Both of those people are just saying listen to the scientists.You're right, we should listen to these people instead
Both of those people are just saying listen to the scientists.You're right, we should listen to these people instead
Of course, that would give you maximum profit/pension at the small cost of a thermal maximum and mass extinction.Depletion of Earth's economic fossil fuel resources is one solution
that would surely eliminate the source of carbon pollution for future
generation. Just continue driving your gas guzzlers.
speaking of ignorance you seem quite confusedI don't usually comment on this subject on here but bjorn lomborg?? seriously...lomborg!!??? A political economist with no peer reviewed publications on climate science - which is all physics based - who cherry picks small chunks of data to buttress his agenda. A debate is great and useful but if it starts from a point of ignorance ....kind of a waste of time
it is pseudoscience based on brutally inadequate computer models' and billions of dollars spent on propagandaclimate science - which is all physics based
Then post his crap on economics threads and not climate change.speaking of ignorance you seem quite confused
Bjørn Lomborg is an economist
1. Scientists are professionally not supposed to advocate. That's changing as this becomes a climate emergency.The climate Change/Global warming cult 10 warning signs
1. Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
The leading advocates of the Climate Change movement are politicians, entertainers, and even children. Climate preachers such as Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio lack any formal scientific training whatsoever, and live personal lives of unparalleled luxury while prescribing carbon austerity for the masses. Yet no one is permitted to point out their scientific ignorance or call attention to their hypocritical lifestyles.
examples in this thread
2. No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
The conclusions of the Climate Change movement may not be challenged or questioned under any circumstances. Those who dare scrutinize the conclusions, methodology, or prescriptions of “climate scientists” are categorically dismissed as a “Climate Denierk” an excommunicated untouchable whose opinion is no longer valid on any subject.
3. No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
Hardly anyone knows just how much money is spent on “Climate research” every year. The cost is spread out among laughably useless study grants, wind and solar farm subsidies, carbon offset credits, “green” building code evaluation and enforcement, salaries for bureaucrats solely dedicated to “climate concerns”……you get the idea, it’s a lot of hazy money.
4. Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
This one is pretty obvious. The Climate Change movement always shouts out revised and updated apocalypse predictions, eerily reminiscent of the stereotypical bum on the sidewalk with that “The End Is Near” sign. “The world will end in X years if we don’t do X” is the constant refrain. The years always pass, and the apocalypse never happens. Interestingly, this is a characteristic of multiple religious cults (such as the Seekers of Chicago, and the Order of the Solar Temple). At the moment, we apparently have 12 years to nationalize the entire economy and phase out fossil fuels before we all die a fiery death.
5. There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
Climate alarmists who leave, step back from, or even lightly criticize the movement are immediately subjected to vicious smear campaigns. Dutch professor Richard Tol experienced this phenomenon firsthand when he removed his name from an IPCC climate report and criticized the reports excessively apocalyptic predictions.
6. Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
Professor Tol is not an anomaly. Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT, Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, and countless other former IPCC in-crowd climate experts were subjected to smear campaigns from their colleagues and the news media for the crime of throwing cold water on the outlandish predictions of the Climate Change movement.
7. There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
The abuses of the Climate Change movement are loud and proud. They vociferously attack their perceived enemies for public consumption, and are cheered on by fellow travelers in the journalism class. Most recently they brainwashed a bunch of kids and marched them into an octogenarian Democrat Senator’s office to beg not to be murdered by a ‘No’ vote on impossible legislation.
8. Followers feel they can never be “good enough.”
The atonement process for Climate warriors always demands more. It started with using a recycling bin and grocery bags. Now, in 2019, being a good follower means imposing veganism on the masses and issuing fatwahs against innocuous objects such as plastic straws and grocery bags. Despite all the efforts of the faithful, Climate minions maintain a constant state of dread and despair, knowing they can never truly do enough to stop the coming doom.
9. The group/leader is always right.
When have the climate leaders been called wrong for their failed predictions? Regardless of the weather, they are always intrinsically correct.
Flood? Climate Change. Drought? Climate Change. No Snow? Climate Change. Too much snow? Climate Change. Hurricane? Climate Change. Lack of hurricanes? Climate Change.
See how this works?
10. The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
The path to discovery for the Climate Change movement is an intentionally vague discipline referred to as “climate science.” Did you carry out a study on gender and glaciers? Climate Science. Did you think up the worst possible scenarios that have no actual chance of happening (actual portion of latest National Climate Assessment)? Climate Science.
Any “science” that confirms the tenets of the Climate Change movement is deemed “climate science,” while actual scientific research that disputes their conclusions is derided as “denialism.”
The Verdict: It’s a cult
According to the established, scientific guidelines developed by cult experts, the Climate Change movement fits the bill for a potentially unsafe group. Rather than debating Climate Change activists, it may be time to start staging interventions. If someone you know is a member of the Climate Change Movement, and you are interested in intervention strategies, please visit
Here are more solutions to climate change at least for those who will
receive climate help from the likes of Trudeau.
I would suggest listening to Johan Rockstrom , Stefan Ramstorf, Michael Mann, Tim Lenton off the top of my head. All physicists. Bjorn Lomborg is a follower of neo classical economics and seems to be in the camp of Nordhaus along with his friend William Toll. Neo classical economists have only recently accepted energy plays a key role in what we do within society and economies. Growth forever is their belief on a finite planet. Thus making them a religion more than an objective look at how things work.You're right, we should listen to these people instead
I've been following Bjorn since 2018 listening to what he has to say. Clearly wants to mitigate any warning from climate scientists by saying don't worry. Climate is heading for 2.7 degree increase which will be amusing.speaking of ignorance you seem quite confused
Bjørn Lomborg is an economist & he views issues via a cost-benefit lens
He is the former director of the Danish government's Environmental Assessment Institute (EAI) in Copenhagen.
So his credentials are good
his fundamental position is a huge amount of time , effort, resources & money will be spent trying to 'FIGHT" climate change, all of which should be spent on adaptation
the fundamental flaw is thinking man kind can successfully 'FIGHT" our constantly evolving, non-linear, dynamic & chaotic climate system & "WIN"
if the climate alarmism was right ( which it is not), driving the USA emissions to zero (which is beyond ridiculous) the impact on world temperatures 50 years from now would be something like -0.1C, far smaller than the std error on most thermometers
A debateVirtue signaling is great (for some) anduseful(generally useless)but if it starts from a point of ignorance ....kind of a waste oftimetrillions of dollars
it is pseudoscience based on brutally inadequate computer models' and billions of dollars spent on propaganda
Water vapor is the greenhouse gas, CO2 is a saturated bit player , which is also the basis for all life on the planet
Good luck with larue, I've been through all that before with him.I've been following Bjorn since 2018 listening to what he has to say. Clearly wants to mitigate any warning from climate scientists by saying don't worry. Climate is heading for 2.7 degree increase which will be amusing.
You are quite right water vapour is a clear danger to the atmosphere. Unfortunately we have also addesd giga tons of pollution in the form of carbon which heats the climate even more.because of the volume of emissions. Some quite interesting studies on the damage of water vapour being done by Dr James Anderson a chemical scientist at Harvard who worked on solving the ozone hole issue in Antarctica and now is seeing the large super cell storms in the american mid west and south punching holes in the stratosphere and affecting the ozone layer over north america.![]()
Increased Risk of Ozone Loss above United States
Link to climate change
Exxon Mobil's climate model based on their research in the 1960s and 1970s has been spot on with observed data and projects a grim future. Currently in the legal system for lying to the public
Yes physics is cleary a psuedo science. Sun resolves around the earlth, newton was not hit on the head by an apple, calculus is just a game, Einstein, Hawkings, Oppenheimer, fermi, schrodinger was just another looney. Your position that physics is a psuedo science is on par with the catholic church in the 1600s. nobody expects the spanish inquisition
noI've been following Bjorn since 2018 listening to what he has to say. Clearly wants to mitigate any warning from climate scientists by saying don't worry.
Not because of CO2Climate is heading for 2.7 degree increase which will be amusing.
Do not misrepresent me & do not be so ridiculous.You are quite right water vapour is a clear danger to the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide is the basis for all life on the planet, C02 is not a pollutantUnfortunately we have also addesd giga tons of pollution in the form of carbon
Absorption of electromagnetic radiation by organic molecules has a logarithmic relationship to concentrationwhich heats the climate even more.because of the volume of emissions.
water vapor concentration is variable across latitude , longitude and altitudeSome quite interesting studies on the damage of water vapour being done by Dr James Anderson a chemical scientist at Harvard who worked on solving the ozone hole issue in Antarctica and now is seeing the large super cell storms in the american mid west and south punching holes in the stratosphere and affecting the ozone layer over north america.
And Exxon Mobil also very likely had research papers which took the opposite position the 1960s and 1970s as the climate lunacy did not start until the 1980sExxon Mobil's climate model based on their research in the 1960s and 1970s has been spot on with observed data and projects a grim future.
too funnyspot on with observed data
a court of law does not validate or invalidate a scientific hypothesisCurrently in the legal system for lying to the public
Yes physics is cleary a psuedo science.
there is nothing to cheer about wrt climate alarmismcheers
I suggest observing daily activities of rather than listening to climate scientists.I would suggest listening to Johan Rockstrom , Stefan Ramstorf, Michael Mann, Tim Lenton off the top of my head.
All physicists. Bjorn Lomborg is a follower of neo classical economics and seems to be in the camp of Nordhaus along with his friend William Toll. Neo classical economists have only recently accepted energy plays a key role in what we do within society and economies. Growth forever is their belief on a finite planet. Thus making them a religion more than an objective look at how things work.
The oil&gas industry made $1 trillion last year, there is no way they want to give that up.I suggest observing daily activities of rather than listening to climate scientists.
I am sure they do believe results of climate simulation showing that Earth triggering
tipping point of irreversible climate change within a decade can only be averted by
drastic reduction of global emission like 40 to 50% in the next few years.