Working on the assumption of a few things. It’s so bizarre, asinine and sad anyone has to preface a post with that…….But it is what it is here.
And working off memory.
Does Minneapolis have a 3rd party equivalent of the SIU? If so, I assume those involved were roasted…tarred and feathered, then hung.
Does or would Michigan also have a public coroners inquest. As we do and would have following any death. For what it’s worth I’ve been through the first and will be going through the second…( the process is slow) If so, and if it’s been held to date. Anyone want to guess it’s findings?
No matter how it’s sliced or diced, he and they first and foremost swear oaths, and have a duty of care.
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Secondly, arguably, more importantly. Law enforcement is part of the establishment/institution…”The public trust”. <<<This being critical, paramount, the be all and end all, however you want to name or label it. Society in the whole has, is, will likely continue to lose the trust if things don’t change right fast.. What follows when they do? Anarchy. Read almost anything on that. Or simply see BLM, Antifa, storming the WH, the G20 here, some of Trumps base, songs about Richmond, etc and so on…over and over and over. There’s just a few dozens signs and manifestations.
As such, they ( Law enforcement) need to be and are, held to higher standards. See 3rd party special investigative units and coroners inquest…And penalties for transgressions of policy, training and in extreme cases when they cross the line. The hammer comes down hard, it’s supposed to and needs to.