You see spending the same per capita as other provinces on health care as 'beyond reason'?
No Frank, I’m not sure how to word it. We actually have and have had, the leanest per capita Public Service in Canada ( public servants per 100,000 residents), for well over a decade.
let’s just assume that number is 10,000 public servants per 100,000 residents, since say 2010. This number hasn’t changed..10k/100k. And it’s the leanest!!!! So given we are Ontario, maybe that should be 11 or 12k/100k to begin with???
When our population was 6,000,000
Today we have 10k public servants/100k ( if that) residents. But the population is 7,000,000
On top of that we are in debt up to our eyeballs. That means we really can’t borrow much more. It also means the interest we pay on that debt is much higher. I’m not interested in digging up the actual numbers, this is purely for illustration.
In 2003 when our debt was a fraction of what it is today. Interest payments might have been $1 billion. Today those interest payments are $3 or $5 Billion.
back to “per capita”
In 2012 and when our population at that time we needed to hire almost 700 RNs alone per year for our population growth at that time….This number is from the ONA. Each year so that the number of nurses versus the number of residents was adequate for all the people going to ERs and more.
Today, our population is not only growing, it’s growing faster ( the fastest in NA) . So it’s no longer 700 RNs per year, it’s maybe 750 or 800 RNs per every single other job, in healthcare and public service…
Way back, when Don Drummond created that report while he said many things, warned us about many things. The gist of it was. We needed to
Freeze spending AND raise revenue. Or cut deeply……6 of 1……1/2 dozen of another. But we were already the leanest!!!!!!!!
Back to Manitoba.
A few posters who are likely more in tune than us have pointed out the bureaucracy is huge…No idea what their finances are like, what their expenses are like, what their revenue is like. I’ll guess not good. Whatever the specific details, I’m confident their population isn’t growing like ours is.
Regardless, it all comes back to the same things. We don’t have the $$. Ford is not cutting, has not cut funding to healthcare ( just look at the graph)…it’s possible he has somewhere, but healthcare…..we/they simply can’t keep up…per se.
Our population is also getting older and we have Boomers retiring…That too, means more services required, more people going ERs, more knee replacements, more cataracts, more strokes and heart attacks more expenses….
You want to know why there are more code blacks today ( ER closures)….? It’s because there are way more people going to the ERs, and not enough staff… and there are reasons for that, that aren’t due to healthcare cuts.