Israel at war


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Floyd Mayweather's jet just touched down in Israel, loaded with over 5,000 lbs. of supplies for Israeli civilians and military ... days after the legendary boxer pledged his support for the country in the wake of the Hamas attacks

Mayweather was already one of the most vocal celebs in pledging support for Israel, but when it became clear there was a need for a plane to deliver supplies, we're told Floyd stepped up in a big way.

Floyd, working with his friend Jona Rechnitz, along with Maya Sinai and David and Gitel Rubin, sourced the jet and pilots (TBE's), and thousands of pounds of supplies, to fly across the world to Israel and deliver to the IDF and civilians.



Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
You can't make stupid claims without proof after you've blown up 90 schools and 18 hospitals and clinics.
What if Hamas declared they thought the music festival was filled with terrorists, then you'd have to say they had the same right Israel has and it wasn't terrorism, just war, when they attacked. If all it takes is one person from either side saying 'I thought there were terrorists' then you'll have to stop calling Hamas terrorists entirely.
You're rambling and not making any sense. Are you doing ok Frankie? Feeling depressed because you just realized how little of a moral centre you have? Do you need help? We can get somebody to help you I'm sure.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
There have been no peace talks for 10 years, the blockade is 17 years old and the two state solution destroyed through 'facts on the ground'.
But I agree with that paragraph, give Palestinians a peaceful option and they will take it over Hamas and living in the world's largest prison.
"give". You say it has to be "give" 'cause you inherently recognize Palis have no concept of, nor desire for, peace and can't make one on their own. Hence Israel has to do what they're doing. Thank-you for supporting my point of view. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Every country in war uses precision attacks to target buildings with enemies. This is why they were asked to evacuate. But in that small strip of land, you cannot do much more. You and I do not know what intel the Israeli army has, so to simply declare that they are just targeting civilians is incorrect on your part.
You do know Frankie is just trolling for kicks and being rational with him is a waste of your time right?
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You do know Frankie is just trolling for kicks and being rational with him is a waste of your time right?
I don't think so. Someone who has gone through at least 3 handles of obsessively bitching about Israel is way too motivated by ethnic hatred to be a troll.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Abbas has kept a secular type of Government in the west Bank. Hamas being a offshoot of the Muslim brothers are keeping Islamic dictatorship in Gaza. They caught teenagers with long hair and shaved their head off.

Abbas: Hamas actions do not represent Palestinian people
In second condemnation of Hamas massacre, PA chairman tells Venezuelan President that the PLO is the "sole representative" of Palestinian Arabs.

Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmod Abbas on Sunday condemned on Hamas’ terrorist attacks on Israel, nine days after the deadly attacks which have so far killed more than 1,300 Israelis.

In a phone call with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Abbas said the actions and policies of Hamas “do not represent Palestinian people”, reported the PA’s WAFA news agency.

Abbas also called the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) the "sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people," WAFA said.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Abbas has kept a secular type of Government in the west Bank. Hamas being a offshoot of the Muslim brothers are keeping Islamic dictatorship in Gaza. They caught teenagers with long hair and shaved their head off.
This was a few years ago but I understand its still current.

Hamas shaves heads of long-haired Gaza youths
Islamist rulers crack down on behavior deemed inappropriate; rights groups outraged

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Police in Hamas-ruled Gaza have started grabbing young men with long or gel-styled spiky hair off the streets, bundling them into jeeps, mocking them and shaving their heads, two of those targeted and a rights group said Sunday.

It is the latest sign that the Islamic militants are imposing their strict practices on the population.

Hamas has been slowly forcing its fundamentalist interpretation of the religion on already conservative Gaza since it overran the territory in 2007, but the new crackdown on long hair and tight or low-waist pants — in several cases accompanied by beatings — appears to be one of the most aggressive phases of the campaign so far.

The crackdown began last week, and two of those targeted told The Associated Press said they were rounded up in separate sweeps in Gaza City that included more than two dozen young men.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
Other ways Hamas enforces Islamic law in Gaza. Gazans can't be happy of living under Islamic Hamas when they lived many years under more secular Palestinian authority. They can't even rebel, they get killed.

Hamas "Morality" Cops Enforce Islamic Law

Under Hamas' strict interpretation of Islamic law, a woman should not go out in public with men who are not related to her .

An attempt by Hamas police to detain a young woman walking with a man along the Gaza beach has raised alarms that the Islamic militant group is seeking to match its political control of the coastal territory with a strict enforcement of Islamic law.

The man she walked with and two of his peers were detained, beaten and ordered to sign statements promising not to engage in immoral activities, said the woman and one of the men.

The incident was the first known case of Hamas openly trying to punish a woman for behaving in a way it views as un-Islamic since seizing power two years ago. But it follows months of quiet pressure on Gaza's overwhelmingly conservative 1.4 million residents to abide by its strict religious mores.

Hamas officials in Gaza have publicly urged shopkeepers to take down foreign advertisements showing the shape of women's bodies and to stash away lingerie often displayed in windows. Officials search electronic shops to check if they are selling pornography on tiny flash drives.

"There's an open, public program to preserve public morals in Gaza," said local rights activist Isam Younis. "In reality that means trying to restrict freedoms."

Hamas denies any crackdown is under way. Since taking power, it has said it would only try to lead by example and not impose its views on anyone.

However, the group has taken no public action against small, shadowy groups that have attacked perceived hotbeds of Western immorality, such as hairdressers and Internet cafes, fueling criticism that it has not been tough enough on hard-line Muslim groups.

Freelance journalist Asma al-Ghoul says a group of Hamas police sent a clear message that certain behavior would not be tolerated when she went to the beach one evening in late June.

Al-Ghoul, 26, said she was spending time with a group of friends - two women and three men - on the northern Gaza shore.

Al-Ghoul is fairly exceptional in Gaza because she does not wear a Muslim headscarf. On that evening she wore jeans and a T-shirt - dress that is considered fairly provocative in Gaza's conservative society and which could have easily attracted the attention of the plain-clothed Hamas vice police who patrol the beaches.

Al-Ghoul swam, fully dressed, with a girlfriend, and then asked a male friend to walk her over to a nearby beach house rented by another couple she knew to shower and change.

Three policemen showed up and waited for al-Ghoul in the beach house garden, said an eyewitness who asked to remain anonymous because of security concerns. They took her identity card and demanded she accompany them to a nearby station - an order she refused.

An argument ensued and she was able to avoid detention and get her identity card back only after the homeowner contacted a senior Hamas official who intervened and spoke to the officers by telephone. The official, Taher Nunu, was not immediately available for comment.

The eyewitness said the police did not say why they wanted to detain al-Ghoul, but were insinuating that her behavior was unbecoming. Under Hamas' strict interpretation of Islamic law, a woman should not go out in public with men who are not related to her.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
OMG The Hague!! The Mecca of Justice!! :eek::eek::eek:

What a vacuous statement. Its a fucking Kangaroo court made up of European judges with no understanding or jurisdiction of anything! Like they issued Putin an arrest warrant, and South Africa straight up said, "Nope, are you mad? We ain't arresting Putin!" lol.
Apologies, you're totally right.
We should ship them all to India and let Modi decide.
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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
You make a strong argument for genocide.
So you don't want to comment about Hamas running a Islamic dictatorship and forcing women to go out only accompanied by men and shaving heads of teenagers? Why can't you be honest? This is why so many people hate you here.
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