Modi scolds Trudeau over Sikh protests in Canada against India


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Irrelevant. It is a western article with a Eurocentric world view that does not apply to India. Only the Indian point of view matters on this.
Just like the Putinesque view matters for Ukraine, and the Xi ones for China!! 😅 😂:ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Except Putin is a dictator invading countries whereas Modi is a democratic leader who is trying to secure India's national security from terrorists sheltered by Trudeau.
Except that the real terrorists are the ones burning down churches, parading raped Christian women on the streets, demolishing homes of minority Christians and the killing of hundreds of Christians and Muslims!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Nobody trusts your source to be legit.
We keep telling you.

Its like posting from Fox news and expecting us to take you seriously.
We know that India and Russia are taking full advantage of that Hunka visit and have blown it out of proportion. But Hunka was no different from Bose who did the same for India. Here is the other side of the coin with respect to Hunka's visit:

Fighting against the USSR didn’t necessarily make you a Nazi
Canada’s Hunka scandal is a demonstration of how when history is complicated, it can be a gift to propagandists who exploit the appeal of simplicity.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
There is tons of proof. Some of which I posted on this thread. There is even more evidence of targeted killings and assassinations that Khalistani terrorists have indulged in. Watch Terry's documentary on this thread and you will see tons of evidence of violence in Canada by these extremists.

Hunka is European and from a part of the world with a history of antisemitism. Bose is from India which is the most pro-Israel country in the world. So Hunka joining the Nazis means something entirely different from Bose joining the Nazis. Hunka is a Nazi. Bose is a freedom fighter who was trying to free his country from colonialism using means he had at his disposal. Contexts and histories matter.

Therefore the next time you go to India be sure to salute Bose's statue. And the next time you see Trudeau tell him he is an idiot for allowing a Nazi in parliament.
You have not posted any truth, and just the Modi propaganda. Watch the BBC Documentary during Modi's tenor as the Gujarat CM and you will see exactly how he is linked to those committing those acts of terrorism. He should be fully accountable, as the BBC really exposed it all.

When I visited India, I saw Nazi symbols on doors and doorsteps. Very similar to this article:

The RSS is very similar in it's teachings when compared to the Nazis:

Again get your facts right. Hunka was invited by the Speaker of the House and had to resign as a result. He accepted full responsibility for it. The real idiot who idolizes Bose who carried out those acts of terrorism prior to fighting alongside the Nazis is the one who is the real idiot. Thankfully, I do not have to live in that nation with him in power. Maybe you should go and join him in India.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I cannot keep posting it over and over again. I already posted it several times. Why don't you read up a few pages for the link?

Also, in threads about the different conflicts, I was upset at the mistreatment of civilians by an armed force in their bid to take out terrorists. If they just took out an enemy combatant I dont think anyone would complain.
Gee, I see lots of "alleged" in that article. No wonder Canada didn't act on the accusations.

And you sure don't seem to care about Canadian civilians if they support an independent Sikh state.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Canada needs to cooperate with India and designate terrorists, as terrorists instead of sheltering them and enabling them. Problem solved.
And maybe you think Canada should cooperate with China and designate the Dalai Lama as a terrorist.

From what I've seen, Canada's terrorist designation is done in as apolitically way as possible and there are Sikh groups on that list. You just seem upset that Canada refuses to designate political activists as terrorists without evidence of terrorist activities.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Canada went public with something that they shouldn't have....
Wait, Isn't Canada a free country? You claim that the Sikh independence movement is a purely internal Indian issue so why do you think Canada shouldn't be allowed to comment when the press leaks about a Canadian citizen being killed in Canada.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
He is no Nazi. He is a great Indian Freedom fighter and hero. 🇮🇳
Hmm. Spends WWII hiding in Nazi Germany and working with Nazis to influence Indian politics.

p.s. You were disgusted that Trudeau because the Speaker invited a Waffen SS vet to Parliament so why are you so supportive of Bose's participation in the same Waffen SS?


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
No, any Khalistani who kills people or plots to kill people in India are considered terrorists. Like Nijjar was.

It is Canadas investigation that Canada needs to complete per their law enforcement practices. Not India's for India to get involved. India doesn't interfere in other country's internal affairs like that, let alone kill someone on their soil, even if that person was a terrorist and was deserving to get neutralized.
Canada's investigation leads to India. If they don't comply then it's open to speculation.

It's not up to India to say they weren't involved. It's the investigation that decides that.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Right, and the investigation is ongoing and there is no evidence. And it is Canada's investigation that Canada needs to complete. Leave India out of it.
No India is blocking the investigation. It's open to say they are hiding evidence that they orchestrated the murder.

Wouldn't be the first time Modi has attempted to cover himself.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
India has no sway over the Canadian agencies. They made their accusation. They can complete their investigation and provide proof if there is any. You dug your hole. You fill it up pal!
They did complete the investigation. It seems India killed the man and won't admit it.

Modi is a terrorist. Case closed.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Your ignorance knows no bounds. I posted tons of proof and your cognitive dissonance and refusal to accept it as proof is not my problem.

Yes I have watched the BBC documentary and yes everything in that documentary was revealed by Tehelka back in 2007. so it was old news. Modi was tried and acquitted for it. Case closed.

Yes in India you will find swastikas everywhere. It is a Hindu religious symbol that the Nazis ripped off. Again as I said, India is a non-western country where Nazism means nothing. It is not part of the conversation or the history. We don't read about Hitler or the holocaust in our schools. The focus is on Indian history not European history. In India it is common place to call someone, who is strict, "Hitler" - "My dad is Hitler" or "My boss is Hitler" is common parlance. It is simply something people don't care about or know about and you can stomp your feet about it, but no one in India will care about it going forward either. Indians care only about Indian history.
You are a gone case, as you refused to see the similarities between the BJP/RSS and the Nazi Ideologies. Yes, we know that the Nazis used that religious symbol. However, when the violence that has been escalating under this Modi Government and the victims are mainly the Muslims and increasingly the Christians, you seem to keep on making excuses for it. Those are real acts of terrorism now that has been unprecedented for the number of churches etc that has been burnt down. Look at the connection it has with the Modi's ruling party. No you did not watch the BBC documentary, as we know that it was the main reason linking Modi as to why it was banned in India. The History of Nazi Germany etc has been taught in Schools in India that are linked to the Cambridge University. That is what one of my Catholic buddies categorically stated!! But these are the concerns raised by Christians in India:

How India’s religious violence is becoming a problem for American politicians
US politicians are under increasing pressure to account for their courtship of Indian Prime Minister Modi, the leader of a strategically important ally and the world's largest democracy.

We know that the main reason for the violence was due to the discriminatory laws in Manipur against The Minority Christians. Why did Modi not condemn it:

Christians Targeted in Bloody Ethnic Conflict in India’s Manipur State
An estimated 160 people have died since the violence erupted in the northeastern Indian state on May 3.

Why are you arguing against the discrimination of the Christians if you are a "Christian"?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Subhas Chandra Bose is an Indian freedom fighter and therefore the only thing that matters is how Indians regard him.
Then it is no different from Hunka........Period. They did it for EXACTLY the same cause!!
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
May be. But he shouldn't have shown up in parliament IN CANADA WITH ZELENSKY PRESENT. Which is my entire point.
If the Indian was a hero then, why the hell are the Indian Media fixated on this individual's invitation when they did exactly the same thing!!
Once again Hunka was NOT convicted of any crimes!! Bose was involved in killings in India prior to fleeing to Nazi Germany and shaking Hitler's hand. Did Hunka shake Hitler's hand?
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
They said they dont know who did it. They also admitted they massively failed and have now backed down to "maintaining diplomatic relations with India" and developing "constructive relations with India". Case closed.
From the Dummy's mouth. They were conducting an investigation that was clearly and unequivocally inline with International Law.

Why is Modi and his Government not following International Law?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
There are ZERO similarities between Hindu Nationalism and Nazism. Like ZERO. Posting link after link means nothing. You have ZERO understanding of what it is. Its retarded to even compare the two ideologies.

And no, it is not unprecedented violence today. You clearly did not know or see India back in the 60s, 70s, 80s and the 90s.
Were there over 300 churches burnt down and police standing by while the violent rapists paraded those naked christian women on the streets?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The PM is the leader of the nation. So he is responsible.

This Indian media wasnt fixated on this guy. They brought it up to trash Trudeau for his bullshit first with India and then with this guy.
So then Modi is fully responsible for the violence that has escalated under his watch. Modi is the guilty party for sure!!

More discriminatory practises in another State:

Catholics in Goa threatened by calls to ‘wipe out’ history of Portuguese presence



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Much more. They infact went around raping nuns etc., Today what you see is tribal violence. Today under Modi there are less riots and more law and order.
Raping of nuns is still occurring under Modi. So what about the discrimination against religious minorities now written in State Law by ruling BJP Parties? You okay with it?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Of course, Modi as leader is responsible and should work to secure harmony. I think he is doing an admirable job though, because as I said, there was far far far more violence back in the day. If you think the 300 churches were outrageous you haven't heard of real atrocities lol. Its better under Modi, in short.
Total BS!!
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