This is another one of those that just screams train wreck on both fronts. Don’t know about the guy, nor interested in digging into it/him.
4 months or say 16-17 weeks pay, when the minimum is 1/week per year……if he fights it courts will look at age, and likely hood of finding similar etc etc. He may also be contract. Some new teachers go 5-7 years before getting full time. So they would likely be on the hook for less.
Issue at hand.
Some screwed up guy, thinks pretending to be trans to prove a point is a good idea. The board and many in the public seemingly defend him. Until he is outed or comes out. ?? Wtf any other board whether he straight, or Trans, or the kind of teacher that would choose a classroom as a political podium for 15 minutes of fame, or to stick it to someone/something as a lark, farce..whichever
Wtf any other board would give him the time of day is beyond me.
As for warning parents. Hell yes. All kinds of liability if anything happens. I’d also be furious if my kid went to school, and I found out weeks down the road from them, he/she/it/they was teaching there frommy kids or online.