The site you are referencing with the verfiication video is SecretBenefits I believe.
Apparently it's also owned by SDM and the profiles are shared between platforms if I understand correctly.
The discount for seeking seems nice but if you only get it the one time, I guess you really have to make it count.
What would you guys say is the age range where you've had the most success?
I'm still new to the scene so I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach this.
How much should I expect to spend per meet?
Yes that's right I remember that other site, didn't know they were both owned by the same company.
One thing to keep in mind is let's say you're paying $100/mo or a bit more for seeking. That's nothing really and don't lock into more than a monthly subscription in case you don't like it. If you're like me and addicted, just the dopamine of messaging and finding good looking girls that are from all backgrounds has been worth the entertainment. The anticipation of meeting and then when you meet if there's a spark, it's been really off the charts. I've had everything from free (yes some girls need to just be touched and wanted as well - and there are lots of them) to the most I ever spent for a date was 400. Ages for me have ranged from 19-50 it completely depends on the girl. The average guy will probably have to put out 500 a date and to answer your other question, I've had the most success in the 21-29 age group. All of this depends on how you present yourself (how old are you and how old do you look vs. your age? are you good looking? have a six pack? well spoken? actually a nice person who doesn't talk about themselves all date?) because if you're just going to show a photo with your stupid fancy car (I drive a stupid fancy car haha) as if that shows your worth, you'll attract a lot of girls on there for totally the wrong reasons. BTW those types all seem to look the same on the site, lip fillers, lots of makeup, thick, big fake eyelashes. I'm sure lots of guys like that but those are the profiles that most often also say 'buy me a handbag daddy'