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Justin T and Sophie T announces separation...


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I respect JT's privacy.
Bullshit. As always.

But I still want his wife to pen a tell-all book to divulge all the juicy details of their marriage.
Your hypocritical mindset runs deep in your sad life.

IF you respected privacy, you wouldn't read the book out of principle. Least of all hope an ex-wife writes a "tell-all book to divulge all the juicy details of their marriage."



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Small people like to gloat over a public figure's misfortune.

I felt very sad for Mike Harris after 1999 Election. His father died from cancer and his his wife left him, all within a year after his victory. He looked so desolate after that, you could see it in his eyes. I had a conversation with him waiting for pizza, very charming and tall man in person. I thanked him for lowering my VAT.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Bullshit. As always.
Your hypocritical mindset runs deep in your sad life.

IF you respected privacy, you wouldn't read the book out of principle. Least of all hope an ex-wife writes a "tell-all book to divulge all the juicy details of their marriage."
Margaret Trudeau did write about her life with Trudeau the senior and
no one seemed to have complained about her readers disrespecting the
ex-PM's privacy. I remember Maggie revealing her meagre monthly allowance
(something like a few tens of loonies?) and how she got a black eye from
taking a beating from the PM of Canada.

The juicy details about Trudeau the younger I am interested in would
only be divulged at his (ex-)wife's discretion. She can help shed some
light on other sides of the woke PM unknown to the public.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Is it really wrong to appreciate the hand of karma when bad things happen to bad people? Why should anyone whose bank account was frozen by him respect his privacy? He didn't respect theirs!

He's made a lot of value judgements about others. Time for him to face the same music.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Margaret Trudeau did write about her life with Trudeau the senior and
no one seemed to have complained about her readers disrespecting the
ex-PM's privacy. I remember Maggie revealing her meagre monthly allowance
(something like a few tens of loonies?) and how she got a black eye from
taking a beating from the PM of Canada.

The juicy details about Trudeau the younger I am interested in would
only be divulged at his (ex-)wife's discretion. She can help shed some
light on other sides of the woke PM unknown to the public.

Whatever. 🤷‍♂️

YOU said you respected his privacy. Obviously you do not if you want to read about salacious details of his private life.

I don't mean to be too personal but your posts seem to have this weird characteristic where your posts start out with some perfunctory normal (bullshit) statement, only to have the post immediately devolve into your true enthusiasm for the contrary.

I wonder if you are just trolling or your internal narrative is truly dissonant.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
It’s sad and pathetic (but unfortunately not surprising) to see all of the ghouls in this thread cackling over a divorce.

Carry on.
He came out and announce it...if he never wanted it discussed. he could've just kept quiet... He wanted the clout....maybe he'd thought the sympathy angle would be an advantage on the election...the real losers in this situation are the isn't a healthy environment growing up with only 1 parent.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
He had a bandaid on his forehead in media presser yesterday, Sophie must have taken a rolling pin to him.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Whatever. 🤷‍♂️

YOU said you respected his privacy. Obviously you do not if you want to read about salacious details of his private life.
I did say I want to see Trudeau's wife to divulge juicy details of their
private lives. Perhaps I should have said precisely what details I want
to read about. It is not details like how they made out in bed I am
interested in.

I don't mean to be too personal but your posts seem to have this weird characteristic where your posts start out with some perfunctory normal (bullshit) statement, only to have the post immediately devolve into your true enthusiasm for the contrary.

I wonder if you are just trolling or your internal narrative is truly dissonant.
Some aspects of the character of a leader are best revealed
by someone they are close to in a biography. Senior Trudeau
was characterized as a cheapo and a wife-beater by his wife for
instance. I actually believe Justin Trudeau in private is generally
a nice guy. It is not necessarily the juicy stuff about Trudeau's
marriage that are most interesting but the not so juicy tidbits
and more mundane details leaked in a tell-all that I'll find more


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Whatever. 🤷‍♂️

YOU said you respected his privacy. Obviously you do not if you want to read about salacious details of his private life.

I don't mean to be too personal but your posts seem to have this weird characteristic where your posts start out with some perfunctory normal (bullshit) statement, only to have the post immediately devolve into your true enthusiasm for the contrary.

I wonder if you are just trolling or your internal narrative is truly dissonant.
As a public figure who used his family as photo ops he chose to lose that right. And like it or not, howna man treats his family is still a measure of his fitness for public office.

If he(as rumours have floated) did cheat with a member of the party, many Canadians(especially the female vote) will see that as a greater sign of untrustworthyness.

Hence the scrutiny now, and more forthcoming.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Pierre in office.
WEF's second Canadian puppet put into place, unless there's a plot twist? They're real good at this sort of stuff.
who was the first ...Harper? He made a keynote speech there in 2012
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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
who was the first ...Harper? He made a keynote speech there in 2012
I don't trust any party or any party leader, all the same. For all we know, it could have been Justin's "father" Pierre.
But no doubt both sides have signed onto whatever the WEF has planned.
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Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019

Can't argue with the voice of experience!
In my experience, it only happened a couple of times to ladies I met at the Calgary Stampede (you do have to appreciate the enthusiasm!).

Given the number of times it's happened to Justin, you'd think he'd take more precautions. It's been a rough few days, maybe he just can't think straight (pun intended) right now!


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
What happened to Justin's forehead is call a "Tiger Woods".
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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I'm surprised how much people actually care about this.
I think National Geographic and nature documentaries have a lot more value than anything the Kardashians could ever put out, but the ratings would tell you where people's interests and values really are.
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