Ashley Madison

The AOC Thread


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
No, that isn’t the real AOC you may have seen on Twitter
An account impersonating the New York congresswoman cropped up over the weekend, going viral and catching the attention of Twitter’s owner and the lawmaker herself.

This was it to summarize:

Of course this sleazy crooked Musk has now deleted his response:

No, that wasn’t actually Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez you saw tweeting about having a crush on Twitter chief Elon Musk.
An account impersonating the New York Democrat cropped up over the weekend, going viral and catching the attention of both Musk and Ocasio-Cortez.

“FYI there’s a fake account on here impersonating me and going viral. The Twitter CEO has engaged it, boosting visibility,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on Tuesday. “It is releasing false policy statements and gaining spread. I am assessing with my team how to move forward. In the meantime, be careful of what you see.”

Musk had previously responded to the tweet from the fake account claiming to have a crush on him with a fire emoji.
As of Tuesday evening, the fake account had racked up more than 130,000 followers.
The account, showing the name “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody),” was “verified” with a blue check. The verification system used to be a form of authentication for Twitter accounts — in part, a way to prevent users from confusing the accounts of government officials or famous users with fakes. Under Musk, the site switched to a pay-to-verify system, allowing any user to subscribe and have a blue check attached to their profile.
Ocasio-Cortez’s real account has a gray check, the type of verification now attached to government officials.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
AOC Parody Account Removed From Twitter – Likely Just The First Of Many To Come

A parody account mocking New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was deactivated on Friday after it had gained tens of thousands of new followers and even attached the attention of Elon Musk.

Twitter has not responded to media requests for comment.

However, the account had been in the spotlight in recent days after Ocasio-Cortez warned her followers to beware of the parody account (@AOCpress).

The New York Democrat had been among those who "lost" their blue check verified status on Twitter earlier this year after the social media service moved to its Twitter Blue subscription model. However, the "official" account for Ocasio-Cortez now is verified with a gray check as it is government-related.

The parody account had been previously banned, but soon after being reinstated Musk responded to a tweet it sent that claimed the congresswoman had a crush on him.

Earlier this week, Rep. (D-N.Y.) called out the parody account, tweeting, "FYI there's a fake account on here impersonating me and going viral. The Twitter CEO has engaged it, boosting visibility. It is releasing false policy statements and gaining spread. I am assessing with my team how to move forward. In the meantime, be careful of what you see."
Fake But "Verified" AOC Account
The fact that the fake AOC account had been "verified" – even as it was noted to be a parody – likely confused some users on the social media service. The New York lawmaker probably won't be the last high-profile user who will have to deal with a fake account spreading misinformation via Twitter or other platforms.

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"Expect to see a lot more of these types of attacks, but not necessarily because of any new inherent technological weakness, but because of this cyber terrain they have now enjoyed some success and infamy," warned John Hale, professor at the University of Tulsa Online Master of Science in Cyber Security program.

"These kinds of attacks prey on our neurons, not our computer's silicon or software," Hale continued. "They are technology-resilient, exploiting the weakest link in the chain – the human, which at any moment can be inattentive to or ignorant of prevalent threats."

A better interface design for social media platforms and vetting of accounts could provide some relief, but these kinds of attacks have already proven fairly adaptable to new techno-environments.

"The blame lies squarely with Elon Musk, whose tinkering with Twitter has been nothing but disastrous. Musk is great at building cars and rockets but is way out of his lane with social media," explained James Bailey, professor of leadership at the George Washington University School of Business.

New Technologies Will Mean Bigger Problems
This week, it may have been just tweets from a fake account – but technology, including adaptive AI (artificial intelligence) and DeepFakes – will only make the program much worse.

"That same technology that allows you into your bank account if you click a box that says 'I am not a robot,' is little more than today's version of 'hacking.' AI programs like ChatGPT are so transparently recognized they might as well be scams like a prince asking for funding," suggested Bailey. "Right now, for folks like AOC or other public figures, AI is nothing but a nuisance."

Bailey added that as always, the consumer as well as the social media users simply needs to be vigilant.

"If George Will calls someone an undisciplined, immoral, craven, abusive moron on his Twitter account, we can be pretty sure he didn't say it," noted Bailey.

Yet, technology will increasingly make it harder to tell what is real and what isn't, especially as the blue check has proven this week to be an essentially meaningless form of verification.



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."

Of course that doesn't apply when it's her. Standard practice on both sides of the fence. Strange women in ponds, it's what I'm on about.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I prefer strange women who build large wooden badgers.

From his latest over the top rant stream, do you get the impression that Mitch would rather just sing?
  • Haha
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I prefer strange women who build large wooden badgers.

From his latest over the top rant stream, do you get the impression that Mitch would rather just sing?

Badgers? Badgers? We don't need no stinkin badgers.

On Mitch
He can talk! He can talk! He can talk!
He can talk! He can talk! He can talk!

And he can sing!

Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!
Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!
Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!
Oh, Dr. Zaius!
Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!

I love musical theater. No homo.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable.
The whole point of protesting is to make ppl aware / informed of an issue/ perceived injustice

Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes
activists hope that the general public once better informed of an issue/ perceived injustice will advocate for policy changes

. Popular support often starts small & grows.
To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."
protestors who intentionally disrupt other people lives (blocking highways) or destroy property (ie throw paint onto buildings, arson, looting) are perceived as self-absorbed irrational/ uncompromising fools

self-absorbed irrational/ uncompromising fools do not take a balanced view of what are often complex issues/ perceived injustices
and their actions water down their message.

three protest scenarios same issue/ perceived injustice

A. A group of protestors with signs peacefully walk around (on public land) in front of a govt / company building engaging in rational polite conversation with any curious member of the public

B. A group of protestors shuts down a highway, forcing you to miss work, miss picking up your kids from day care or miss a medical appointment in addition to forcing you to spend hours in a traffic jam

C. A group of protestors riots, loot stores and commit arson ensuring you and your family do not feel safe

which is most likely to gain your support ?
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable... that’s the point."

Of course that doesn't apply when it's her. Standard practice on both sides of the fence. Strange women in ponds, it's what I'm on about.
She's right. Look at the civil rights movement in the US. While Martin Luther King preached non-violence, he wasn't above inconveniencing people. They broke laws (sitting at lunch counters in the segregated south), blocked traffic (you may have heard about the march to Selma) and a slew of other things (like riding buses at the front). They got beat, had dogs attack them, were murdered for doing this. People watching in other parts of the US were horrified by what they saw. And, this caused Kennedy and LBJ to push through the civil rights laws. Were these protests popular? Not at the time. King was hated. When the Democrat's embraced civil rights, many southern politician switched parties and joined the GOP (look at Strom Thurman's switch from a Dixiecrat to a Republican as just one of literally hundreds of examples), which opposed many of these measures.
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
She's right. Look at the civil rights movement in the US. While Martin Luther King preached non-violence, he wasn't above inconveniencing people. They broke laws (sitting at lunch counters in the segregated south), blocked traffic (you may have heard about the march to Selma) and a slew of other things (like riding buses at the front). They got beat, had dogs attack them, were murdered for doing this. People watching in other parts of the US were horrified by what they saw. And, this caused Kennedy and LBJ to push through the civil rights laws. Were these protests popular? Not at the time. King was hated. When the Democrat's embraced civil rights, many southern politician switched parties and joined the GOP (look at Strom Thurman's switch from a Dixiecrat to a Republican as just one of literally hundreds of examples), which opposed many of these measures.
The civil rights movement wasn't successful because demonstrations blocked traffic or resulted in confrontations with police. It was the stories about what life was like for black Americans that reached the hearts of American voters (and, thereby, their politicians), particularly in the North.

It can be argued that during a time of limited (and perhaps complicit) media, disruptions were once the only way to garner attention and gain a public forum for grievances. Times have changed. Everyone is now the media. Anyone can hold a press conference at any time, and the internet will cover it if it is interesting to the public.

People who block traffic or cause mayhem for attention to their cause only succeed in convincing the public that they are attention whores who don't understand effective political organizing in this day and age. Put differently - they are losers whose messages are best ignored.
Ashley Madison
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