Ashley Madison

Refractory Period is way too long

Mar 29, 2010
C is expensive but you don't need to take the whole pill. It's about $15/pill but if you break it in half it's $7.50. If you are paying $150-250 to see a provider what's another $7.50. Once you try it you aren't going back.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2017
Are you physically fit? I found it much easier to get more shots in shorter time frames once I started going to the gym.
Agreed. I'm not shaming anyone. I can only speak for myself. Whenever I drop weight, and train like a savage, my libido and my sex drive go through the roof. And I don't mean like a couple of pounds. I mean dropping a minimum of 10% of your body weight. The more belly fat you drop, the greater your natural testosterone will be. Belly fat KILLS test, it does. When you drop belly fat a whole host of hormones flood your body. Please do your research if you don't believe me. I've spent the last month prepping for this year's purge. I'm 260 lbs and I lift six days a week. By spring, I'll be under 234. Every time I do it EVERYTHING improves. It sucks in the doing. I eat the same things day after day. I'm in the gym every day. Most of my gains fade in a couple of years, which is normal. I fall back into bad habits. But I want to get it on with the ladies, and this is the most surefire way for me. I used to use Cialis. Had a BAD blood pressure reaction last Christmas. It started with a blinding headache, to the point of vomiting. Went to the pharmacy to get something for my head. Had the pharmacist check my BP, it was 180/110. The pharmacist freaked out! Called an ambulance. I spent 12 hours in the ER....after which, the ER Doc rolled his eyes and told me to tell the pharmacist to stick to dispensing drugs. It's a lot more complicated than I'm relaying here, but I've never touched Cialis since. It may or may not have been the Cialis, but I'll never take the chance again.


Sensuality Seeker
May 20, 2018
With the right porn I can go 3 shots in an hour but with a lady I prefer to spend that time on massage, foreplay and a SSOG. This is why I prefer hh and 45 min SP sessions.
If you're body is warm or the room is hot is does effect the erection. Maybe try taking a cold shower in between shots if you're looking for MSOG.
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William St

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2018
With the right porn I can go 3 shots in an hour but with a lady I prefer to spend that time on massage, foreplay and a SSOG. This is why I prefer hh and 45 min SP sessions.
If you're body is warm or the room is hot is does effect the erection. Maybe try taking a cold shower in between shots if you're looking for MSOG.
Yes, my preferences as well.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
The common denominator here is to be active, which will lead to positive results; reduced weight, better circulation, increased libido and the benefits go on. The pharmaceutical industry stumbled on Viagra and aimed their marketing at sports audiences :ROFLMAO: Sitting around all day Sunday, watching football, eating fried foods and drinking beer won't turn you into Casanova unless you take Viagra (<-sarcasm) Natural remedies are healthier and more beneficial, in my opinion.


Jun 28, 2020
Thanks for the feedback. I'll look into Cialis, but shit, it's expensive. I'll consider the alternatives as well, but I am no injections for me, thanks. One cystoscopy was enough for me. I'm not giving up, but trying to relive my glory days is far out of reach, 3, 4 5x day....they were good days💦 (@mav, took me forever to find that symbol, I don't know how you do it). In any case, I do make the most of my time, every time. Sometimes, a certain attraction and chemistry is enough for MSOG, but other times it's just not enough.

Try generic Viagra. its $10 a pill for 50mg . You can also take upto. 100mg


Active member
Sep 13, 2019
Has anyone tried that nutragenix (I think that’s how it’s spelled) stuff. I always see the commercials with Doug flutie and frank thomas. I has me wondering if it helps with the overall performance
Ain't old age great? Lots of what's been said is well known... better fitness, less booze, pills. Don't overlook good old cock rings. I have a regular FS MA in Toronto now, and started using a ring recently. Gets up, stays up... one of those good old-fashioned angry boners with the bulging veins. When you do pop, it's more intense. The ring needs to be pretty tight, even uncomfortable to start. I think guys wear them different ways. I bought a 3-pac of silicone rings (different sizes). After some experimentation, I found the medium one fits snug around balls and dick and for me, that's best. I have a leather version with snaps for more formal occasions.

And don't be shy. These girls have seen a lot of cocks, and a lot of older guys. Mine was excited to try mine out originally. In some ways, it makes their job easier.
Feb 21, 2024
Some great feedback. Even at 50, I've had trouble over coming the psychological part. I'm still pretty nervous with every visit, even with SPs and MAs I've seen multiple times. This sometime leads to premature ejaculation, ya even at 50. When i sense this coming on, like many of you, I focus on the foreplay and make the most of the cuddling.
There is lots of pressure on us guys regarldess of age. We need to get hard, don't cum too quickly while also pleasuring her. I personally wouldn't put too much pressure on yourself though man. The more you make it a mental thing and the harder on yourself you are and the more its harder to overcome. Just go in confident she is just a regular person at the end of the day.


Active member
Oct 21, 2018
Look up They deliver the goods right to your door. I'm 45 and the package doesn't act like the 25 year old package that I wanted it to, until the blue pill came into my life. I went with the viagra version and it works awesome. You don't even need the whole pill, just break off a quarter of it, wait a half hour, then give er MSOG
I am 67 and work out quite a bit but have noticed a gradual reduction in ability although not libido. Went through the online consultation with Phoenix (takes a while) and signed up for four generic V per month, which is a subscription but you can stop and restart it whenever you want. First tried a half pill (so 25 mg) with a MA, but not much happened. So next time went up to a full pill, plus the leftover half (75 mg). That really woke things up with a very desirable SP, whom I have seen an additional time, also with the same dosage. I think she was a bit startled the first time (although maybe not as much as me!) as she received quite the workover. You take the pill an hour ahead and it doesn't seem to do anything at first but in my case some intense kissing was the trigger. No side effects for me but I can see how people can get addicted to it. Phoenix seems very organized so no complaints from that perspective but with my favourite SPs now at $400/hr the pills are going to last for a while!
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