Israel at war


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
FWIW I want to thank most Terbites for not being viciously anti-Semetic thru this. It's going to be a tough couple of years.

There isn't any solution other than the eradication of Hamas. It was largely the same with ISIS for 9/11, and it'd be the same if a Mexican cartel came up to Texas to kill a few thousand and kidnap a few hundred.

It's probable that Iran goaded/funded them into it after they got their $6B for hostages, with the expectation that Israel would respond as they have and the price would be the deaths of thousands of Palestinians. The world will become more anti-Israeli for the next decade, which of course suits Iran just fine.

Unfortunately unless Hamas suddenly releases everyone and lays down arms, their eradication requires boots on the ground in the hundreds of thousands, and so, so many displacements and worse.

It's going to be hard to watch for a year or two, and everyone's hearts should go out to the Gazans, who are being used as pawns by Iran/Qatar/Russia/North Korea. I don't know why they have no fans in the Arab world, but it's a tough spot to be in, and won't get better for a decade or two. They need Israeli investment/support and it won't be forthcoming for quite a while.

In case you're newer to this, Israel did a "land for peace" deal with Gaza in 2005 when the relatively moderate Fatah wing was running the PLO and controlled Gaza. Israeli troops left, and Israeli settlements were abandoned.

A year later Gaza elected Hamas (it was more about PLO corruption than terror, but still), and they haven't had an election since and have basically spent two decades peppering Israel with rockets and terrorist attacks. There is little evidence that Hamas cares about the day-to-day lives of Gazans - last Saturday was a huge victory for them in their primary objective, which is the eradication of Israel. That's literally in their charter.

"You cannot negotiate peace with somebody who has come to kill you" - Golda Meir

You just can't help but feel for the young people of Gaza (fully HALF of the 2.3M population is under 18), who have militant terrorists for a government, little sustenance or opportunities.

It's going to be a tough decade to watch.
Its not going to be a decade.

In 2021 the tide started turning and BLM protests aligned with PLM. You can see it now with protests around the world. They protest for Palestinian rights, not for Israel.

44% of Dems say Israel is apartheid. Biden is as pro Israeli as you'll get and he's had too much. He has to get Netanyahu to stop or risk losing the election now. If Netanyahu stops now he's finished. If he carries on he's a war criminal/pariah.

If Netanyahu was smart he could have used the anger from the Hamas attack but instead he's going genocidal and hastening the end of apartheid Israel. Long live the one state solution with equal rights. End apartheid, let both Jews and Palestinians live with equal rights there.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Its not like the Hamas wants a secular democracy either. They want a racist Palestinian ethno-state and want to genocide the Jews. So between the Israeli govt. and the Hamas, the lesser evil is the Israeli govt. They are just racist. But they don't intend to commit genocide. Same cannot be said about the Hamas.
No, you use your Islamaphobia to accuse Hamas of genocide while excusing/ignoring the Israeli genocide that's ongoing.

Hey look! no tweet!



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why is every post of yours accompanied with a tweet?

BTW, nothing will happen to Bibi. Israel will be united in dealing with this. Listen to Yair Lapid from yesterday.
Because there is so much #Gazagenocide, #FreeGaza, #IsraeliTerrorism on the xitter this week.

Because the crap the Islamaphobes post here are affecting Canadians already.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It is a land grab. Not a genocide. And I accuse Hamas of genocide intent because they explicitly call for Israel's destruction.

On the destruction of Israel:

"Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (Preamble)

So Hamas you think are guilty of 'genocidal intent' for their charter.
But Israel, who has actually wiped Palestine off the map and not just called for but enacted Palestine's destruction are innocent?

Not to mention Israel actually committing genocide on the people themselves as we speak.

That's fucked up.
Really fucked up.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Genocide means targeting or intending to target a people of a particular ethnicity to kill them. Israel is not doing that and is not intending to do that. Hamas on the other hand, intends to do that. You are just spinning military action against terrorists as genocide, which is not right.
Israel has blocked all food, water and power to the prison of Gaza, where 75% are refugees and 80% suffer from poverty and lack of food.
Without water they will all die.

A Textbook Case of Genocide
Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?



Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Meanwhile, leftist Reps. AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and notorious fire-alarm-puller Jamaal Bowman are pushing for the US to bring in potentially HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Palestinian refugees. Other members of Congress such as Sens. Cruz, Cotton, Rubio, and Rick Scott sided with Rep. Gaetz and also oppose Palestinian resettlement efforts in the US. “The U.S. is the most generous nation in the world, but we are in no position to accept additional refugees, especially from a region with as high a risk of terrorism, given our nation’s inability to secure our own border or vet those who are already here,” Rubio told The New York Post.
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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
I'm sure this is related.

Terrorist kills 2 Swedes in the name of Muslims, I couldn't figure why they stopped the soccer game. 😡

Brussels 'on highest terror alert' and football fans told to stay in stadium after two shot dead
The Euro 2024 qualifier between Belgium and Sweden was abandoned at half-time following the fatal shooting in central Brussels on Monday night.

Shortly after the shooting, a man who claimed to be the gunman released a video on social media in which he claimed to be a member of Islamic State (IS) and a "fighter for Allah".

He also claimed he had carried out the attack in "revenge in the name of Muslims".

One Belgium newspaper said a witness heard the shooter shout "Allahu Akbar" - "God is great" in Arabic - before the shots were fired.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Where is the hate speech in calling for a ceasefire and the end of apartheid?
Oh those aren't hate speech. They're just hollow words and lies.

But I wasn't referring to that particular post.

Hate speech is your "love language" in general. And everybody knows it. Not just me.

Not really, the UN is, much like you, notoriously anti-Semitic so what they say is meaningless.
When guys like you call them Apartheid is because you're angry that they don't let themselves be killed anymore like during the holocaust. Jews are fighting back and are not letting Hamas or Islamic Jihad kill them. This is what angers you the most. I've been here since 2002 and you carry on this Jihad against Israel under other names (like groggy) you say Israel but its code for Jews.
Thanks for proving how full of shit you and your hate campaign are.
Or are you still trying to pretend Israelis can't be considered civilians?
But I guess it's a positive that you and frank have united people with very disparate political views in condemning your disgusting support for Hamas.
I'm sure those with deep seated anti-semitism will always have sympathy for Hamas as long as they try to kill Jews.
People hate your posts for lying and gaslighting.
Nobody here supports apartheid, genocide, violence or racial hatred (barring a few outliers, who I will not name). To even insinuate that is another example of your lies.
Dude, you lie all the time. You lie and gaslight. So I will back @shack and what he says about your argumentation style.
Hamas (and frankie and gryphon for that matter) will not be happy until Israel does not exist so it really has nothing to do with apartheid (and I do not accept that characterization at all) and everything to do with survival.
It is truly ironic when the Zionists on this board care more about the Palestinian people than you and frankie who care only about killing Jews.
Lmao. I’m sure we are all ok with that given you and Frank have 0 credibility
The attacks were nothing but a crime born of anger and opportunity - in other words - EVIL.
You seem to be proud to be amoral. That's nothing to be proud of.
So you don't want to comment about Hamas running a Islamic dictatorship and forcing women to go out only accompanied by men and shaving heads of teenagers? Why can't you be honest? This is why so many people hate you here.
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