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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I pretty sure 99.999% of leftie( liberal) and Right wing conservatives are good and decent people with exception or some bad habit like going to a sex forum to paid for sex including me. Getting back to the topic of majority of liberals are decent people, unfortunately they may fall into a category ofuseful idiots !The govn’t like the commie was good at exploiting useful idiot!

My hope is provide the truth and the exposed corrupt system of lies and we ok join hand sing kumbya and then voted out the corrupt politicians before it too late to do anything about it!

If I am proven wrong then I will be the first to admit! Noting I probably the only person in this forum first to admit that I was wrong in believing Bush ( neocons & MSM) narrative of IRAQ WMD justification of IRAQ a war and millions of IRAQ children dies from sanctions and war! If enough voter have spoken out maybe this wouldn’t happen!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Funny how he complains about Ukraine Nazis and his posts are pretty much something found out of Der Sturmer or The Eternal Jew.
Now he is accusing them of trafficking organs, next, probably children, soon he will be posting video of rats while talking about Ukraine.
I wonder if he is crossing the line into hate speech and ban hammer territory

As time traveling Barney Stinson would say.

Dont like the facts proven to you? Then demonized the poster with typical tyrant tactic! Like calling them hate speech! Just like tweeter company tactics did to trump supporter!

Prove me I am not correct! NeoNazi sympathizer in Ukraine have statue of Nazi criminal and NeoNazis and street name and holiday name after them in UkrainE! I refuse to support Neo Nazi ideology or NeoNazi sympathizers that are in Ukraine government! End of story! I don’t like my Canadian tax money supporting a regime like that!

President Zelensky make a simple gesture to show the world that you are deNazifying like make it illegal for street name after known Nazis sympathizers or former Nazis leader or dead Nazis leader not be a holiday to be celebrated in Ukraine or parade showing nazis!

It clearly black and white ! Turn a blind eye to a Ukrainian evil regimE that have nazis hero figure , supports them or not to support them . Very easy choice to make for me to make ! Me not supporting NeoNazi or NeoNazis sympatizers !

All you majority of pro Ukrainian supporters turn a blind eye to it!

PS. I don’t Support a proxy war that have a potential to destroy the world affecting every living creature or human being in this planet …WWIII with nuke ? That ring a bell ? Just look at the doomday clock!!
PPS. All politicians lies… including right & left! It alway important to pick your battle . My battles is exposing the lies including Climate change too !
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
To be fair, Jcpro is just not at addicts level. I mean he puts in a good effort, but...
I agree, Addict is on a level all by himself. CanadaMan came close during COVID but still, didn't reach Addicts level. I remember as PornAddict he was running amock over ivermectin. It was very entertaining but now considering what is happening with innocent people being slaughtered it is psychotic what he is buying into.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Do you even believe what you are saying?
Yes! What not believable! You harvest organ from live wounded patients and then use drone to the nearest hospital. Blood and tissue closet match done in hospital lab setting…The donor tissue are compare in common database for donors in computericed program ! Then wwhen match is found. Phone or if need to be pager a doctor to ready a patient and meantime FedEx it out to where it needed to !

Then the use immunosuppressant drug can be help extend the life after the transplant! What not impossible about that
Nothing I says here is not impossible!

Where theRe is potential big money involved and in a corrupt system or corrupt country like Ukraine it is possible!
So who ever wrote that article in first place it is believable. But also it a possibility that it is a good fake news too ! That I can’t discount!
You can take it as face value or just ignore it!
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Snatch Stealer
May 10, 2023
How Addict2Sex thinks Ukrainian heart transplants are done :LOL:



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I agree, Addict is on a level all by himself. CanadaMan came close during COVID but still, didn't reach Addicts level. I remember as PornAddict he was running amock over ivermectin. It was very entertaining but now considering what is happening with innocent people being slaughtered it is psychotic what he is buying into.
“ It was very entertaining but now considering what is happening with innocent people being slaughtered it is psychotic what he is buying into.” Maybe you can consider the reverse! How many innocent people die because of your narrative!

Over 300 COVID-19 Papers Withdrawn For Not Meeting Standards Of Scientific Soundness

Authored by Jessie Zhang via The Epoch Times

Research journals have withdrawn well over 300 articles on COVID-19 due to compromised ethical standards and concerns about the publications’ scientific validity.

A scientist uses a microscope to look at cells containing the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 at the Stabilitech laboratory in Burgess Hill south east England on May 15, 2020. (Ben Stansall/Getty Images)

Retraction Watch has provided a running list of withdrawn papers on COVID-19 ranging from “Acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19” to “Can Your AI Differentiate Cats from COVID-19?”

A total of 330 research papers have currently been retracted.

During the pandemic, researchers have compromised on ethical standards and tried to either get more publications approved or to take shortcuts around ethics, senior researcher Gunnveig Grødeland at the Institute of Immunology at the University of Oslo says, after going through the list of articles that have been withdrawn, and the reasons for some of them.

Hundreds of papers on COVID-19 that did not meet standards of editorial and scientific soundness have been removed. (Kena Betancur/Getty Images)

While it is quite natural for some articles to be updated or changed to be published in a different form, some have been retracted because the researchers did not obtain informed consent during the research.

“It will, of course, be withdrawn when it is found that ethical guidelines have been breached,” Grødeland told Khrono, a Norwegian higher education and research newspaper.

She pointed out that other articles have been withdrawn after the editors noticed that the strategies the papers mentioned were giving the wrong impression in the media of being recommended as actual treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

She said these sorts of articles had to be withdrawn as they claimed things that neither the authors of the articles nor their institutions could vouch for.

In addition, some studies did not include a large enough sample size.

When more subjects were included, the researchers could no longer maintain the same conclusions they made earlier about the effect of the drugs.

“A Little Out of Hand”
Grødeland said that part of the reason this happened during the pandemic was that relatively more people suddenly started conducting research on a topic they really knew relatively little about.

Even prestigious journals such as the Lancet were publishing those articles.

One of Lancet’s studies even caused both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the national government to stop the comprehensive testing of hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against COVID-19.

The extensive Lancet study, allegedly based on research fraud, said that the drug increased the risk of heart arrhythmia and mortality for COVID-19 patients.

Read more here...

PS. How many people die of because of the lies ??? Medical paper wouldn’t have withdrawn if it was fact and research was done properly and politics was not involved!

PPS. Famous tactics of leftie … Trying to demonized me ? You now look lIke you eaten a mouthful of crow! LOL !
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
How Addict2Sex thinks Ukrainian heart transplants are done :LOL:

I think it is funny too! Now that good funny video!! Heart transplant goes to anyone are in the waiting list not only to “Ukrainian receiptants “ by the way! There probably a worldwide donor base or EU donors base or American database for donors! I give you credit of making me laugh so hurt!!!
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And in this photo, Steven Segal teaches Lukashenko how to suck a big dick, using a carrot as a teaching aid.

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
I agree, Addict is on a level all by himself. CanadaMan came close during COVID but still, didn't reach Addicts level. I remember as PornAddict he was running amock over ivermectin. It was very entertaining but now considering what is happening with innocent people being slaughtered it is psychotic what he is buying into.
More crow for you open your mouth wide! Tired of losing ?
Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died Of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show

MONDAY, MAY 29, 2023 - 06:20 AM
Authored by Lia Onely via The Epoch Times,
Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.
“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.
Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.
“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,” Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.
“Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he added.
The MOH did respond to a request for comment.

Freedom of Information Request
The information was sparked by a freedom of information request filed by attorney Ori Xabi, who has been filing several such requests as he seeks to obtain information from the MOH regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 policies.
Xabi asked to know the average age of people who died of COVID-19, segmented by vaccination status at the time of death; how many COVID-19 patients with no underlying morbidities under the age of 50 died; and the annual number of cardiac arrest cases between 2018 to 2022.
According to the MOH response, the average age of vaccinated COVID-19 patients who died was 80.2 years. The average for the unvaccinated was 77.4 years.
The MOH emphasized that the data they have about the underlying diseases of patients is partial since it relies on information provided by the patients or their relatives, if they chose to do so. And then, only in cases in which the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation.
Therefore “the available information does not necessarily reflect the health status of the patient” the MOH wrote adding that they do not have access to the patients’ medical records.
It is not clear why the MOH responded to Xabi’s request using only cases where the MOH had conducted an epidemiological investigation, and which was limited to deceased patients where the families had cooperated, since in 2020 the MOH told the Israeli Knesset—the Israeli parliament—that they use an intelligence system that provides the MOH with extensive information about deceased patients that included “underlying diseases.”
A document (pdf) from the Knesset Research and Information Center, dated June 7, 2020, stated that the MOH provided data to the Special Committee for the New COVID Virus about COVID-19 deaths—298 by that day at 4:30 p.m.—at the request of Yifat Shasha-Biton, a member of the Knesset, and the chair of that committee.
The ministry’s intelligence system has data on gender, age, district of residence, and the underlying diseases of the deceased, according to the document. The system showed that about 94 percent of the deceased were 60 years or older and that there were no deceased with zero underlying diseases.
In addition, on May 4, 2020, the Medical Directorate of the MOH in a letter (pdf) issued instructions to the heads of the hospitals and the medical departments of the Health Maintenance Organizations—national health care organizations—on how to fill out COVID-19 death notices, directing them to include underlying diseases.
In a December 22, 2020 letter (pdf) the Medical Directorate to the managers of the hospitals stated that for every COVID-19 patient who died during the acute phase or due to complications of the illness later, or people who were positive for COVID-19 who died, a death notice and a summary of the case “must be sent to the COVID war room of the MOH.”
They said the purpose was “to improve surveillance.”
“It’s a bit naive” for the MOH to say they do not have the full data and access to the death certificates said Yehezkelli, who was also a founder of a team that advises the MOH’s director general.
Yet this response from the MOH is meaningful, said Yehezkelli as “it finally reveals the truth.”

A health worker administers a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to a pregnant woman at Clalit Health Services, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Jan. 23, 2021. (Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)

‘False Presentation’
Studies and other data, including a study led by Stanford epidemiologist John Ioannidis, show that COVID-19 mortality, even with the original variant, was largely age-dependent.
“It was definitely a disease that actually only endangered the elderly,” Yehezkelli said.
Over the age of 60, mortality doubled every 5 years while under that age mortality was negligible, and “now we really see that it was zero under the age of 50, at least.”
The MOH’s response showed that the average age of the COVID-19 deceased is about 80 years of age, which also indicates that “this is a disease of the elderly, almost exclusively,” said Yehezkelli.
“That only means that what we were told for 3 years was not true,” he said.
There may not have been many young people who got seriously ill, yet the MOH had emphasized cases of pregnant women hospitalized in critical condition and young healthy people who died because of COVID-19. It was not the true situation, he said.
“They created a false presentation of a very severe epidemic that affects the entire population and therefore the entire population should also be vaccinated, regardless of age,” said Yehezkelli.
If we are talking about people under the age of 50 that means that no pregnant women actually died of COVID-19, he said.
The justification given for vaccinating pregnant women, young people, and children was that they too are affected by COVID-19.
It was known back then that this was not the case “and we now see it clearly,” Yehezkelli said, asserting that the MOH has “lost the public’s trust” by making a “false presentation” of the dangers of COVID-19.
Cardiac Arrest Data
In response to Xabi’s recent FOI, the MOH provided the number of cardiac arrest cases from 2018 to 2020. They added, “The information for the years 2021–2022 does not exist in the office.”
The MOH explained that “The registration of the causes of death of deceased persons is carried out, in accordance with the notification of death,” by the Central Bureau of Statistics, adding “the data for the years 2021–2022 have not yet been transferred to the Ministry of Health.”
A study published in April 2022 that analyzed the dataset of the Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) found a 25 percent increase in EMS calls due to cardiac arrests among 16- to 39-year-olds between January–May 2021.
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout began in December 2020.
Retsef Levi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, was one of the researchers of the study.
The MOH objected to the findings of the study in a post on Twitter where they said that “there is no connection between the EMS calls that were analyzed in the study and the COVID vaccines.”
In a MOH webinar on Oct. 8, 2021, about the effectiveness and the safety of the COVID vaccines, Dr. Sharon Elroy-Pries, the head of Public Health Services at the Israel MOH said regarding Levi’s study: “This is one of the biggest fake news I have seen.”
“The National Center for Disease Control did a very comprehensive analysis—including of the data of that study, [which were] EMS calls,” she said adding that “there was nothing. No more [cases of] heart attacks. No more calls to the ER.”
She continued by saying that “in the mortality data from the beginning of 2021, you don’t see an increase in mortality except for COVID mortality. That is, if we look at excess mortality in the State of Israel we see it precisely at the peaks that were peaks of [COVID] morbidity in the State of Israel.”
“When you remove the … morbidity from COVID at all ages, one sees either the same mortality rate as in previous years, or less,” she said, adding “there is no increase in heart attacks here.”

Sharon Alroy-Preis, the head of Public Health Services at the Israel Ministry of Health at the Health Committee meeting to discuss special powers to deal with COVID-19 in Jerusalem on Feb. 6, 2023. (Dani Shem Tov / Knesset)
In a February 2023 meeting of the Health Committee of the Knesset for extending the COVID special powers law, Elroy-Pries reiterated that the MOH does have access to COVID mortality data.
“COVID has killed over 12,000 people in the State of Israel,” she said at the meeting, explaining further that this figure is known since “from the beginning of the epidemic, the Medical Directorate received people’s death certificates.”
When asked about whether there is an increase in cardiac arrest cases in Israel among young people, Elroy-Pries said, “We do not see an increase in the death of young people,” adding “We’re checking it. We’re looking for it.”
Levi said to The Epoch Times that the MOH attacked him personally and the EMS, and asked “If they don’t have data for 2021 and 2022 [according to the FOI], then how can they know that they don’t have an increase [in cardiac arrests]?”
When the MOH says things that are contrary to science, said Levi, or are “contrary to the facts on a regular basis, you must ask yourself the question: are they doing it because they didn’t bother to read the science, or are they doing it even though they … read the science.”
“Both scenarios are very serious,” he added.
Vaccines Saved ‘Millions Around the World’: MOH
The MOH did not reply to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.
Yet about 2 hours after sending the request on May 25, the agency posted on its Twitter account a statement regarding Xabi’s FOI.
“Following the manipulation that has been taking place in recent days regarding one of the Ministry of Health’s [reply to] Freedom of Information requests, we will clarify that the answers to the requests submitted under the Freedom of Information Law are, naturally, answered directly to the specific question that was asked.
“In this case, the ministry was asked about mortality data and underlying diseases. The Ministry of Health ‘does not have’ access to the medical file [of patients], therefore information is only based on cases where an epidemiological investigation was carried out and the person or his family answered the question [regarding underlying morbidities]. Therefore, this is very limited information. This was of course clearly written in the answer [to the FOI].
“We will clarify: So far, 356 young people (18–49 years of age) have died of COVID.
“Of these, only about half have documentation of an epidemiological investigation (184 deceased).
“And only 7.5% (27 deceased) included an answer to the question regarding underlying diseases. The answer was provided based on this information.

“The Ministry of Health is committed to maintaining the health of all citizens and making the information available in the Ministry transparently. This is how we acted [so far] and will continue to act.
“We must not forget that the COVID epidemic has so far killed more than 12,500 people in Israel, caused severe and critical morbidity, and post-COVID symptoms that accompany some of those recovering to this day.
“The vaccination campaign began in the midst of a third lockdown that resulted from an increase in morbidity and mortality and the opening of the economy was made possible thanks to the activation of the green passport, which its purpose was to reduce the risk of infection in mass events.
“The vaccines have saved thousands of people in the state of Israel and millions around the world—the attempt to rewrite history is dangerous.”
Following an administrative appeal filed by Xabi and colleagues, the MOH committed to publishing all-cause mortality segmented by vaccination status and age by the end of this month.
This appeal is an ongoing case that followed a FOI request submitted to the MOH on Oct. 10, 2021, which was not answered within the time frame according to Israeli law, and the data provided by the agency during a number of hearings since has been incomplete.

Straight from the W.H.O. itself:

"Covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis"


New diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the setting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine exposure

PS. We didn’t need to destroy our economy , and my only hope we learn from our mistakes and stop the political madness , not politicizing medincinE, just follow the medical data and learn from our mistake!
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
More crow for you open your mouth wide!

Straight from the W.H.O. itself:

"Covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis"


New diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in the setting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine exposure
HAHAHAHA, you fall so easily to spin, nonsense and bullshit eh?



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
HAHAHAHA, you fall so easily to spin, nonsense and bullshit eh?

Ok you win on this MS. But Israel study proofs we didn’t shutdown our economy ! So you lose big time on this!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Addy, you know Dr John Campbell is a notorious ivermectin scammer and COVID quack, huh?

1) Dr. john Campbell is a respected medical doctor! Now using references from wikpedia which any university or colleges and high School will give you an F in a term paper! 2) if Dr. John Campbell MD is a covid quack he would had his medicine license taken away! So you lose! See previous post on all 300 medical papers that got withdrawn!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
1) Dr. john Campbell is a respected medical doctor! Now using references from wikpedia which any university or colleges and high School will give you an F in a term paper! 2) if Dr. John Campbell MD is a covid quack he would had his medicine license taken away! So you lose! See previous post on all 300 medical papers that got withdrawn!
He's not even a fucking doctor. Read the Wiki article.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
He's not even a fucking doctor. Read the Wiki article.
Anything post by wikipedia is unreliable…don’t you know that!
I pretty sure I can find some medical book that Dr john Campbell author! Also in the past he had a medical book that you can download for free! He even offered in YouTube and probably I can find it in Amazon too.
Dont make me look for information that make you look like a fool and you b forced to eat crow!

PS. One time during the padmenic I watched one of his videos and he show his medical book he written an he used to teach it to his students at the facuity of medicine students at his university In England. I look at the pdf book was going to download since it was free but in the end changed my mind .


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Anything post by wikipedia is unreliable…don’t you know that!
I pretty sure I can find some medical book that Dr john Campbell author! Also in the past he had a medical book that you can download for free! He even offered in YouTube and probably I can find it in Amazon too.
Dont make me look for information that make you look like a fool and you b forced to eat crow!
He's not a doctor. Go look it up, then come back and say "sorry".


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
He's not a doctor. Go look it up, then come back and say "sorry".
If I waste my time and proof you wrong you going to says sorry? That mean I have to go back all his John campbell video in you tube and try to find his video and then get the link of his medical book he author! That going take me at least by the end of week to prove you I am right!

PS. Very tempted to make you eat crow!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
If I waste my time and proof you wrong you going to says sorry? That mean I have to go back all his John campbell video in you tube and try to find his video and then get the link of his medical book he author! That going take me at least by the end of week to prove you I am right!
Oh, I can prove you're an idiot right now. I can post something from Campbell that proves you're a fool.
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