In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
All the posts and posters above say otherwise. Nobody believes you. You have no credibility.

No. You don't understand.

You contribute nothing positive to TERB. No reviews and no contributions to any of the forums except for politics. Why are you even here in the first place?

People want you gone from here. Your hate speech is vile and has no place here.
Take your attempts at ethnic cleansing and genocide somewhere else, buddy.
You want to wipe Palestinians from the planet and you want to wipe out discussion of the genocide you're backing from the board.

You make Hamas look sane.

There are sane Jews and now there are genocidal Jews.
I stand with the sane ones.



Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Take your attempts at ethnic cleansing and genocide somewhere else, buddy.
You want to wipe Palestinians from the planet and you want to wipe out discussion of the genocide you're backing from the board.

You make Hamas look sane.

There are sane Jews and now there are genocidal Jews.
I stand with the sane ones.
All bullshit claims that you invent and not worthy of a reply.

Look how many people know that you and your propaganda posts are FOS.

Please show your list of supporters. A few people who, like you, have been previously banned for your hate speech and have had to create new profiles?

Did you join TERB for the express purpose of promoting your agenda because I can see no other reason for you being on this board.

When was your last review? Maybe I missed it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
All bullshit claims that you invent and not worthy of a reply.

Look how many people know that you and your propaganda posts are FOS.

Please show your list of supporters. A few people who, like you, have been previously banned for your hate speech and have had to create new profiles?

Did you join TERB for the express purpose of promoting your agenda because I can see no other reason for you being on this board.

When was your last review? Maybe I missed it.
I'm inventing nothing.
You're part of an angry minority calling for more death, its a loud and over represented minority on this board, but its a minority.
I stand for the end of the violence, both sides being held to the law and the end of aparthied.

Over 1000 Palestinian children are dead already.
You stand for this:

I stand for this:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Nobody here is promoting apartheid. I have literally stated Israel is a racist, apartheid state.
Nobody here supports mass murder and genocide.
Nobody here supports death and destruction.
Everybody here supports an end to violence and agree that a permanent and viable resolution be found for the Palestinians.

But this is not about political disagreements or what anyone supports or does not support.

This is about YOU.

This is about YOU lying and gaslighting people. Even the words that you just used - "You're part of an angry minority calling for more death" - is lying and gaslighting, because there is literally no one on this board who belong to an angry minority and call for more death.

So let us keep the focus on you and your behaviour. This has nothing to do with political opinions, but your behaviour during a discussion.

Being dishonest, lying, gaslighting, trolling and unnecessarily provoking people or testing their patience - these are the hallmarks of your argumentation strategies, and you go on with that endlessly never progressing in a discussion. This is not the first time I have observed this from you - and if you want proof, just read your last few ridiculous messages on the Modi thread. Its very indecent behaviour and I think you ought to do better, even if we are anonymous on this board.
Who here has called for a ceasefire except me? Nobody
Who here among the Israeli supporters has called for Israel to kill all of Hamas? Everyone
Who here among the Israeli supporters as called out Israel for blocking all food, water and power to Gaza? Nobody
Who here has called for the end of apartheid in Israel? Me
Who here has called for the application of international law to both sides? Me

You've stated Israel is apartheid sure, but you haven't even said Israel should stop it or be sanctioned for apartheid.

There is no gaslighting, this is what's going on here.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Who here has called for a ceasefire except me? Nobody - Calling for a ceasefire is not possible until Hamas is rooted out. Everyone supports a ceasefire, AFTER the Hamas is rooted out.
Who here among the Israeli supporters has called for Israel to kill all of Hamas? Everyone - Ending Hamas, ends violence.
Who here among the Israeli supporters as called out Israel for blocking all food, water and power to Gaza? Nobody - It is war. Yes it is collective punishment. Yes it is a war crime. I literally stated it is a war crime several times. But what about this entire conflict is not a war crime? What Hamas did is not a war crime? So if Israel is attacking their enemies, why will they give them any quarter?
Who here has called for the end of apartheid in Israel? Me - No. Everyone has. No one here supports Apartheid.
Who here has called for the application of international law to both sides? Me - What international law are you applying here? How does that guarantee that Hamas is rooted out? The Hamas is a terrorist group that can only be removed via force.
Bullshit, Kautilya. You just proved your accusations that I've been lying or gaslighting are total bullshit.

Nobody has called out any of those things. You've never said Israel should be taken to court or sanctioned to end apartheid or that they should even end it. Even in your defence you wouldn't go as far as saying Israel shouldn't stop committing what you say is a war crime, blocking all food, water and power. That's not just a war crime, that's terrorism by the definition.




dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No, I have said - and if I haven't said it, let me say it now - No, I do not believe Israel should be taken to court. The reason being it is a 75 year old conflict and a lot of what Israel does, even if it is apartheid and racist and oppressive, also is due to law enforcement and counter terrorism. For example, the wall - is it apartheid and segregation? Yes it is. But why was it built? Due to terror attacks and suicide bombings.

Everyone here implicitly agrees that the war itself and the subsequent tactics are brutal, but everyone also agrees that Hamas needs to go at all costs, both for the sake of Israel and for the same of the Palestinians, and that in the process there will be enormous loss of human life and infrastructure.

So for you to say that people here support apartheid and genocide - which essentially means that you are accusing people of wanting Palestinians to die - is lying and gaslighting.
Again, you are saying you support terrorism, apartheid, the occupation and genocide because of terrorism committed by the victims of terrorism, apartheid, the occupation and genocide.

You say the law doesn't matter, human rights don't matter and what matters is justifying using terrorism and apartheid on the people in Palestine.

I say Never Again
Not to Jews, not to Palestinians, not to Muslims and not to Sikhs.



Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Look at all the vitriol you create and how many people find you vile. Look how many people find you despicable, deplorable and disingenuous. You are hated and reviled. You are convincing no one to the validity of your cause. If anything, you are turning more people away and making TERB an unpleasant place to visit.

Do the honourable thing. Leave TERB. Return the civility that you have taken from TERB. You do not review. You do nothing to make the site fun and enjoyable. You do not contribute to any other forum except politics. You are using TERB to further your political agenda and you only create animosity. This is not what we signed up for and you are ruining the site for us.. NOTHING ELSE. You serve no purpose. You only exploit.
Frank, you do not belong here. You, and your vile hate speech have zero connection to our community.
So Shack, before I respond, was this for Frankie or was this for me?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
You mean if they just chose to die quietly in the open air prison and not raise a fuss there would be peace?
All the fault of Hamas and their desire for violence, death and destruction.

Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology. A close read of Hamas’s founding documents clearly shows its intentions.

Now, I KNOW you don't research anything and get your opinions from NDP circle jerks, do you need a link to Hama's founding document to see how wacked & vile the organization you support is?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I am saying that there is only one way to respond to terrorism, which is through the use of force. If that results in death and destruction, then that is a cost that has to be paid. For human rights to exist, there need to be no terrorists.

You cannot purport to advocate for human rights, while supporting terrorists who violate said human rights.
That is exactly what Hamas did after the 233 settler terrorist attacks this year.

That is also why I say both sides should stop, both should be held to the law and apartheid should be ended.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Who here has called for a ceasefire except me? Nobody

:ROFLMAO: oh yes, let Hama have their little terror strike without consequences. THAT's why you want a ceasefire so they can do it again in a year. Please, we see you.

Who here among the Israeli supporters has called for Israel to kill all of Hamas? Everyone

Oh? Please feel free to point out who said "kill all of Hamas". The only people who say that are those that really support the Palis.

Who here among the Israeli supporters as called out Israel for blocking all food, water and power to Gaza? Nobody
oh yes, let Hama have their little terror strike without consequences. Weird how Egypt isn't exactly rushing to support them now is it? No one in the Arab world likes Hamas. Except you of course.

Who here has called for the end of apartheid in Israel? Me

There is no apartheid in Israel. By stated "apartheid" your object is to diminish what apartheid actually is. Unless of course you're stating Gaza is part of Israel. Oh wait, you said the quiet part out loud! Thanks for supporting the true borders of Israel! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Who here has called for the application of international law to both sides? Me

This is your lack of moral centre showing. This is no "both sides".

You've stated Israel is apartheid sure, but you haven't even said Israel should stop it or be sanctioned for apartheid.

There is no apartheid in Israel. By stated "apartheid" your object is to diminish what apartheid actually is.

ya, don't understand :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. You're so out there you have no clue how bad you're clueless.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
All the fault of Hamas and their desire for violence, death and destruction.

Understanding Hamas’s Genocidal Ideology. A close read of Hamas’s founding documents clearly shows its intentions.

Now, I KNOW you don't research anything and get your opinions from NDP circle jerks, do you need a link to Hama's founding document to see how wacked & vile the organization you support is?
The Hamas charter of 1988 is fucked, so is Likud's charter.
Hamas updated theirs in 2017, IIRC, Likud hasn't.

Chemical weapons on a civilian population sure looks like terrorism.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
The Hamas charter of 1988 is fucked, so is Likud's charter.
Hamas updated theirs in 2017, IIRC, Likud hasn't.
oh really? Please feel free to provide a link to that 'updated' version so we can ALL read the vileness of Hamas. No? Didn't provide? huh, wonder why.

Also weird conflate a democratically elected party, that has been removed in the past democratically, with Hamas that stays in power with the barrel of a gun. Oh wait, you're a left wing fascist, OF COURSE you circle jerk to how Hamas stays in power.

I can't wait for the anti-Semites at the NDP to implode at the next election.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
oh really? Please feel free to provide a link to that 'updated' version so we can ALL read the vileness of Hamas. No? Didn't provide? huh, wonder why.
Its here

They even say that while they want to take all of Palestine back they'd settle for the 1967 borders if Palestinians voted for it.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Its here

They even say that while they want to take all of Palestine back they'd settle for the 1967 borders if Palestinians voted for it.
Really? Please copy and paste out the oh-so-peaceful parts to back up your argument....

Also hilarious is that little tidbit about Jerusalem which has always belonged to the Jews. Don't mention how al-Aqsa Mosque is built on top of a Jewish temple do they? Weird that....have to wonder who is fighting back against the conquerers sometimes huh?

Oh wait. Facts. Inconvenient. Never mind. Please feel free to go back chanting death to the jews Frankie.
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