Next thing you know we'll be installing metal bars on all the windows of our homes too and have giant steel gates installed around the perimeter of the home, so that it's harder for criminals to break & enter. We'll tell ourselves what a great idea it is.
I guess that when we live in a society that is incapable of cracking down on criminals, we just have law abiding folks find creative ways to limit their own fun and freedoms.
It happens little by little over time and before you know it, everyone lives in a world afraid to leave their front door.
You look around and ask yourself, "how did we get here? This isn't the world I grew up in."
There’s several reasons for the ever growing car theft trade. One is, they’re easy for criminals to steal. The good ones can take your car from your driveway in under a minute. Then they’re loaded into containers and shipped overseas. The average price of cars (adjusted for inflation) is a lot more than they were 30-40 years ago. It’s not so much that we’re incapable of cracking down on criminals, it’s that they’re increasingly harder to catch. People want police to catch these thieves, but nobody wants to increase the police budget to hire more police. Manufacturers have little incentive to make vehicles harder to steal. Someone steals your car, no problem. They just sell you another. Criminals are also more brazen than they were years ago. I rarely heard of car jackings when I was younger. But there’s easy money to be made stealing valuable cars, thus the increase in these types of crimes.