Where in Canada are gays getting beat up, or fired from their job regularly??It's less about them fucking other men than about them not getting the shit beat out of them or fired from their jobs for fucking other men, right?
Where in Canada are gays getting beat up, or fired from their job regularly??It's less about them fucking other men than about them not getting the shit beat out of them or fired from their jobs for fucking other men, right?
He's having a tough time deciding between ROTLMAO!!! or yawn.Didn't JC - who's an expert - say that no one bothers with Leviticus?!?!?
Jc, what's up with this?!
Have you been living on another planet.Where in Canada are gays getting beat up, or fired from their job regularly??
Heterosexual people get assaulted just as much, if not more.Have you been living on another planet.
But while many trends suggest Canada's LGBTQ population is growing, the report also cites threats facing LGBTQ Canadians — such as the recent spike in hate crimes targeting people for their sexual orientation.
In 2019, police reported 263 such incidents, a 41 per cent increase over the previous year and the highest total since 2009.
Violent crimes accounted for more than half of those reported incidents.
LGBTQ Canadians also may have experienced more economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic than non-LGBTQ people, the report said.
People in the 15 to 24 age bracket experienced the largest number of job losses of any group during the pandemic. Since that group accounts for such a large share of the LGBTQ population, "it is likely that [LGBTQ] Canadians may be disproportionately affected by job loss during the pandemic," the report says.
People who identify as LGBTQ also have lower average annual incomes than non-LGBTQ Canadians — $39,000 versus $58,000. That discrepancy could be explained in part by the fact that the LGBTQ population includes a large number of young people, who typically are not high-earners.
Heterosexual people get assaulted just as much, if not more.
And its against the law to fire a gay person because of their sexual orientation.
If gays are fired because of that the business owners should be taken to court.
No amount of woke bullshit is going to change a homophobic person into a tolerant person btw
You wanna talk stats?? Okay, lets do that.So apart from science and medicine you will do not believe in statistics.
That may be all well and good but it ignores virtually every rule of statistical analysis.You wanna talk stats?? Okay, lets do that.
I believe approximately 4% of Canadians identify as LGBT.
Thats about 1 million.
You said of those 1 million there were 263 hate crimes reported.
I think both you and I can agree that is awful and those should be prosecuted.
Now lets look at the rest of the population in Canada. We have 38 million people here.
In 2022 there were 219,000 assaults: https://www.google.ca/search?q=crime+statistics+canada+2022&lr=&safe=images&as_qdr=all&sxsrf=APwXEdf7_9h3UBVKk1Vbs9wGP9ncpxNuHw:1685811734967&ei=FnJ7ZJfPOsKrptQPj5OugA0&oq=canada+2022+crime+sta&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgAMggIABAWEB4QCjIICAAQigUQhgM6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgsILhCABBDHARCvAToHCAAQigUQQzoNCAAQigUQsQMQgwEQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6AggmOgYIABAWEB46CAgAEAgQHhANOgsIABAIEB4QDRDHA0oECEEYAFDcElinJGCgMGgCcAF4AIABxQGIAaAMkgEDNS45mAEAoAEBwAEByAEI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
That means 0.5% of Canadians were victim of an assault (219,000 divided by 38 million).
But also we have 1 million gay people and there were 263 hate crimes reported against them.
That means 0.03% were victims because of their sexual orientation .
So they are actually assaulted less than heterosexual people. A lot less, actually.
I'll give you another example. People on the TTC and in Toronto streets are assaulted daily, shot, lit on fire or stabbed to death.
None of them were gay AFAIK, neither were they targeted because the dressed or looked gay.
So why exactly do you feel gays need special protection (above and beyond what a regular Canadian citizen should get)??
Please state which statistic is wrong in your opinionThat may be all well and good but it ignores virtually every rule of statistical analysis
Not afraid at all.Why are you and your friends so afraid pf people who may be different than you or may not share your belifes or proclivities
The raw statistics you have quoted may or may not be correct. i have no idea. But statistical analysis is very different than just quoting raw data.Please state which statistic is wrong in your opinion
Not afraid at all.
People are just getting a bit tired of LGBTQ constantly portraying themselves as victims.
Also teaching LGBTQ to kids while they are still in kindergarten is wrong in most peoples opinion (at least sane people)
What specific issue are you referring to??Once again you have simply attempted to make an issue out of a non issue.
To kids in kindergarten who have no idea what sex is, yes that is wrong IMO.And yoy think that teaching tolernace for other who are diifernt at any age is wrong? What do you think they are teaching
I don't believe in statistics from Statistics Canada reported on the CBC with Trudeau at the helm of both agencies.So apart from science and medicine you will do not believe in statistics.
Life must be much easier when you only believe institutions and statistics which confirm your preexisting beliefs.I don't believe in statistics from Statistics Canada reported on the CBC with Trudeau at the helm of both agencies.
What do you find offensive about those books. Have you actually read any of them or just looked at covers.What specific issue are you referring to??
To kids in kindergarten who have no idea what sex is, yes that is wrong IMO.
Wait until they have reached age of consent
Well, there threats facing black people, Islam people, and Jewish people. Even Christian people. Not just LGBTQ people!!Have you been living on another planet.
But while many trends suggest Canada's LGBTQ population is growing, the report also cites threats facing LGBTQ Canadians — such as the recent spike in hate crimes targeting people for their sexual orientation.
In 2019, police reported 263 such incidents, a 41 per cent increase over the previous year and the highest total since 2009.
Violent crimes accounted for more than half of those reported incidents.
LGBTQ Canadians also may have experienced more economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic than non-LGBTQ people, the report said.
People in the 15 to 24 age bracket experienced the largest number of job losses of any group during the pandemic. Since that group accounts for such a large share of the LGBTQ population, "it is likely that [LGBTQ] Canadians may be disproportionately affected by job loss during the pandemic," the report says.
People who identify as LGBTQ also have lower average annual incomes than non-LGBTQ Canadians — $39,000 versus $58,000. That discrepancy could be explained in part by the fact that the LGBTQ population includes a large number of young people, who typically are not high-earners.
Have you looked at their education?This must be really disappointing to the Wokies. Now they can't get on their soapbox and yell that gay men earn less than straight men simply because they are gay.
Gay Men Used to Earn Less than Straight Men; Now They Earn More (hbr.org)
How does that change the fact that certain minorities are subjected to a disproportionately high number of attacks.Well, there threats facing black people, Islam people, and Jewish people. Even Christian people. Not just LGBTQ people!!
These books are offensive, because they're indoctrinating kids under 16. IMHO, once kids turn 16 yrs old, then they can do what they want!!What do you find offensive about those books. Have you actually read any of them or just looked at covers.
CBC is fake news!!Life must be much easier when you only believe institutions and statistics which confirm your preexisting beliefs.
Agreed…What if you peacefully take a knee during an anthem?No you're not a bad person if you don't fly the pride flag.....
Sure…boycott whatever you like. It’s not working. The world is changing and there is fuck all you guys can do about it.Neither are you if you choose not to shop at target or buy Budweiser products.
It’s part of our plan to trick you into turning trans.These rainbow crosswalks are another matter though. How much are they costing the taxpayer exactly? I don't see the point.