Israel at war

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israeli laws are also based on ethnicity or race, as it regards the Palestinians, and as Israel considers itself to be. Israeli Jews do not consider themselves 'Arabs'. Citizenship is also not a necessary criteria for the crime of apartheid to happen....
Wow. You love spewing on about things which you know absolutely nothing about.

Israeli laws are not based on ethnicity. Like in Canada, systemic racism makes for unequal outcomes but the laws themselves aren't. There are a couple exceptions such as Israeli Jews have mandatory national service while for Israeli Arabs, it is voluntary. And right, citizenship is not a defining factor but rather ethnicity. The fact that 20% of Israel's citizens have full legal rights but have the same ethnicity as Palestinians shows Apartheid claims are bullshit.

And you wouldn't know but many, many Israelis identify as Mizrahi Jews, embracing their Arab identity and yes, they were ethnically cleansed from the lands where they had lived for millennia and lost most of their property because of base racism. But you guys don't like reality when in interferes with your insanely simplified version of things.

As for Apartheid-like conditions, you might want to look at Jordan's history because they are run by a small foreign ethnic minority imposed by the Brits and the indigenous (once known as East Bank Palestinians since Jordan was part of the original British Mandate) have fewer rights. They also have laws that say that Jews can not own land or have citizenship which includes the small number of former Jordanian Jews who were forced to flee to Israel.

And sorry but his videos are edited by selecting which answers to include just like Rick Mercer did.

Your claim about West Bank Palestinians not being able to get Israeli citizenship is pretty farcical, like saying Unicorns can't get Canadian citizenship. The vast majority of Palestinians DON'T WANT to become Israelis no matter how much you and Frank want to force them to be. As I said before, Arabs in East Jerusalem or the Golan do have open offers for citizenship but very few choose to become Israelis.

Just another topic where you show an absolute void in your knowledge, seemingly based solely on the tweets that franky posts.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I'm sure all the videos of fixed rocket emplacements in schools, guys shooting RPG's from a hospital then running back inside, the tunnels under hospitals, and the weapons stored in school buildings are all just Jewish lies.

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