Guns and gangs are a miniscule % of crime. Your own stats say that.As with most things, it’s rarely any one thing.
-Around then Wynne changed some funding away from gangs and guns. Shit happens when you spend Willy nilly and are up to your eyeballs in debt.
Sure they get headlines in The Sun. But run of the mill crime makes up 99%+++ of what actually happens.
So the fact that young folks have to live in condos and not suburban houses fuels a crime wave?!??!?!?..... No.-Around then, and prior to lots of places in Ontario were hit hefty job losses and that old socioeconomic stuff that many say is so an important part of the equation. But turned blind eyes to.
-Around then ( 2012) the price for housing started to explode. Some or many criminologists will also point at population density. Makes sense, the tighter humans are packed in like sardines….
I think you misunderstand how this works. All that happens when minimums are removed is that judges have the discretion to impose their own idea of a sentence. I know you guys LOVE the idea of bleeding hearts liberal wimp judges, but that doesn't describe 90% of the judges sitting, many of whom are ex prosecutors. Offenders are still routinely hit with severe sentences in Ontario courts.-Shortly after minimum sentences for numerous violent crimes were done away with.
Mandatory Sentences for Firearm Offences - The impact of mandatory minimum sentences (continued) - Mandatory Minimum Penalties: Their Effects on Crime, Sentencing Disparities, and Justice System Expenditures
This report aims to assess the effects of mandatory minimum sentences (MMS) through a review of relevant social science and legal literature. It focuses on the utilitarian, as opposed to the retributive or denunciatory aims of
Your other problem is that you imagine criminals sit around reading the Globe and saying to each other "Hey, the minimum sentence for armed robbery just got struck down as unconstitutional, wanna go out and rob this afternoon?"
It doesn't work like that. Criminals are too dumb to read legal reports. And most of them don't want to get caught or do any time at all. The whole point of being a bank robber is not whether you do a minimum sentence, but whether you get caught and go to jail.
Not in actual fact, as I have ever noticed.-Shortly after bail conditions were relaxed
Overview of Bill C-75 - Legislative Background: An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, as enacted (Bill C-75 in the 42nd Parliament)
Legislative Background: An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, as enacted (Bill C-75 in the 42nd Parliament)
Yeah, we're right up there with Detroit and the Bronx. That's a joke btw.odd that, our violent crime rates per capita is actually worse than many US cities.