She's right. Look at the civil rights movement in the US. While Martin Luther King preached non-violence, he wasn't above inconveniencing people. They broke laws (sitting at lunch counters in the segregated south), blocked traffic (you may have heard about the march to Selma) and a slew of other things (like riding buses at the front). They got beat, had dogs attack them, were murdered for doing this. People watching in other parts of the US were horrified by what they saw. And, this caused Kennedy and LBJ to push through the civil rights laws. Were these protests popular? Not at the time. King was hated. When the Democrat's embraced civil rights, many southern politician switched parties and joined the GOP (look at Strom Thurman's switch from a Dixiecrat to a Republican as just one of literally hundreds of examples), which opposed many of these measures.
OK then, so what you are saying is that only people who you agree with should protest and everyone else should shut the fuck up. Good to know.
Because she sure as fuck doesn't like being inconvenienced to the point of wondering why they didn't arrest some guy calling her a hot piece of ass [paraphrasing]
Also, I disagree, your freedom of speech stops at my face.
Also the civil rights thing was going to happen anyways.
You think the people who hated King did so because he blocked traffic and broke laws? Seriously?
If your line is, well it works, that is the path to chaos as every group that wants change should just do what ever the fuck they want as long as it works.
But hey it's OK when your people do it right.
I guess it's one of those irregular verbs.
"I give confidential briefings, you leak, he has been charged under section 2a of the Official Secrets Act"
"I have an independent mind, You are eccentric, He is round the twist."
"I am firm, you are obstinate, he/she is a pig-headed fool."
I am sparkling; you are unusually talkative; he is drunk.
I know my own mind; you like things to be just so; they have to have everything their way.
I am a freedom fighter, you are a rebel, and he is a terrorist.
I am righteously indignant, you are annoyed, he is making a fuss over nothing.
I have reconsidered the matter, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word
I wonder how you felt about the Shmucks with Trucks in Ottawa.