Hey, I have no problem with Moderate Muslims. I have a crew I see every so often. IT guys. From Pakistan. We get together for drinks with other mutual friends. And they are good to show up to my house when I throw a party to drink up my Scotch.I don't care what you post, Slobodan's butler. Everyone here knows you only post to try to justify your hate-filled, Islamophobic mind. It must be horrifying for you to live in Canada, with the amount of Muslims here. How do you go grocery shopping without being "jihad"ed?
You values and ideals do not align with the vast majority of Canadian society. Canada, in fact the world, has rejected your desire for ethnic cleansing many times, and will do so again, should the need arise. Thankfully, you won't be around to ever see your wet dream final solution for Palestinian civilians come true.
They think ME muslims and especially Palestinians are idiots too, making them look bad. And believe that a Reformation of the Quran, similar to the Bible one is needed. To excise the war language and teachings, as well as other bas teachings no longer relevant in the modern age.
They are, in essense, Canadian Westernized Muslims. And good people. Do charitable work, and good members of the community.
But lets face it, they are rare amongst 1.9 billion Muslims. Especially in the ME.