The LGBTQ protest thread

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Anti-LGBTQ hate crimes and harassment are on the rise in the U.S.

A first-of-its-kind study on anti-LGBTQ hate crimes in the United States has recorded at least 356 targeted assaults and acts of vandalism and harassment, with drag artists, educators, and medical professionals most likely to be targeted.

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The right wingers are condemning the LGBTQ rights and these alt right wingers are hook and line in sink with these Neo-Nazis who are trying to suppress the LBBTQ Community!!

This MTG Woman seems okay with these Far Right Extremists!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Again, where do you get the stupid idea that gender reassignment is being done on children?
You are missing the point. A child isnt mature enough to make the choice to start the process. That's what the puberty blockers are. The start of a process that eventually leads to the surgery. You see if you tell a ten year old that they are transgerder, then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. And they will feel pressured to finish it.

Puberty blockers are intended ONLY to stop early onset puberty. It can(rarely) happen as low as 5 years. So thet use them for that, and I agree. But they were never intended for use with this. And shouldn't be used for this. Its wrong.

A child cannot make that choice.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
The right wingers are condemning the LGBTQ rights and these alt right wingers are hook and line in sink with these Neo-Nazis who are trying to suppress the LBBTQ Community!!

This MTG Woman seems okay with these Far Right Extremists!!
Yea but some of them are very fine people.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You seem to push stuff that bothers many people. Go for it...but in many scenarios in the real world, people must deal with what comes at them, legal or not. You see Frank, there are extremists out in the real world. I think you are too extreme on here. You probably think I read or listen to all the links you post but I don't. It's your words that are silly, so people like to limit your excessive trolling. You like to get away with little rabbit punches, swearing and name calling, but know that you and your kind will always be fringies that get beat in life. You know it too, and it hurts you. At any rate, I've helped and received help on lots of massage info. That is more import to normal people like myself. I'd sooner ask Mod123 to delete my account than waste more time with you and all the seemingly troubled individuals alike. Few others to list too but more importantly, my decades on earth hasn't brought wierdness to the world. Squeezer was getting away with laughing at those who passed away during covid given the lack of vaccinations they took. There is still so much unknown about those three years in question. The lot of you should know that many people will laugh at other people passing away, in other scenarios. It's not a tit for tat world where everything is apples to apples. Everytime you see push back to wierdness in the world, legal or not, know that the majority of people who keep normal things sacred will be laughing on the inside. I won't be able to see your response as I will ask Mod123 to delete my account and thank him too for dealing with all non-hobbying stuff. To all who value anything normal and good and who protect our children, thank you and take care.
'Reap what they sow'

That's what you said about the violent attack. Now you say they have to deal with what comes at them 'legal or not'.
There are extremists and social media is fostering them. But what you don't understand is that you are the extremist, not me.

I stand with our PM against this kind of violence, you say they 'reap what they sow' about terrorism against LGBTQ.



Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If we ever get to a point where trans women constitute a large percentage of champions in women's sports then the discussion would have some merit. As it is, even the world athletics admitted that they don't have a single case of a trans woman to base their recent policy on. It's a non-issue that the rage farmers use to get you hyped up and drive views.
Your post gets dumber and really want to wait for more trans to dominate the sport before it has merit? what the fuck are you smoking? how many trans has shown dominance in a few women's sports they have competed?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your post gets dumber and really want to wait for more trans to dominate the sport before it has merit? what the fuck are you smoking? how many trans has shown dominance in a few women's sports they have competed?
Totally imaginary.

Why don't you worry about something actually happening.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Totally imaginary.

Why don't you worry about something actually happening.
You're right...I must be imagining things.....
gays also live freely and safely in your beloved Gaza strip..


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You're right...I must be imagining things.....
gays also live freely and safely in your beloved Gaza strip..
Your first article says the rules are changing later this year so they won't be eligible any more.
World Athletics, in your second article, also changed their rules.

So those won't happen again.
Its an imaginary problem now.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
All we want is to get married, gay people said 😂

Post all LGBTQ protests and other pushbacks ITT.

Its gonna be a bad time for gays when catholics, christians and muslims have decided to start uniting against their movement.

FTR I am not against gay marriage per se.
But LGBTQ made a serious error the day they started indoctrinating kids into their movement, without parents consent.

I'll start with this:
Mr. Phil, I have to give you credit for starting this thread. You must have known you would be the target of vicious attacks by the wokies. Remember they have trade marked all the "phobias" and I think they used at least 3 against you.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Mr. Phil, I have to give you credit for starting this thread. You must have known you would be the target of vicious attacks by the wokies. Remember they have trade marked all the "phobias" and I think they used at least 3 against you.
If the shoe fits.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001

Who would you bet on in a game of 21; Lisa Leslie or Danny DeVito?
Danny DeVito is too old to be competitive against her.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are missing the point. ...
Wow. What a set of circular arguments.

- They are mutilating children (no one is performing sex changes on children)
- But they are giving puberty blockers ( not "mutilation" and studies don't show a permanent physiological impact)
- But they're mutilating children (no they're not)
- But you just don't understand

Obviously you don't have a coherent argument.

The reality: Children DON NOT get sex reassignment surgery, parents are heavily involved in decision making as are heavily trained professionals. there may be a few cases where young teens are allowed to make medical decisions without parental consent but for ever, Canadian law has allowed doctors to determine if a youth is able to make an informed decision but it is EXTREMELY rare that applies to anyone pre-pubescent.

The reality is your objections is simply based on your being uncomfortable with the idea of trans people. I have no clue how a person would feel that they're in the wrong body but that's their life to live. And I'd far rather trust the medical professionals who spend their lives studying these things than the ravings of a conspiracy theorist who just feels icky about it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your post gets dumber and really want to wait for more trans to dominate the sport before it has merit? ...
I want some hint of there being a reality before freaking out over it. There are plenty of REAL problems in the world to deal with first.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Wow. What a set of circular arguments.

- They are mutilating children (no one is performing sex changes on children)
- But they are giving puberty blockers ( not "mutilation" and studies don't show a permanent physiological impact)
- But they're mutilating children (no they're not)
- But you just don't understand

Obviously you don't have a coherent argument.

The reality: Children DON NOT get sex reassignment surgery, parents are heavily involved in decision making as are heavily trained professionals. there may be a few cases where young teens are allowed to make medical decisions without parental consent but for ever, Canadian law has allowed doctors to determine if a youth is able to make an informed decision but it is EXTREMELY rare that applies to anyone pre-pubescent.

The reality is your objections is simply based on your being uncomfortable with the idea of trans people. I have no clue how a person would feel that they're in the wrong body but that's their life to live. And I'd far rather trust the medical professionals who spend their lives studying these things than the ravings of a conspiracy theorist who just feels icky about it.
No, I never said children GET the surgery. I said that giving them puberty blockers PUTS THEM ON THE INEVITABLE road to surgery.

So the question is actually simple. Is a 10/11 year old boy or girl mentally and emotionally capable of making the decision to get surgery a decade later? When they are an adult but never went through puberty. And to be sterilized as an end result?

I say no.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The number of deaths from people jumping off balconies should be zero but I don't see you trying to ban balconies.

Trans athletes aren't a real issue, just an excuse to get zealots fired up.
They were enough to get banned by major sporting bodies. And you are strawman arguing again.

I fully support funding transgender surgery, and all of the steps leading up to it, including the drugs, councilling, support, all of it. I just don't support it until they are adults. Its a harder road. But a necessary one to ensure mistakes aren't made.
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