Did you not read the article?
In plain English. Get tough on those who commit various gun related offenses for a change????????????Be that getting caught with one in a hoodie or smuggling them across the border, or selling them on the black market. Stop letting them out on bail so easily, stop reducing sentences, stop plea bargaining etc etc etc. Rocket science , I know. Give law enforcement, intelligence services, borders services the resources and tools they need for a change???Rocket science, I know.. Use the money that’s blown on pie in the sky feel good stuff for even more…Rocket science, I know…
Now it’s time for you to learn how to support your arguements. Show us, anything. We are woke these days, we use science and empirical data do we not? You got nothing! You guys, the left? Or is that only when it suits you….
However many pages this thread is now. You and those like you have been given stats, a
Examples of this and that. I’ve had to mans plain laws (our gun controls are good, there are not holes).Same old, same old. 30 years and running…
So your turn for a change.
Anything that’s supports your argument. . Because there are a not lot of mass shootings here and yes they use events in the States for their gain..more fear mongering..OMG mass shooting over there…and your quaking at the knees obviously…
In the last 10 years, I’ll even settle for 25 years. How many times has someone walked into a school and unleashed hell.
in the last 15 years, how many times has someone walked into a theatre, a hospital, a bar, and unleashed hell with an “AR”….
Then there’s…
Most horrific events here are traced to firearms from the US. Are you seriously that obtuse? But even then the stats……
What’s our gun death per capita????With and without gang related shooting.? You know show me something factual other than your emotional belief we aren’t safe. We are all about the science these days…… aren’t we??????
But I’m a pretty easy going guy. Even if, you somehow manage to still believe we aren’t safe. Are you afraid when you drive the 401. Do you lose sleep at night, worrying about a drunk driver killing you? Because the stats say…maybe you should be if you are so afraid of stuff…
Show me anything that supports your contention bans will work…Anything.And do keep in mind all police forces agree with me…. Please for the love of god don’t use small countries half way around the world or China as someone tried to. Shit they kill people for stealing gum…
Want to talk getting tough??That person made me laugh my ass off.
And if you think Canada is so unsafe. Why did you and 100,000s immigrate here every year..? Again, I can support my arguements. Have been.
And yes, it’s been this way for 30 years. Meanwhile…………………