudau/Liberals. As much as you want to pretend it is a conflict of interest, you are so wrong. If, for example, the National Post was told it was getting less $$$ after it broke news on a government's malfeasance. they would have the greatest story ever!

Look, I get it, conservatives don't like the media. We've seen the same talking points from Republicans in the states and up here in Canada, despite the fact that the largest media chain in the country leans pretty hard left. Basically, they are trying to (and somewhat successfully) poison people's opinions on the media, so it is that much easier to spread their bullshit or hype up their talking points. But the reality is that most outlets try to play it down the middle. The CBC twists itself into a pretzel to ensure it is balanced, even when it really doesn't need to...


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Lol as I was reading this I thought you were referring to CNN!
Why would CNN talk about Rebel? In all seriousness, why would anyone in legit media talk about Rebel? Fox, sure. They want to pretend Canada is authoritarian or some bullshit. But the reality is that Canada rates significantly higher in press freedom that in the US (15 v 44).

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Why would CNN talk about Rebel? In all seriousness, why would anyone in legit media talk about Rebel? Fox, sure. They want to pretend Canada is authoritarian or some bullshit. But the reality is that Canada rates significantly higher in press freedom that in the US (15 v 44).
The Press Freedom Index is an utter joke. The US is pretty much the only country in the world that constitutionally defends the right to free speech. No where on the planet is independent media move prevalent than in the United States. And it ranks 45th, a full 20 spots behind South Africa. Journalists in SA are routinely intimidated into not covering corruption in the ANC, government finances or the government's expropriation policy of shifting 30% of farmland from white to black ownership.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
De-escalation is when officers calm the situation down. Please have a look and note how calm the POS with the hat was after York officers calmed him down. They did their job and once all was clear released the POS.

as for Rebel Fake Wannabe News,

they are a website with folks who believe they are journalists. They attract the radical flag-wearing misfits and Yahoos but hey, they are good at ranting and milking their audience.
They're just hoping to be as popular as Andy Ngo was for 15 minutes.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The Press Freedom Index is an utter joke. The US is pretty much the only country in the world that constitutionally defends the right to free speech. No where on the planet is independent media move prevalent than in the United States. And it ranks 45th, a full 20 spots behind South Africa. Journalists in SA are routinely intimidated into not covering corruption in the ANC, government finances or the government's expropriation policy of shifting 30% of farmland from white to black ownership.
And yet their libel laws are wacked, almost all media is corporate owned and controlled and you get free hate speech along with your free speech.
Is it better? I don't think so.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Why would CNN talk about Rebel? In all seriousness, why would anyone in legit media talk about Rebel? Fox, sure. They want to pretend Canada is authoritarian or some bullshit. But the reality is that Canada rates significantly higher in press freedom that in the US (15 v 44).
OMFG you totally missed my humour there!
I didn't mean CNN was referring to Rebel...your description of Rebel looked like that of CNN....LoL!
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
OMFG you totally missed my humour there!
I didn't mean CNN was referring to Rebel...your description of Rebel looked like that of CNN....LoL!
Wow. You sure missed the mark. There is no world where CNN and Rebel are similar at all. CNN has leaned a tad to the left in recent years, but they actually cover news. They don't try to create fake controversies like Rebel (or Fox for that matter). They are respected around the world for getting stories out. You may not like them because they don't kiss conservative ass like Fox and Rebel, but they are a hell of a lot more factual and accurate.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Wow. You sure missed the mark. There is no world where CNN and Rebel are similar at all. CNN has leaned a tad to the left in recent years, but they actually cover news. They don't try to create fake controversies like Rebel (or Fox for that matter). They are respected around the world for getting stories out. You may not like them because they don't kiss conservative ass like Fox and Rebel, but they are a hell of a lot more factual and accurate.
"...leaned a tad to the left..." hahaha that's funny!


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
"...leaned a tad to the left..." hahaha that's funny!
Dude, if you compare it to Fox's tilt to the right, or even MSNBCs, they are dead centre. That's the reality. I know Fox started right-of-centre and kept going, but CNN's shift to the left is a significantly smaller shift. Also, just because Fox or Trump say CNN is leftist, doesn't make it true.
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