I agree. Just because we read opinion polls of Americans that are extremely divergent from (especially GOP) policy, we shouldn't have the right to talk about what those Americans want.
If I had to rank the clever wordsmithers, here, you might be at the middle of the pack. That's not bad. However, this post lacks serious dialogue and just ignores my comments.
Getting back to the post, in the U.S. we have eightysomethings on both sides of the aisle. Regardless of their party affiliation, many are known for lack of compromise, opposing campaign finance reform, opposing term limits and aligning with special interest groups.
You're simply disregarding that Republicans received 50.6% nationwide and Democrats received 47.8% the 2022 House election vote. So clearly a one issue question opinion poll doesn't tell you a lot about American values and political sentiment comprehensively. I suspect the Canadian electorate is just as complicated, but it's easier to ignore that when making an argument here.
Of course, if Americans don't vote for someone you favor those 51% are simply despicable. They must be racist, stupid or just out of touch. It must be nice having so much pride and self-assurance in your political views. I've lived here a long time and I don't see things that sharply black and white.