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Hydroxychloroquine worked this whole time. The media said it would literally kill you if you took it simply because POTUS (Trump)promoted it as a cure

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

The extreme politicization of HCQ means we must evaluate the data directly.

With 409 controlled studies, 59 RCTs, and extensive supporting evidence, few people have the time and experience to analyze all or most of the evidence. We can reduce the volume by disregarding late treatment studies, however that still leaves 139 studies.
One quick way to confirm efficacy is via prophylaxis RCTs. In the US HERO-HCQ RCT, authors note that combining the US HERO-HCQ and COVID PREP RCTs shows statistically significant efficacy for prophylaxis: "The HERO-HCQ and COVID PREP studies are compared in Supplemental Table 3. Pooling the main results using the Mantel–Haenszel method resulted in an estimate of the common odds ratio of 0.74 (95% CI 0.55 to 1.00) with a p-value of 0.046" Naggie.

A 2022 meta analysis of 7 RCTs by Harvard researchers confirms efficacy for prophylaxis García-Albéniz, as does a meta analysis of 20 studies on HCQ use with rheumatic disease patients Landsteiner de Sampaio Amêndola, along with our analysis of RCTs, and of all PrEP studies. All of these analyses produce similar results.
Some researchers claim that reaching in vitro effective concentrations is not feasible, however direct measurement in treated patients shows that this is false Chaudhary, Ruiz. Notably, the achieved concentrations were highly variable between people, suggesting that not all people may benefit from the same dose.

Like many other treatments, HCQ is effective. The only questions are how effective, under what conditions, what is the optimal combination of treatments, what is the best dosage and treatment regimen, etc.? For these answers, we need to analyze much more of the research.

HCQ reduces risk for COVID-19 with very high confidence for mortality, hospitalization, cases, viral clearance, and in pooled analysis, however increased risk is seen with very low confidence for ventilation.

We show traditional outcome specific analyses and combined evidence from all studies, incorporating treatment delay, a primary confounding factor in COVID-19 studies.
Real-time updates and corrections, transparent analysis with all results in the same format, consistent protocol for 56 treatments.

An analysis of dozens of studies on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 reveals a 72% lower mortality risk when taken early, and a 41% lower mortality risk when given early into hospitalization (when both HCQ and Ivermectin are known to be less effective vs. at first symptoms).

See the full study results here...
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
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Jan 8, 2010
Dig a little boys and get to the truth. I'm not going to help you but the truth is there.

Squeezer laughs at your post because CityTV, CTV and CFTO news are more trustworthy sources. lol
yes, it's hilarious to witness but I will leave it at that but dig and dig and the truth shall set you free.

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Dig a little boys and get to the truth. I'm not going to help you but the truth is there.

yes, it's hilarious to witness but I will leave it at that but dig and dig and the truth shall set you free.

mayo clinic also states a runny nose could possibly be a symptom of cancer....
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May 3, 2014
Most of the conspiracy theorists have 0 idea how science really works, and then miseducate the public reinforcing false assumptions etc.
Moreover, there are malign actors involved in giving megaphones to the nonsense,


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
What is funny is still now, when COVID really is no longer an issue the "doing my own research" crowd keeps going and going and going with the same bullshit and nonsense.
Isn't Addict, like 2 years late to this conspiracy theory? lol.

Dig a little boys and get to the truth. I'm not going to help you but the truth is there.

yes, it's hilarious to witness but I will leave it at that but dig and dig and the truth shall set you free.

Most of the conspiracy theorists have 0 idea how science really works, and then miseducate the public reinforcing false assumptions etc.
Moreover, there are malign actors involved in giving megaphones to the nonsense,
Mayo Clinic Nukes Hydroxychloroquine Information Page After People Take Notice

WEDNESDAY, SEP 27, 2023 - 06:00 PM
One day after the Mayo Clinic's endorsement of Hydroxychloroquine was highlighted for use in Covid-19 patients, they scrubbed the page and then blamed a 3rd party vendor for supplying the information.

Now, the Mayo Clinic redirects people to a "safe" page.

Of course, pro-vax (we assume) outlets pounced on the fact that this information has been there since at least May of 2020.

Which means... by the transitive properties of woke outrage, the Mayo clinic has been spreading misinformation for three years?
Cancel them!

Meanwhile, an analysis of dozens of studies on Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 reveals a 72% lower mortality risk when taken early, and a 41% lower mortality risk when given early into hospitalization (when both HCQ and Ivermectin are known to be less effective vs. at first symptoms).

See Peer Revieved Study here...

PS. Enjoying eating crow squeezer ( little boys & girls) !! Yes, , it's hilarious to witness you lefties are so brainwashed by your cult blue team, even the your lying eyes devious you! LOL

PPS. What is sad is still now, when there was so many unnecessary deaths that could be prevented by using HCQ the cult blue team hated trump so much they would rather prevent people from taking life saving treatments drug that Trump recommended ! The death are to be blamed on most of the leftist cult who rather see innocent people died unnecessary ! They need to take a hard look at themselves in the mirror!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017

So Squeezer can explained this !!! Like most leftist like you your you cannot trust your lying eyes !!! I bet you will have a select memory on this ! ! I I am pretty sure you belives the garbage the about Fauci ( “NIH” ) and what he says and the CDC also said too!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Most of the conspiracy theorists have 0 idea how science really works, and then miseducate the public reinforcing false assumptions etc.
Moreover, there are malign actors involved in giving megaphones to the nonsense,
Remember when the Trump White House sidestepped FDA to distribute Some 66 Million Doses of hydroxychloroquine to pharmacies? Trump touted the pills to treat covid-19…

Then the FDA coup d'état - They Revoked Emergency Use Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine...

PS. That mean you leftist have use your brain for once… think real hard ! Maybe you leftie will finally figure it out!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
What is this spam nonsense? :rolleyes:
"I want to ensure that everyone understands the gravity of the situation here. Hydroxychloroquine worked this whole time. The media said it would literally kill you if you took it simply because POTUS (Trump) promoted it as a cure. Thousands of people likely DIED because of this."
--Dr. David Samadi

Trump's White House sidestepped FDA to distribute some 66 Million Doses of hydroxychloroquine to pharmacies, documents show. Trump touted the pills to treat Covid-19.
The FDA engaged in a coup d'état when it Revoked Emergency Use Authorization for Hydroxychloroquine! 😡

Additionally, Fauci Lied to Trump on Viral Origins and Aspects of Pandemic (all documented)...

Deep State coup d’état.

THE Bottom line.... they could not emergency authorize the vaxx if there were any alternatives. So they had to shut them all down to get the vaxx approved. That is pure fraud.

PS. Leftie like you cannot see the truth when it stares right into your face! Can’t debunk the peer review study now you try another tactic like calling it a spam!I Try to debunk a peer reviewed study! Guess as long as the blue team win , it ok for the leftist to turn a blind eyes on unnecessary death on the innocent , and it ok for fraud also ! Take a good look at yourself in the mirror!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Hydroxychloroquine could not work - because if it did no Emergency Use Authorization- no EUA, no insulation from liability for injuries for Big Pharma, which would still get to retain all profits despite massive injections of taxpayer money at the outset.

👉The recommendation by the new arse clown running CDC for 6 month olds to get the ‘new’ jab has no basis in the statistics at all and seems to be blatant,
medical fascism.

PS. I now clearly spell it out for you leftie! Using the space between the two ear of your would hurt!
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