Franky is too embarassed to even us the fank name anymore....LoL.
I don't think that he's embarrassed by anything. His hate is all consuming. He's similar to a cultist. Blind to reality and reason.
He's been (rightfully) taking a lot of heat for his extreme racist position. And not only taking heat, but losing every debate. He's continuously attempting mental gymnastics to twist history, facts and other people's words around and calling everyone liars and supporters of genocide and apartheid. He is spending hours and hours and hours every day, with his long and repetitive posts battling with dozens of people all at once. And have you noticed how he always HAS to get the last word in. Any time you open the politics forum and see the threads regarding Israel, his name is shown as the last poster at least 80% of the time. He's obsessed.
If he's not going to wear down mentally, for sure he's going to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. LOL
So by using a second handle, he's probably hoping to take a bit less heat. Unfortunately for him FRANK IS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.