This guy does a better job than I ever could.
There have been literally hundreds, maybe thousands of articles in the media about thousands of children murdered during their time in residential schools and secretly buried on the grounds. I could spend all day posting links to just the CBC. No-one dared question the narrative. All along I'd been questioning the very notion that "ground penetrating radar" had located thousands of bodies of children. (Probably because I've used ground penetrating radar in the past on two occasions and I knew that it doesn't show shit. It doesn't show a skeleton waving back at you. And it all comes down to intrepretation by the tech running the thing.)
The media made the various religious organisations running these resdiential schools out to be mass murderers that would have made Amon Göth shiver. I had a hard time imagining nuns and priests taking kids out back and firing a bullet into their heads.
But please, let us continue to excavate every last one of these mass graves. If they do find any bodies (and that may be entirely possible), I want to know what killed them. I want to send those bodies for autopsies in Europe (because I don't trust anyone in Canada) for a complete study. If they could find out what killed Richard III, they can find out what killed any body they discover.
Keep digging.
And let's go surfing.
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