I've been married twice and divorced twice. Finally living my best life. I'm free to do what I want without answering to anybody else, with none of the complications and ups & downs of a romantic relationship.
In both marriages the passion died, mutually, well before the marriages ended.
Also not having to deal with a significant other's families, for better or for worse.
I have 2 grown children from my second marriage, so that part of my life has been satisfied.
I get all the female sexuality and even sometimes mental "click" from the ladies I meet in the sex industry. The cost is pre-determined, far less than the cost of dating in the style I would like if I was interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, and there are no legal entanglements.
If the passion, real or imagined, dies with one of my very few sex industry regulars I just move on, and nobody gets hurt, or feels guilty. None of that "I'm sorry. Its me, not you" bullshit.
Besides, I love the variety the sex industry provides. "So many women, so little time..."
So to sum up I have zero interest in dating civilians, even though I have received some interest from women who are still reasonably attractive, despite being a lot older than the mpa's and escorts I see.
Thank goodness terb exists to facilitate my chosen lifestyle! (not to mention the interesting Lounge topics, lively political debates, and of course, the Photo Threads.)