And, you'll probably get the haters coming in with the same arguments. E.g., crypto is a fraud, the market is being manipulated by Binance, Tether, etc. etc. Even if the manipulation argument is true (IMO it's not when you have institutions like BlackRock buying), manipulation is inherent of the markets anyway (OPEC on oil, central banks on currencies, etc.). Haters should just stfu and keep buying whatever you're buying--you're not gonna dissuade anybody who's got skin in the crypto space.
Once there's a correction (there inevitably will be on just like any other asset class), you're going to get the same haters saying it's gonna go to zero. Keep dreaming--and I don't really see a point for haters hoping for that to happen anyway because I doubt they're shorting crypto so they won't make any money.
It's all about making money.