About time someone did something about these nazis. Pierre Trudeau once said he intentionally didn't prosecute Nazi war criminals living in Canada lest it inflame European expat communities
Poland starting extradition process against Canadian who served with Nazis
In reaction to a former Nazi soldier who served in a unit responsible for the death of thousands of Polish citizens during the Second World War being cheered in Canada’s Parliament, Poland has begun the process to extradite the 98-year-old.
“In view of the scandalous events in the Canadian Parliament, which involved honouring, in the presence of President (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy, a member of the criminal Nazi SS Galizien formation, I have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to Poland,” posted Przemyslaw Czarnek on X on Tuesday.
Czarnek is Poland’s education and science minister who is also a lawyer.
And now Poland’s embassy in Ottawa has confirmed the posting.
“The Twitter (X) account that you have sent to us is a legitimate one. This is the account of the Minister Przemyslaw Czarnek,” said Sebastian Szyszczyński, First Secretary Political and Economic Division Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ottawa.
The Polish ambassador to Canada, Witold Dzielski, previously told CTV “this is a person who participated in an organization that was targeting Poles, was committing mass murders of Poles, not only the military personnel but also civilians” and “for me, such people should not be present in public life and probably should be prosecuted.”
This is a stunning turn of events in what has been four days of fallout from Friday’s appearance in the House of Commons by Yaroslav Hunka, who received a standing ovation from all 338 elected Members of Parliament for what Speaker Anthony Rota called his heroic efforts in fighting Russia on behalf of Ukraine in the Second World War.
“We have here in chamber today, a Ukrainian Candian world veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98,” said Rota.
In reaction to a former Nazi soldier being cheered in Canada’s Parliament, Poland has begun the process to extradite the 98-year-old.