Bringing gifts to sessions and leaving tips

Do you bring gifts to your session or leave tips?

  • I bring a gift (box of chocolate or alcohol)

    Votes: 19 15.1%
  • I leave a tip if service was good

    Votes: 27 21.4%
  • I leave a tip regardless of service quality

    Votes: 14 11.1%
  • I pay the agreed upon amount and nothing more

    Votes: 78 61.9%

  • Total voters
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Dec 26, 2021
Just curious what the popular custom is.

I see some reviews where people bring chocolate or wine to the appointment even if it’s the first time seeing the sp. I wonder how prevalent it is and if the gesture is appreciated by the sp’s in such a way that it materially improves the service provided.

Also, is the general assumption that we tip like we do with restaurants, 15% etc? Or a quick $20 after the session will suffice? If I already paid upfront how do I give the tip? After I pull my pants back up do I flip out a 20 out and throw it on the bed as I’m tightening my belt up?
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Well-known member
I never know what to bring as a gift so I just tip.
No ryhme nor reason as far as amount but it'll range from 50-500....but..those who insist on being paid. Upfront will not get as big a tip as those who are OK with after playtime...and IF she counts it infront of me before we start...NO TIP!..I personally feel insulted that she thinks I'd short change her


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2004
Niagara Region
I gave tips a few times because the SPs, some I still see regularly, are not just great in the service they provide but it's also their attitude. And everyone of them refused the tip I gave them. They appreciated the gesture but felt it was way too much. All of them of...class acts and I appreciate the time I spend with them.


Paul Allen

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2018
I don't do either.

However shoutouts to the dudes that do it, since I've gotten so much free chocolates and food from SPs that don't want that stuff.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I rarely leave tip or bring gift. Sometimes will bring some wine to share, and for a reg occasionally I’ve brought flowers/ plant if the impulse hit me and I felt it appropriate. A few occasions when a regular’s rates have gone up and they have “grandfathered” me with the old rate, I’ve just paid the new going rate, as I felt they deserved it, so I guess that’s sort of a “tip”.

At rates of 3-500/h I don’t feel pressure to tip, as the compensation for the service is quite generous.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I'll tip if I really enjoyed myself. Sometimes I'll bring a gift, but I don't believe I've ever done that on a first visit, and it's never generic. It'll be something I know she likes based on what I learned from her on earlier visits.
I actually find it tacky for ladies to have a gift list on their websites. It takes the organic nature of learning that first-hand out of the equation, and moreso commercializes it. At that point, I figure, I'm already paying for the session, why do a gift beyond that?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
For me it varies. Someone new I'll probably just pay the fee and that's it.
Someone I enjoy seeing I may bring chocolates or gift cards from a store I know she likes.

Once I get to know one some, I’ll think about things I know or they’ve mentioned and get that. Nor would it be most of the time. To me it lessons the gesture or might become “expected”.

A single truffle out of the blue, trumps a bed of roses on Valentine’s Day.
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Wait a second here. Isn't it the service provider who is suppose to tip the paying customer? My stockbroker always sends me a fruit basket every Christmas. Our company's lawyers/accountants invites me to lunch on a fairly regular basis. I also get Leaf/Raptor/Blue Jay tickets on a regular basis from my or the company's service providers.

I think some of you guys have it backwards.


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
With grocery prices being so high, the last little while I've tried to find out which stores are close to the lady's incall and bring a giftcard.

It's an appreciated gesture. One provider I see even said she always times her trips to buy groceries for whenever I'm coming to see her. I'll also include an Amazon or Uber giftcard. That's appreciated during duos as it covers the other lady's transportation to the lady who's hosting space.

I'll also bring a bottle of wine or six pack of beer to share together. The lady I just mentioned gave up alcohol so I've started bringing a bottle of sparkling fruit juice or apple cider.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I leave a tip if the service was exceptional. It is usually has the effect of turning the next session from a GFE to PSE.
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Active member
Jul 12, 2006
For me it varies. Someone new I'll probably just pay the fee and that's it.
Someone I enjoy seeing I may bring chocolates or gift cards from a store I know she likes.
Same here.

Remember the best tip any one in the service industry can get is a repeat customer. Once you get to know your service provider a bit, you find out things they like and then get gift cards accordingly (Tim Hortons is always a good choice) or a favourite treat of theirs.
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